Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs) | RTRS(12,00 hrs) |
Herceg Bosna anniversary | Catholic priest murdered in Gradiska | RS trade unions to protest today |
FBiH HoR on budget re-balance | PRC continues session in Brcko | PRC session |
Prosecutors got special guards | FBiH HoR adopts budget re-balance | Patten’s letter to BiH government |
TV news broadcast on
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
2 explosions in Mostar | Police restructuring | Threats to BIH Prosecutors | Althea starts on 2nd Dec |
SEE economic conference | Threats to BIH Prosecutors | Police restructuring | Police restructuring conf. |
Police restructuring | 2 explosions in Mostar | Patten’s letter to Terzic | War documentation found |
Presidency in session | Food poisoning in | 2 explosions in Mostar | SCG searching for Mladic |
Oslobodjenje | |
Dnevni Avaz | Who delivered threats to state prosecutors |
Dnevni List | Explosions in Mostar again |
Vecernji List | Zenica Steelworks gifted to |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Prosecutor ‘shoves in’ an innocent person among indictees |
Glas Srpske | The icon at the Church in Derventa: The tears of St. Nicolas |
Nezavisne Novine | Investigation of anti-terrorist unit of F BiH MoI: Terrorists threaten to McNair and Schmidt; Mysterious murder of Radojica Lakic from Piskavica near |
Blic | Serious car accident near Doboj: A whole family died |
Vecernje Novosti | Features Serbian related topics |
Belgrade’s Nacional | Features Serbian related topics |
FBiH HoR adopts budget re-balance
| BH Radio 1 News at 1200, FENA – The FBiH Parliament’s House of Representatives adopted the Draft changes and amendments to the FBiH budget for 2004 at its session held today (Thursday). The draft re-balance of the 2004 FBiH budget was adopted under condition that the FBiH Government submits the FBiH Parliament the proposal of re-balance of 2004 budget and draft budget for 2005 within 15 days time. |
PRC continues session in Brcko
| BH Radio 1, RS Radio News at 1200 – The Police Restructuring Commission continued its session in Brcko. According to unofficial information, the participants at the meeting have still not reached agreement on a new police structure at the state and regional levels since the RS Interior Minister, Darko Matijasevic, considers the abolishment of the entity’s interior ministries unacceptable. |
Crime/Security/Legal Proceedings | |
Threats delivered to Prosecutors McNair and Smith
| BHT, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘Threats to prosecutors McNair and Smith’, Dnevni Avaz cover page ‘Who delivered threats to state prosecutors’, pg 3 ‘Threats delivered to McNair and Smith’, Dnevni List, pg 50, mentioned on front ‘New threats to foreign prosecutors in BiH’, by De.L., Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘Terrorists threaten to McNair and Schmidt’ by A. Durmo; Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Threats to McNair and Schmidt’ by N.Z.; EuroBlic RSpg 5 ‘Security of prosecutor’s in jeopardy’ by D.S., SRNA – Threats to the security of international prosecutors at the BiH Prosecution Office, John McNair and Jonathon Smith, are linked to the case against Abduladhim Maktouf, who was charged with war crimes by the BiH prosecutor and whose company’s operations are also under investigation, sources close to BiH Court told SRNA. Maktouf’s arrest was requested by McNair, while Smith issued the indictment, which charges him together with members of El Mujahid unit with kidnapping five civilians in Travnik during the war. The sources say that the nature of the threats have forced the authoritsed bodies to raise the level of security for all judges and prosecutors, especially those from abroad. The investigation into this case is being conducted by an Anti-Terrorist Unit of the Federation Interior Ministry. FBiH Interior Ministry Spokesman Robert Cvrtak could not provide any details on the threats. He also could not say if the Anti-Terrorist Unit was involved in this matter. Proposing that the trial of the deputy director of Interpol BiH, Azim Fazlic, and of Senad Kobilic, be postponed, McNair said on Wednesday that the FBiH police ministry informed them of the threats, because of which the |
| Oslobodjenje, cover ‘Genocidal plans of |
Patten warns RS might face serious consequences
| Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘RS might face serious consequences’, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Patten pressures RS to extradite indictees to The Hague’, by A. B., FENA – The failure of the Bosnian Serb leadership to arrest and hand over indicted war criminals puts at risks effort on brining BiH closer to the EU and NATO, EU Foreign Affairs Commissioner Chris Patten said on Tuesday. ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte is applying pressure on the RS to arrest and hand over indicted war criminals. “She was very clear so far that the RS is not cooperating”, Patten said before the European Parliament. “It is truly a shame that not a single indicted war criminal was transferred from the RS to the Hague and that I have no reason to expect that her report would be positive”, he added. “I request the RS political leadership to take action immediately in order to fulfil its commitments. Should it fail to do so it will be responsible for all consequences that will result from such a failure”, Patten said. |
