
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 18/2/2004



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Defence Minister candidate

Defence Minister candidate

Defence Minister candidate

Defence Minister candidate

Law on Rights

Additions to FBiH Budget

SIPA establishment

Change of DPA

Collection of tax revenues

RS Parities/ statement

Additions to FBiH Budget

Statement on Political Will

BiH foreign trade deficit

Education of Minorities

Meeting of 12 BiH Parties

Meeting of HoR BiH



Branko Stevic will not be Defence Minister; Mevludin Halilovic again threatened with dismissal

Dnevni Avaz

Veterans lists to go for revision!; Last warning to Halilovic

Dnevni List

Dodik: Preservation of Republika Srpska and Dayton agreement; International auditors in Mostar’s municipalities: Financial operations of municipalities are most intriguing

Vecernji List

Tax people will take 500 million KMs from thieves; Preparations for Mostar investment conference: Investors are coming; Dokic: We will find people to financiers for Corridor 5C

Slobodna Dalmacija

New international conference for change of Dayton is being prepared: BiH becomes three-fold federation

Glas Srpske

Will Srebrenica become deserted – Authority on remote control; Terzic does not want Stevic; Theological school on it’s foundations; Two roads for Dayton; He killed brother; Black market takes profit; Mister Ugly

Nezavisne Novine

Initiative to help poor children – For 500 smiles; Sredoje Novic, SIPA Director – We were requested to employ personnel appropriate in political terms; Mirko Grahovac on PMP Cajavec – All employees will get salaries; Appointment of BiH Minister of Defence – Adnan Terzic rejects Branko Stevic’s nomination; German GTZ prepares Law for RS – Property will be taken away from war time profiteers; Investigation on Visas affair with RS officials – Police didn’t find persons who “applied” for visas


Media campaign against SDS candidate for Ministerial post; Acetic acid affair: Laboratories for heroin discovered


Defence and security issues

Terzic demands Paravac to give a new name for BiH Defence Minister






























RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Branko Stevic cannot be defence minister’, Nezavisne novine pg 5 ‘Adnan Terzic rejects Branko Stevic’s nomination’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘New name of candidate for BiH Defense Minister’, Blic pg 13 ‘Media wrecking Branko Stevic’, Vecernje Novosti pg 5 ‘Selection under shadow of allegations’ – Chairman of the Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic has asked Serb member of the BiH Presidency Borislav Paravac to put forward another candidate for the first state Defence Minister. “High Representative Paddy Ashdown and his office, as well as Paravac’s office, know about my decision already, and I expect to be given the name of another candidate”, Adnan Terzic said. Candidate to date was Branko Stevic, former wartime chief of Bijeljina Police, who was accused of participating in murders of Bosniaks.

Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4&5 ‘Branko Stevic will not be Defence Minister’ – In a statement for daily, Terzic said: “I have analyzed Stevic’s war past additionally, and I established that his appointment to the position of defence minister would slow down BiH admission to NATO’s Partnership for Peace program.”

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘OHR’s support to Prime Minister’, FENA – OHR welcomes the decision by Adnan Terzic not to nominate Branko Stevic as the candidate of the ruling coalition for the position of the BiH defence minister. OHR is impatiently waiting for the new candidate, whose qualities will indicate that the ruling coalition is serious about establishing an efficient State ministry of defence and BiH’s admission into the Partnership for Peace, was announced by OHR.

BHTV 1 – Paravac cabinet believes the decision oversteps the powers of Adnan Terzic, despite being supported by the OHR, whose spokesperson Vedran Perisic said that OHR will hold responsible not the individual party, but entire ruling Coalition of SDA, SDS and HDZ for nominated names. However, from the Cabinet of Borislav Paravac it was stated that those appointments are a matter of agreement between ruling parties and advisor to the Presidency member.

RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Paravac doesn’t understand why was Stevic disputable?’ – “Letter of Mr. Terzic is a little bit strange, because that decision has been reached at level of BiH leadership and entities, where position of Minister of Defence is assigned to Serb while other positions to other entities. Paravac requested Terzic for explanation for such a decision, whether reason is political or professional. In consultation with other important RS officials, Paravac will provide with new candidate when he receives explanation from Terzic. We want to know is this Terzic’s opinion or OHR’s opinion?” said Drago Vukovic, adviser to Serb member of Presidency Borislav Paravac.

BHTV1 – Instead of Stevic, the SDS may nominate one of the following four candidates for the post of the Defence Minister: Aleksandar Savic, head of Visegrad municipality; Ljubomir Ljubojevic, head of Bijeljina municipality; Slobodan Radulj, legal affairs advisor in the office of Borislav Paravac; and Dragan Kapetina, military affairs advisor in the office of Borislav Paravac.

Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4&5 ‘Branko Stevic will not be Defence Minister’ – According to Oslobodjenje, Slobodan Radulj was a JNA member and participated the war in Croatia in 1991, while later he was advisor to the war crimes indictee Milan Kovacevic, former Head of Prijedor municipality. As for Kapetina, daily says that he was appointed to the advisor position by Mirko Sarovic. 

FTV – FTV claims that the SDS has prepared the list of names for MoD candidates, which includes Dragan Kapetina, Milovan Stankovic and Savo Sokanovic.

Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Reforms without reformists’ op-ed by Antonio Prlenda – Editoral reads that new delays around the appointment of MoD is a big difficulty for BiH keeping in mind very tight deadlines in order to satisfy all conditions to join PfP. Therefore, author asks why SDS nominated a person whose past was so disputable, wondering whether this could have been done on purpose in order to ‘extend RS own life.’

Accusations against Branko Stevic and Bijeljina police

Oslobodjenje pgs 4&5 ‘Stevic must answer where are missing Bosniaks’ – Chief of FBiH Missing Persons Commission Amor Masovic claims that the “responsibility of [Branko] Stevic is not questionable, but not only regarding mentioned crimes [note: initial accusations by Children Embassy refer to murder of children from 4 Bosniak families].”

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Does he know that Arkan’s troops raped, than slaughtered 13 years old girl’ – Masovic added: “If he is not directly responsible for killings, torturing, persecution, than Stevic should publicly explain what he did to investigate the murders of six Isic family members,…13 Sarajlic family members, 4 of Sejmenovic, 3 of Sajtovic, etc.” Bodies of victims were exhumed a year and a half ago in the city gravesite in Sremska Mitrovic. According to Avaz’s reliable BiH judiciary sources, ICTY Prosecution asked Serbia and Montenegro to submit them documents on the exhumations in Sremska Mitrovica. Source claims that Prosecution is interested to investigate war crimes in Bijeljina.

Dnevni List pg 8 ‘Stevic took part in ethnic cleansing’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 8 ‘Stevic cannot be Defense Minister’, – With regard to the proposal that Branko Stevic becomes the first BiH Defense Minister, SDU BiH Vice President, Sejfudin Tokic, stated that this was utterly irresponsible from SDA, SDS and HDZ leaders and that Stevic was the Chief of the Bijeljina Police at the time when ethnic cleansing and numerous crimes took place.

Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘The truth about Bijeljina’ op-ed by Daniel Omeragic – Author praises the withdrawal of Branko Stevic’s candidacy.

Beecroft on defence reforms

Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Membership to the Partnership for Peace is not being gifted’ by Mersiha Drinjakovic – In an interview to DA, Head of OSCE Mission in BiH, Ambassador Robert Beecroft was asked to comment on what will happen with BiH during and after the NATO June summit in Istanbul: “There will be very important measures of BiH seriousness, and the international community cannot and will not impose them… Can this country afford being seen as an island within a moving tide?… It took a long time to nominate a name for Defence Minister. However, there is still a lot to be done for us to be sure we are prepared for NATO’s Summit in Istanbul in June… If BiH should be admitted to PfP, we have to see certain vision and leadership, because Partnership for Peace is not a gift or one-way street.”   