Two explosions in Mostar
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHT, FTV, Dnevni List, front pg splash and pgs 48-49 ‘Explosions in Mostar again’, not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 22, mentioned on front ‘Explosive device thrown in yard of owner of construction company’, by Antonela Vlaho, Vecernji List, pgs 2-3, mentioned on front ‘Night of bombs in Mostar’, by Darko Juka – There were two explosions at the Mostar district of ‘Bijeli brijeg’ on the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. First explosion was reported around 2220 hrs, the second explosion occurred around 2340 hrs. Regarding the first explosion, the Police determined that an explosive device was thrown in front of a family house of one Zarko Vrljic, the owner of ‘Kes’ company of Mostar. There were not casualties, only some material damage was caused, and Vrljic says he does not know why this is happening to him because he is not at odds with anyone. The second incident occurred when an explosive device was thrown in front of a grocery shop, owned by Zdravko Krtalic. The explosion caused damage to the store and adjacent cars and buildings, there were no casualties. On top of this, the Police found an unexploded had grenade at the second site. Both representatives of the Canton 7 Prosecution and Police say an investigation is ongoing. |
SD says innocent man charged with Liska park events
| Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 17 ‘Prosecutor ‘shoves in’ an innocent person among indictees’, by Emil Karamatic – Regarding earlier reports that the Canton 7 Prosecution has pressed charges against several people, members of the Special Police of Croat Republic of Herceg Bosna, for events that took place at the Liska park in Mostar in February 1997, when one person got killed and several wounded, the reports which say that the said Prosecution has charged, among others, one Damir Glavina, SD notes that Glavina was cleared of all charges in February this year. The information was confirmed by the Chief Prosecutor in Canton 7 Prosecution, Nijaz Mehmedzbasic. |
Alleged case of trafficking in human organs in B. Luka
| Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 5 ‘My son is a victim of trafficking in human organs’ by S. Karic – The family of Radojica Lakic (1980) from Piskavica settlement near Banja Luka, who was killed in summer in 2000 and whose body was found in the area of Derventa nine days after he had gone missing, claims that the motive of the murder was trafficking in human organs. The mother of the victim claims that unknown person allegedly called Goran Vukasinovic was the last one seen with Radojica. He was murdered with three shots in his head, autopsy report reads. Radmila Stanicic, Deputy District Prosecutor of Doboj, confirmed that the Prosecutor’ Office has launched investigation about this case, refusing to give any further detail. |
Update to Starovlah’s case
| BHT, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Persons in uniform beat us up’ by SRNA – The Orthodox Priest Jeremija Starovlah and his son Aleksandar stated before Prosecutors that without any explanation provided, the persons in uniform beat them up. The investigation into the serious case of beating of the Storovlah’s is run by the East Sarajevo District Prosecutor’s Office. Starovlah’s failed to give any exact information as to what they were beaten up with. District Prosecutor Rajko Colovic confirmed that the medical documentation from |
Update to freezing of assets of 18 persons
| Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Justice Ministry looking for way to block accounts’ by A. Sisic – Adnan Terzic, BiH CoM Chair, on Wednesday confirmed that the order was issued to BiH Justice Ministry to identify legal and judicial modalities, on basis of which it would be possible to freeze the assets of another 18 Hague fugitives (whom EU on Monday placed on EU black list). |
Batic versus Kostunica
| Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Batic reports on Kostunica’; Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Batic filed denunciation against Kostunica’ – Vladan Batic, former Serbian Minister of justice, on Wednesday filed a denunciation against Vojislav Kostunica and demanded from the state prosecutor to launch an investigation into criminal acts committed at the time when Kostunica was the President of the FRY. |
Political Developments/Reforms | |
Session of the BiH Police Restructuring Commission taking place in Brcko