Halilovic warned to deal with FBiH MoI situation


Nezavisne novine pg 2 ‘Halilovic was threaten with dismissing’, FTV – Representatives of OHR and EUPM held three hours meeting with FBiH Minister of Interior, Mevludin Halilovic, in Sarajevo. FTV said it learnt that the representatives of the international community warned Halilovic that he must urgently improve the security situation, as well as the situation in the Federation’s Interior Ministry, or otherwise risk a dismissal. Minister has also been accused for involvement of politics in operational work of the Police. Halilovic is also criticized for involving politics in the operational police work. In a statement to our TV, Minister Halilovic denies that this was the message of the international community’s representatives: “I think this must be corroborated by facts, by proper evidence. If there are such objections, I am at their disposal. But I believe these are arbitrary accusations and I do not accept them. Those who say there is an involvement – [changes thought] I do not think it is political involvement if one insists on the implementation of the law. As for the operational work, I think I have not meddled in the activities of the operatives, or of any other unit.”

Oslobodjenje cover, pg 3 ‘Mevludin Halilovic treatened against with the dismissal’ – “OHR in October already warned Halilovic that he must not let politics to interfere with the work of police, but since than Minister has been leading a true little administrative war against police officers”, stated an international official who wanted to stay anonymous. The same source said it was not excluded that HR Paddy Ashdown would dismiss Halilovic from the position. Among other things, the source said that at the time when they carried out operational activities, police officers were switched off the phone due to the Ministry’s failure to pay for telephone service. This followed after Minister refused to approve key items in the budget, which prevent payment of overtime work, travel and telephone costs.

Dnevni Avaz cover ‘Last warning to Halilovic’, pg 4 ‘Halilovic sent the last warning’ – Avaz’s source also confirmed that HR Paddy Ashdown would dismiss Halilovic.

Milisic on FBiH MoI

Blic pg 12 ‘Ashdown removes the Federation of BiH Interior Minister’ – “OHR fully supports measures of the Federation of BiH police undertaken in fighting crime in Sarajevo”, OHR stated for Blic on Tuesday. Nevertheless, according to OHR Spokesperson Oleg Milisic, OHR “is concerned over the fact that the FBiH Interior Minister, Mevludin Halilovic, was making the police work more difficult and was obstructing its work and aspirations to narrow down the circle of crime and criminals.” Asked to say whether media announcements on the possibility that Ashdown would remove Halilovic, Milisic stated: “At this moment we can confirm only that we had informed the Minister on our stances.”

FBiH Commission on Security to visit FBiH MoI

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Does Miletvic leads investigation into FMoI Minister’ – Next week, members of the FBiH Parliament’s Commission for defence and security will visit FBiH Interior Ministry, in order to meet with Minister Mevludin Halilovic and FBiH Police Director Zlatko Miletic and discuss current situation. President of the Commission Sead Delic explains for DA that the reasons for the visits were following: “We have letter by Tarik Djodic, in which he explains that the filed criminal charges against him were published in the newspapers, and that presents a serious problem of giving away business secrets from FBiH MoI. In addition, the plan for this year was sent by the police director and not the minister, which is not according to the law.” The third reason, says Delic, is the letter by Minister Halilovic in which he complains of the constant discrimination against him, and he claims that Miletic commenced internal investigation against him.

OHR, EUPM urge for fully operational SIPA

FTV by Tomislav Djuric – OHR demands from the Council of Minsiters to establish crucial national security institutions, which will provide with ability to fight organized crime. In two days, CoM is expected to discuss the Law on the State Investigation and Protection Agency, which is already established as the State Information and Protection Agency [SIPA]. The difference is not just in the names, but also jurisdictions which should make SIPA to enable BiH Court and Prosecutions to deal with to the biggest criminal activities. Current SIPA Law determines its jurisdiction in only three fields: protection of very important persons; protection of important institutions; and collecting data on crime activities. Law urged by OHR to be passed will give SIPA broader authorities, and will additionally include crime investigations, witness protection, finances and information work, special support and internal control.  “Comparing to present solutions in Law, this [new] Law truly gives much broader authorities to this agency, popularly named SIPA, because by this Law it is given police authorities”, said Barisa Colak, BiH Security Minister, adding: “The most significant thing for this Agency is that it has authority to investigate and prevent crimes from jurisdiction of BiH Prosecution and BiH Court, and in fact those are the heaviest crimes – war crimes, terrorism, organized crime, trafficking in people and especially significant crimes of financial nature.”