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHT, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘Future in a single structure’, FENA – A two-day session of the BiH Police Restructuring Commission started in Brcko on Wednesday. Chairman of the Commission, Wilfred Martens, said before the session that future of BiH police was in a single police structure, but that it should be discussed further what this actually meant. “Nothing has been definitely adopted/agreed yet when it comes to organization of police forces (in BiH). We are in the core of the problems and we shall continue the discussion”, said the Belgian diplomat Martens. At the recently held meeting of the Commission in Brussels Martens proposed a concept of a single police in BiH organized at 2 levels, the state and the regional ones. In such a structure there would be 5 regional seats, namely in Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘5,000 police officers to lose jobs’, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 20 ‘Single Police with 5 regional ones’, by M. Ivkic, Dnevni List, pg 9 ‘Talks about meaning of term ‘unity’’, by A. Beus,Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Final sessions in progress’ by N. Tanasic, EuroBlic RSpg 5 ‘Hardly to agreement’ by L.S.also covered the issue. |
Patten supports PRC work
| FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘Unified BiH police also means security for EU’ by S. Numanovic carries a letter that EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Chris Patten sent to Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic with regard to the meeting of the Police Reform Commission (PRC) that is taking place in Brcko. Among the other things, the letter says: ‘The EU interest is to secure efficient partners for implementation of law in BiH with which the EU can cooperate, the police partners at the state level which have almost the same competence as corresponding institutions in other European countries. The current police structure does not make it possible.. The PRC is offering a crucial chance for overcoming political obstacles and establishment of police forces, which will be the most efficient for the society. From my own experience I can say that police and politics are a bad match. The more you succeed to separate politics and police the better.’ Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 8 ‘Funding of Police at BiH level’, by B. Kristo, Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 2 ‘European Union demands a unified police’ by D. Risojevic also covered the issue. |
Spiric says RS authorities accept formation of a single BiH
| FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘RS authorities accepted formation of a single BiH’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘SNSD does not wanbt to participate in ruining RS position’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘SNSD opposes to unified polcie’ by V.P.; Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Government to end up container’, ONASA – Senior official of the RS Union of Independent Social-Democrats Nikola Spiric said on Wednesday that the present authorities of Republika Srpska have secretly accepted the establishment of a “single BiH,” neglecting the Dayton Agreement. “This can be seen in the establishment of a single economic and defense space. A single security space will be established with the police reforms, and will logically be followed by a single political space,” Spiric said, adding that the present coalition of the Serb Democratic Party and Party of Democratic Progress are not doing this in the interest of the citizens but their own posts. Spiric said that the SNSD, as an opposition party, wants no part in this, “not because these solutions are good or bad, but because changes to the BiH Constitution should be undertaken without deceiving the public.” |
RS NA Board says RS NA must discuss police reform
| Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘RS MP’s must give their stance’ by SRNA; Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘As the Parliament says’ – RS NA Board for supervision and control of work of defense and interior affairs institutions on Wednesday discussed the Report covering discussions at the so far sessions of Police Reform Commission in BIH, confirmed Chairman of the Board Velimir Sakan. He added that the Board concluded this issue of police reform must be disused at RS NA, when MP’s are to give their views and take stance, which would provide directives for further engagement in the work of the PRC. |
On FBiH Government crisis