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘BIH is the only state in Europe without police agency at the state level’, Nezavisne novine cover, pg 4 ‘We were requested to employ politically acceptable personnel’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Council of Ministers and Minister Djeric at move’, Blic pg 12 ‘The Law on SIPA late’ – OHR Spokesperson Vedran Persic stated “BiH is the only country in Europe that does not have a state level police agency with responsibility to fight serious and organised crime, and this is one of the reasons that BiH is being used by organised crime as a base and a corridor into Europe.”

Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘SIPA needed right now’ – EUPM stated that the organised crime in BiH underscores the urgent need for an operational SIPA in BiH as soon as possible. Noting that on several occasions the elected authorities in BiH have hampered the establishment of SIPA rather than promoting it, EUPM Spokesperson Lena Anderson stated EUPM will in co-ordination with OHR continue to push for a strong SIPA in order to fight organised crime with modern police methods. In addition, EUPM urged local authorities to solve the issue of the premises for SIPA headquarters in Sarajevo.

NN in with SIPA Director Novic


Nezavisne novine cover, pg 4 ‘We were requested to employ politically acceptable personnel’ – “SIPA has been verbally attacked because we rejected suggestions to employ personnel appropriate in political terms instead of professionals”, stated SIPA Director, Sredoje Novic in an interview with NN. He doesn’t think that SIPA will take over competencies of RS and FBiH Ministries of Interior. “SIPA will be responsible for criminal acts which are in jurisdiction of BiH Court and Prosecutor’s Office”, said Novic. SIPA still hasn’t solved accommodation problem. Contract with Zrak hasn’t been signed yet.

SFOR still questions Zeljko Jankovic

FTV, BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Soon SFOR action?’, FENA – “Zeljko Jankovic is still being questioned in a secure SFOR facility, and SFOR is extremely satisfied with the level of cooperation and information being gathered during the questioning process”, told at the press conference SFOR spokesperson Dave Sullivan. He said this information continues to form the basis of further operations that will take place in the near future, against persons indicted for war crimes and their support networks. “Once we are completely satisfied with the questioning process, we will determine his final disposition”, said Sullivan.


Economic and social issues

FBiH PM Hadzipasic announces better collection of revenues











RHB, FTV, BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Hadzipasic and Vrankic seek assistance’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘BiH can grab over half a billion KM from criminals’, Vecernji List front pg splash ‘Tax people will take 500 million KMs from thieves’,  pg 3 ‘Hadzipasic: We will take 500 million KMs from criminals’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Better salaries for employees in Customs and Tax administration’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 20 ‘We will snatch 300 million marks from thieves’  – FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic and FBiH Minister of Finance Dragan Vrankic held a working meeting on Tuesday with representatives of the BiH Indirect Taxation Authority, FBiH Customs and Tax Administrations, FBiH Ministries of Interior and Trade, and the FBiH Intelligence Security Service. Following the meeting, Hadzipasic repeated his announcement made recently that FBiH Government will “grab 300 million KM” from the criminals. At the meeting, the plan of activities in this regard was agreed, and the goal is effective control and collecting of FBiH budgetary revenue. As of Tuesday, the control at the border crossings and control of traders of high-tariff goods will be increased. Together with previously announced increase in the taxes, Hadzipasic said he hoped these measures would be a ground to fill the budget and to use those means for payments of pensions, wages, disability benefits and stimulation of agriculture. FBiH Prime Minister also stressed essential cooperation with RS and Brcko District authorized institutions. That coordination could become a difficulty, as the Government sent nineteen of initiatives like this one is to the Council of Ministers but nothing was done. “There are some obstructions; the interests are not the same. We will try… to create that kind of ambient, so that we would realise that trough one, a single economic space everyone wins and politics should do its job”, said Dragan Vrankic. 

OHR, WB and FBiH officials discuss draft Veterans Law

FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘OHR and the World Bank against two separate funds’, Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Croat representatives demand audit of disability pays before adoption of law’– Working group, consisting of Bosniak and Croat members including Minister for Veterans Issues Ibrahim Nadarevic, tasked to prepare Veterans Law, on Tuesday met with the representatives of the international community to discuss the draft FBiH Veterans Law. Both OHR and WB said that “any solution based on two funds and a separate systems for determining the benefits for two components is unacceptable to OHR and WB.”

Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Veterans lists will go for revision!’, pg 4 ‘Revision of veterans lists agreed’ – The meeting was also held to harmonize attitudes on the procedure to revise the lists of all invalid protection beneficiaries. The special attention was paid to the procedure of issuing the certification of being a member of armed forces and on the conditions under which current users of invalid protection suffered injuries. This was confirmed by Ibrahim Nadarevic to DA: “After a bit opposing opinions, we agreed to have legal experts on Thursday to draft operational act which would be acceptable for both sides. In the same way, we would carry out revision, that is to [have] secured introduction to the Veterans Law”. Nadarevic added that the meeting did not discuss 310 million KM envisaged for these purposes, as adopted by FBiH HoR Bosniak representatives.

RHB – However, International Institutions are of opinion that the amount of 310 million KM was not acceptable, and see approximately 280 million KM to be maximum allocated. Croat Club of representatives was against of this Draft Law. Meeting is expected to be held again on Friday.

BiH deficit reaches 5 bn USD


Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Postponement of customs-free regime ought to be repeated’ Dnevni List pg 15 ‘Jago Lasic: We export good only if they have mercy’, RHB by Ana Babic – BiH reached to foreign trade deficit of 5 billion US dollars, which is also deteriorated with the unequal relation between BiH import and export. Last year, BiH exported goods to other markets in the amount to two billion and 253 million KM and realized the import from other countries in the amount to seven billion 417 million KM.At a press conference of the FBiH Chamber of Commerce in Mostar on Tuesday, Vice President of the ChamberJago Lasic said that the Chamber has analysed earnings of the citizens of BiH, pursuant to which the net salary in December last year in the BiH Federation amounted about 526 KM, namely 890 KM gross salary. Lasic also stated that BiH has allocated only 1% of GDP for activities to stimulate agricultural manufacturing while EU member states allocate over 45% for agricultural sector. “In my opinion BiH is the only country in Europe that does not have one authorized institution or a laboratory which would receive goods and provide with the certificates for export”, said Lasic.

Banja Luka Bishop Komarica to RS PM Mikerevic

Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Custom taxes on assistance unacceptable’, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Construction material from Croatia to refuges without paying customs’, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Komarica demands help because of reconstruction of houses’, Dnevni List pg 11 ‘Support for return of Croats is being demanded’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15 ‘Customs hinder reconstruction of 50 Croat houses’ – The Republika Srpska Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, received a letter from the Banja Luka [Catholic] Bishop, Franjo Komarica, in which Komarica asks for implementation of the Inter-State Agreement on return of refugees from BiH and the Republic of Croatia. Komarica also requests customs related privileges for import of construction material from Croatia whose purpose is reconstruction of houses of Croat refugees in the RS.


Political issues

Spiric asks parties to agree to working for the interests of fulfilling 16 EC conditions











RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Consensus of all political parties’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘There is no more time for empty arguments’, Nezavisne novine pg 5 ‘Authorities haven’t done much in fulfilling conditions for EU’, Blic pg 13 ‘Spiric: Slowly to EU’ – Speaker of BiH House of Representatives Nikola Spiric called on the leaders of all BiH parliamentary political parties to make additional efforts with the aim of overcoming the current hold-up in fulfilling the conditions necessary for BiH’s admission into the Partnership for Peace, and opening of negotiations for concluding a Stabilization and Association Agreement [SAA] with the EU. Spiric stated at the press conference on Tuesday that he has initiated a meeting with presidents of all parliamentary parties today for the purpose of reaching consensus on this plan. He expressed hope that the participants of this meeting would confirm readiness to start from the beginning.