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘I am expecting resolution of FBiH crisis today’ by Ad. H. – With regard to the Federation of BiH Government crisis, Federation of BiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic stated: ‘I have arranged a meeting with all Ministers for today… I am expecting that in an open talk we shall discuss as to how and in which way to speed up projects whose pace is not satisfactory and remove possible obstacles on the ground of arguments.’ Asked whether this means that the session of the FBiH Government will take place today, Hadzipasic said: ‘The session will not take place because the session of the FBiH House of Representatives is taking place and not because of current internal relations within the FBiH Government.’ On the same issue Oslobodjenje pgs 4 and 5 ‘Resolution of crisis is not even at sight’, mentioned on front, by A. Terzic carries that nothing was resolved during the meeting between SDA and SBiH Ministers held on Tuesday. DA carries FBiH Deputy Prime Minister Gavrilo Grahovac as saying: ‘Dissatisfaction of SBiH Ministers is still present and the meeting held on Tuesday has not changed anything…SBiH will not participate in the work of the FBiH Government until the final solution, which will guarantee adoption of the reform laws in the FBiH Government and the FBiH Parliament, is passed.’ The article also carries President of the HDZ Caucus in the FBiH Parliament Ivan Madunic who says that he does not have information about the talks between SDA and SBiH or about the announcements that the FBiH Government crisis will be discussed with HDZ as well. Madunic added that he does not understand what SBiH really wants. DA also says that in spite of its announcements, SBiH did not demand the discussion on the FBiH Government crisis at the session of the FBiH Parliament held on Wednesday. FTV, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Negotiations on crisis at F BiH Government today’ by R. Ce. Also covered the issue. |
FBiH HoR fails to discuss budget re-balance in urgent procedure
| Dnevni List, pg 5, mentioned on front ‘Party for BiH’s MPs refuse to support Government’s proposal’, by Ivica Glibusic – The FBiH Minister of Finances, Dragan Vrankic, requested in the FBiH Parliament’s House of Representatives yesterday (Wednesday) that the re-balance of the FBiH budget for 2004 be discussed in an urgent procedure. His proposal did not get the necessary majority even from the MPs coming from the ruling majority. In that context, DL says MPs coming from the SBiH are rejecting to support any proposal of the FBiH Government after the SBiH ministers refused to participate in the work of the Government. Commenting on the situation, Minister Vrankic says: “The SBiH has infiltrated into the budget re-balance, it is trying to cause a Government crisis and it is, like before, trying to profit out of the crisis (…) I think the issue of privatization is behind it, as well as Aluminij company and other issues”. |
BiH Presidency appoints new ambassadors
| BHT, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje, cover and pg. 3 ‘Haracic in Rome, Kesic in Zagreb, Kujundzic in Berlin’ by Az. Kalamujic, Dnevni Avaz, pg. 4 ‘Another eight ambassadors were appointed’ by A. M. – According to unofficial information, BiH Presidency on Wednesday appointed another eight ambassadors. Chairman Borislav Paravac and Presidency members Sulejman Tihic and Dragan Covic have agreed to appoint Mithat Haracic BiH Ambassador to Italy, Branko Kesic BiH Ambassador to Croatia, Milutin Vasiljevic BiH Ambassador to UAE, Murat Ramadanovic BiH Ambassador to Indonesia, Milovan Blagojevic BiH Ambassador to Greece, Milenko Misic BiH Ambassador to Canada, Mitar Kujundzic BiH Ambassador to Germany and Tanja Milasinovic BiH Ambassador to Great Britain. Sulejman Tihic opposed to the appointments of Milos Vukasinovic for BiH Ambassador to Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Even new candidate for ambassador at CoE questionable’, by D. Pasic, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Tihic and Covic reject candidature of Vukasinovic’ by A. Sisic also covered the issue. |
Ashdown delivers a lecture at Centre of Islamic Studies in
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Tradition of tolerance in BiH is a lecture to the world after September 11’, Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Ashdown: Tradition of tolerance in BiH is lesson to world after September 11’, by NINA – Bosnia and Herzegovina’s tradition of cultural coexistence – particularly impressive when set against centuries of nearly continuous internecine warfare in Western Europe – offers a compelling lesson for the post-9/11 world, the High Representative and European Union Special Representative, Paddy Ashdown, said on Wednesday, in the course of a lecture at the Centre of Islamic Studies in Oxford. Noting that, “we in |
EU Parliament adopts resolution on ALTHEA military mission to BiH
| BHT, FTV, RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘ Resolution states that the arrest of war crime suspects represents a credibility test for international community, NATO and EU. The resolution states that the mission will cost 71.7 million euros and that this cost will be covered by the budgets of the member-states. |
Dnevni Avaz interview with Mostar Mayor Jahic