FTV – Spiric prepared a statement on willingness for political consensus to be signed by both positional and oppositional parties. “I think that time has come to either show that we can do something or to simply say to the public that we can’t do that, do we have agreement or we don’t?” said Nikola Spiric, adding that nobody can expect international community to fulfil conditions instead of BiH authorities.

RTRS – “I put in my efforts to create one short statement, which could be harmonised and signed by representatives of political parties in BiH Parliament. Then we would sent one strong signal to BiH citizens that authorities at all levels are ready to implement European standards”, said Spiric. He also stated that representatives of all 12 Political Parties confirmed their participation at the meeting.

Only 4 parties sign SNSD’s Statement on Political Will


RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Trial of plebiscite for RS failed’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Four parties against RS abolishment’, Nezavisne novine pg 5 ‘Statement of Political Will’, Blic pg 13 ‘Pensioners too have given signature’, Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘Pensioners at the side of opposition’ – Only leaders of SNSD, the Socialist Party, the Democratic National Association [DNS], and the Pensioner Association [PDS] in RS signed on Tuesday the ‘Statement of Political Will’, which opposes the changes of BiH’s constitutional structure that could lead to termination of its entity – RS. SNSD initiated the statement following a number of discussions on change to the Dayton Peace Agreement, and invited all parties in BiH to sign it.

BHTV 1 – The statement stresses that RS is a constitutional part of BiH and that its Institutions, character or organization can’t be a part of changes to the BiH Constitution. “The objection which brought all these parties in RS joined in the attitude that there cannot be changes to the constitution [if they] would question existence of the entity called RS, and I am asking following question: If that is an problem, isn’t it a problem that other parties of FBiH want just that? Even there, there are no differences between those who are ultra-nationalists and left wing”, said Milorad Dodik, SNSD President. 

RTRS RS – Milorad Dodik added that it was clear why position parties refused to sign the statement: “They could not jeopardise their position and cooperation with SDA. Obviously SDA intends to abolish entities and that was clear at yesterday’s conference [note: refers to round table discussion on DPA changes]”, said Dodik.

Dnevni List front pg splash, pg 11 ‘Dodik: Preservation of Republika Srpska and Dayton agreement’– President of DNS, Mirko Pavic, says the aim of the Statement is to protect the collapse of the RS, its institutions and competence.

SD on future organization of BiH


Slobodna Dalmacija front pg splash, pg 17 ‘BiH becomes three-fold federation’ by Zdenko Rerig – SD notes that the contemporary BiH, with two entities, the Brcko District and ten cantons within the FBiH, where each has its own flag, constitution, assembly, bureaucracy etc, shows how inefficient and expensive BiH is. According to SD, the ESI’s [European Stability Initiative] has come up with a proposal of constitutional changes in BiH, which should result in BiH organized as a three-fold federation, with a central government, 12 autonomous regions and their respective municipalities, the proposal which envisages the abolishment of entities. According to SD, the aim of the initiative is to trigger the IC and other responsible in BiH, as well as signatories of the DPA and EU, to critically re-examine the DPA on tenth anniversary of the agreement next year, which should result in an international conference.

NN: HDZ seeks transfer of authorities from FBiH to the state and cantons

Nezavisne novine pg 4 ‘Authority to be distributed between state and cantons’ – HDZ Representatives in FBiH House of Representatives sent in parliamentary procedure Draft Law on Transfer of Authorities from FBiH to state and cantons. “Federation of BiH would be abolished”, said Ivan Madunic. He fears that “the most numerous people in FBiH would not like to give up on domination on Croats”. SDA basically supports this initiative but wants cantons to be abolished as well if municipalities will be strengthen as result. “If RS stays as it is now, than SDA will support initiative for abolishing of cantons but will insist on FBiH as entity”, stated Semsudin Mehmedovic. Party for BiH prepares solution for strong state and municipalities and between them regions based on economy and geography, said Ismet Briga. For SDP BiH this initiative is attempt of HDZ to come to ethnic division of BiH with use of new strategy.