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘I am convinced that ‘Velez’ will play football at stadium ‘Bijeli Brijeg’ next year’ by F. Vele carries an interview with Mostar Mayor Hamdija Jahic, whose mandate at this position expires soon. Among the other things, Jahic says that there was no political will to pass political decisions, which serve interests of a unified City of |
Supervisor Johnson appeals on elected officials to work in the interest of citizens | Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘We appeal on the parties to work in the interest of citizens’ – “Responsibility for forming the Government now rests with the elected representatives and the political parties, in accordance with the results of the elections, not with OHR. These decisions are now forthe elected representatives and political parties to make, and we urge them to act wisely, putting the interests of the citizens and Brcko District aside ahead of narrow personal or party interests,” Brcko Supervisor Susan R. Johnsonsaid in a statement regarding formation of Brcko District Government. “OHR will not support one coalition or another, because responsibility – and accountability for this decision – now rests with the citizens, their elected representatives and the political parties. OHR supports an open and clean political process that leads to the best result possible for the District,” emphasized Johnson. “OHR is committed to the well-being of the citizens of this community, to full implementation of the Brcko International Tribunal Awards, to the establishment of democratic, multi-ethnic institutions that function effectively on behalf of the citizens, to the rule of law and to the principle that no person is above the law. We expect the constitutive session of the Assembly to be held no later than |
HDZ appoints delegates to dissolved local branches of the party
| Dnevni List, pg 4, mentioned on front ‘HDZ appoints delegates in five municipalities’, by Ivica Glibusic – Following the decision of the HDZ Presidency to dismiss several leaderships of local HDZ branches, the party Presidency has appointed delegates (read persons in charge) to the municipal organizations of the HDZ in question. Namely the delegates are: Vlado Majstorovic (delegate for Mostar), Ivan Bagaric (Tomislavgrad), Tihomir Radovac (Jajce), Anto Spajic (Novi Travnik) and Pero Lujic (Usora). The HDZ Presidency also appointed a special commission, whose task is to overlook the whole process of implementation of inter-party elections (at lower/local levels). The president of the said commission is the HDZ President Barisa Colak, whilst Vice Presidents are Dragan Covic, Niko Lozancic and Anto Spajic. Similar in Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Vlado Majstorovic a delegate for Mostar’, by Miso Relota |
Economic/Social Affairs | |
BiH Presidency adopts draft law on BiH Central Bank
| Herceg Bosna Radio, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Peter Nicholl remains in Central Bank’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Banking Agency to be established at the state level’, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Extra funds of Central bank go to budget’, by D. Polovina-Mandic, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Extras from Central Bank into budget’, by eme, ONASA – The BiH Presidency adopted at its session on Wednesday in Sarajevo the draft law on amendments and addenda to the law on the Central Bank of BiH (CBBH) and a report of the CBBH for the period January – September this year. Chairman of the BiH Presidency Borislav Paravac told reporters after the session that this law will be forwarded to the parliamentary procedure and that the CBBH is ordered to be an interpreter of this law in the Parliament. According to Paravac, the reason for carrying out of this law was a request of the BiH Parliamentary House of Representatives that the CBBH return part of surplus of its funds and surplus of the capital to the budget of the BiH institutions, namely to the BiH Treasury. “Several articles of the law regulate that, so conditions have been created that part of surplus of funds of the CBBH be directed towards financing of the BiH institutions,” he said. “According to the CBBH Governor, these funds amount to approximately ten million KM,” Paravac said, adding that the second reason for carrying out of the amendments to this law is the introduction of the supervision at the level of BiH and under the auspices of the CBBH. “The supervision and control of commercial banks function through the entity agencies for banking, and now conditions are created for their unification at one place,” he said. He added that the supervision at the level of BiH will start on January 1 next year. |
Avaz op-ed on review of the privatization
| Dnevni Avaz, op-ed pg. 3 ‘Six painful issues for SDA’ by Adi Hadziarapovic – The author writes about panic among tycoons caused by a discussion on possible audit of the privatization and he says those who have bought firms without a tender procedure are now trying to scare honest businessmen with an audit. ‘In this way, even certain political representatives of SDA publicly say an audit of the contracts that have been signed should be undertaken. In this lies the greatest deceit of public. Namely, how to control contracts of the biggest privatization thieves, such as Hilmo Selimovic or Mijo Brajkovic when they have not bought their factories in the same manner as previously mentioned businessmen’, the author writs. He claims some persons from SDA should be asked to give answers to six questions: When, through which tender, in which competition, on base of which program and for what amount of money did Selimovic, Brajkovic or a group close to Lojo have taken over “Aluminij”, FDS and “Sarajevo Brewery”? Does SDA know if there is any contract, which these persons have singed with the state on purchase of shares and which could now be a subject to an audit. |
SD says OHR removes politics from privatization
| Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 18 ‘OHR removes politics from privatization’, by Zoran Zekic – Amid recent events related to the issue of revision of privatization of companies in the FBiH, Slobodna Dalmacija, speaking about the OHR’s role in it, says the OHR will not allow the executive authorities to change ownership structures in companies by changing laws that regulate the privatization process. In that context, SD mentions the example of ‘Aluminij’ company of Mostar, saying there are efforts to take away the shareholders’ property and give it to the state. SD notes that the OHR says it is important to uphold the rule of law, which means that the ownership cannot be contested by Government decrees. |
Zigic on privatization of energy sector, Aluminij issue
| Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Privatization does not mean less jobs’, by Jurislav Petrovic – The FBiH Minister of Industry and Energy, Izet Zigic, told DL that the privatization of energy sector in BiH is not something that should worry the citizens, noting that workers in the energy sector should not be afraid of the privatization itself and the impact it has on the number of jobs in the sector. Still, Minister Zigic notes it is well known that Elektroprivredas have too many employees. Commenting on charges by the |
VL says sale of Zenica Steelworks full of scandalous details
| Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg 7 ‘Zenica Steelworks gifted to Antilles’, by Zoran Kresic – VL notes that the “well hidden contract” on sale of Zenica Steelworks to the ‘LNM’ Company, which talks about “incredible” investments worth 280 million US$ into the company, is nothing but a plunder of state property that was made possible by Bosniak ministers in the FBiH Government gathered around the SBiH and helped by the FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic. VL argues that details of the contract, which was never made public, stipulate that the state has to pay for all debts of the Zenica Steelworks, which amass to tens of million KMs. VL goes on to say that SBiH ministers in the FBiH Government, in order to hush the deal up, have started a media and political campaign against ‘Aluminij’ Company of Mostar. On top of this, VL says the ‘LNM” bought the Zenica Steeloworks through an off-shore company from the |
Leading banks in BiH refuse to collect VAT revenues
| Dnevni List, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘Banks refuse to sign contract on collection of VAT’, by E. Mackic, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Four banks did not sign agreement’, by D. Pasic – Reiffeisen bank of Sarajevo, Upi Bank of Sarajevo, Hypo Alpe Adria Bank of Mostar and Unicredit Zagrebacka Bank of Sarajevo yesterday (Wednesday) refused to sign the contract on offering services of collection of incomes (VAT) for the Indirect Tax Authority of BiH (ITA). The reason why the banks refused to sign the contract is because the contact that was offered to them yesterday was different to the one they had agreed to earlier. According to the ITA Director, Kemal Causevic, the banks in question have requested talks with the ITA Steering Board, and Causevic says he will ask the ITA Steering Board Chairman, Joly Dixon, that he receives the banks’ representatives at the Steering Board’s session scheduled for next Tuesday. According to the President of Association of banks in BiH, Mirsad Letic, who is also the manager of the Upi Bank, the collection of revenues requires a more complex technology than the one envisioned in the contract. |
Miscellaneous | |
Icon at Derventa church cried | Glas Srpske cover page story ‘The tears of St. Nicolas’ by B.T.; Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘St. Nicolas icon cried’ by SRNA – At the church of God’s Resurrection in the settlement of Velika Socanica near Derventa, the icon of Saint Nicolas cried on St. Mitar’s day. |