DL says auditors in Mostar’s Municipality Old Town at work

Dnevni List front, pg 8 ‘Financial operations of municipalities are most intriguing’ – Announcing the upcoming visit by Paddy Ashdown to Mostar later this week to check the implementation of his decision to Mostar and press conference SDHR Werner Wnendt, and Mostar Mayor and his Deputy, Hamdija Jahic and Ljubo Beslic at which they will present what has been achieved so far, the daily reports that special auditors of the OHR and OSCE have been auditing operations of the Mostar’s City Municipality Old Town (Stari Grad) for seven days already. According to DL’s knowledge, the international auditors want to see all the documentation, especially contracts on sale of facilities, placing the special focus on the financial situation in the said municipality.  DL goes on to say that the technical part of implementation of the HR’s decision goes according to the foreseen plan, arguing that from the political point of view, one can say there is an obstruction of the imposed solution to Mostar. According to DL knowledge, the Municipal Council of Mostar’s City Municipality Southeast could in the next few days take a decision to reject the HR’s decision on Mostar. DL concludes the piece by saying that statements by local politicians, the heads of municipalities, have stayed unpunished by the High Representative.

Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Today about implementation of Statute’, Dnevni List pg 16 ‘Wnendt, Jahic and Beslic on implementation of new Mostar Statute’ – both announced press conference in Mostar by Ashdown and Wnendt.

DL Statement of Day

Dnevni List pg 2, ‘Statement of Day’ – The member of European Parliament, Doris Pack: “Dayton does not really build the approach of BiH to the EU”.


Criminal affairs

Former suspects in Leutar case announce will seek compensations







FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 13 ‘‘Jozo Leutar case’ could cost FBiH millions of KM!’ – Lawyers of all six persons who were acquitted by the court, following being suspected of participating the murder of FBiH Deputy Interior Minister Jozo Leotar, will submit requests for compensations. According to approximate calculations, theywill seek 6 million KM for all costs and looses made through years-long process. After FBiH Supreme Court has reconfirmed acquittal verdict for those six, their lawyers will demand compensations at the cantonal level for their services and at the FBiH level for groundless arrests, destroyed reputations and lost incomes. FBiH Supreme Court has confirmed that there are no evidences that six suspects were involved in the murder. Cantonal Court has spent about 53.000 KM in this cases and bringing of witness from Zagreb cost additional 48.000 KM. FBiH Minister of Interior, Mevludin Halilovic has no information on the award paid out to protected witness whose testimony was evaluated as groundless. “I know that about 243000 KM were paid out from that account. That is the information I have received from Police Administration”, said Mevludin Halilovic. He also said that he has no information who authorised the payment of award.

Genjac resigns from Commission on Jelavic, Prce, Rupcic arrests

Oslobodjenje pg 9 “Halid Genjac resigned’ – Halid Genjac, delegate in the BiH House of Peoples, resigned to the position in Commission, established to investigate the conditions around arrests of Ante Jelavic, Miroslav Prce and Miroslav Rupcic. Oslobodjenje claims that Genjac, who refused to give any comments, was appointed to the Commission without being aware of it. Well-informed source claims that Genjac believes that the establishment of this kind of Commission presents interference of Parliamentary Assembly into the work of police and judiciary.  



Beecroft on the Law on Higher Education

Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Membership to the Partnership for Peace is not being gifted’ by Mersiha Drinjakovic – In an interview to DA, Head of OSCE Mission in BiH, Ambassador Robert Beecroft, repeated the warning that BiH could lose 62 million dollars of credit if the law on higher education is not adopted by the end of March. Beecroft said that the draft Law is in the hands of the Council of Ministers for longer time. “If individuals have serious issues about this Law, … it is the best to discuss them in the Parliament. Having in mind that the discussion on it is lead for almost a year, I am surprised that some individuals claim that they were not aware of all details of this law. I am truly wondering about their motives. Instead of finding solution to the problem, it appears that it is more interesting to them to create some problems.” Asked to comment whether there were officials obstructing the law inside the CoM, Beecroft answered: “I whish I could see some enthusiasm.”