Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 17 August
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | RTRS (12,00 hrs) |
Mtg on police reform on Mrakovica | Mrakovica mtg |
On non-payment of taxes in Livno | 2 Montenegrin policemen arrested |
World news | |
TV news broadcast on 16 August
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
Illegal arms discovered in Mostar | Rycroft and Tihic met | Weapons located near Mostar |
OHR welcomes Mrakovica meeting | Jovic on constitutional changes | Continuance of police negotiations |
OHR on Lozancic’s decision | CoM on meeting in Mrakovica | World News |
The privatisation of Energopetrol | Halilovic on Mrakovica meeting | ICMP presented new method |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
World News | World News | Report on Srebrenica sent to HR |
Miroslav Prce case | | Negotiations on police reform |
ICMP disco samples on mass graves | Weapons located near Mostar | Appointment of the SBS Director |
Fuel higher prices | Affair Agrokomerc | Trucks with GMO fodder blocked |
Oslobodjenje | BiH is the only one that did not sign UN Convention on Corruption |
Dnevni Avaz | In Mrakovica all starts from the beginning |
Dnevni List | McNair: I will be against Prce’s pardon |
Vecernji List | Special police unit members to be named Scorpions |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Lozancic shocked Ashdown by pardoning Prce |
Glas Srpske | |
Nezavisne Novine | Half of income for pupil |
Blic | Bus ticket’s prices go up for 15% |
Vecernje Novosti | Features |
Srpski Nacional | Features |
Talks on police reform in BiH resume in Mrakovica
| RS Radio – The meeting on police reform began today at Mrakovica. This meeting represents the continuation of the negotiations of some 20 days ago in RHB also reported that the meeting was taking place today. |
Cavic on police reform
| RS Radio – The RS President Dragan Cavic stated last night that in case there is an agreement on police restructuring confirmed by the entity Parliaments, the European Commission will enable BiH to commence the negotiations on stabilization and association with the EU in November. In an interview for RTRS, Cavicsaid that the task was very delicate and difficult for all those involved in the negotiations, particularly the political representatives of the RS. He hopes that the model and way in which a solution will be worked out will be acceptable to all in BIH, though according to him, it is quite clear at this point that the proposal made is least acceptable to the RS and the political parties from the RS. Cavic said that the proposal 9+1 was unacceptable to him. What he finds acceptable is the maps which will enable the RS to have the right to equally participate with its authority, institutionally and politically, and show that it is possible to find solutions that are in accordance with the European principles. |
Political Developments/Reforms | |
Talks on police reform to continue in Mrakovica today
| RHB, Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, Dnevni Avaz cover page ‘In Mrakovica from the beginning’, pg 2 ‘OHR: Leaders are expected to put BiH in the first place’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘RS Government will discuss on the police reform first’ – Negotiations on police reform will continue in Mrakovica on Wednesday. The hosts will be RS Government and RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic, who invited representatives of RS, FBiH and BiH authorities to attend this meeting. RS Government stressed that Wednesday’s meeting is continuation of negotiations, started fifteen days ago in Dnevni List pg 5 ‘FBiH Government still supports unified police’ by D. Pusic, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Through political will to police reform’ by mi announce today’s meeting on the police reform. VL also carries HDZ BiH President Dragan Covic as saying that leaders of political parties should not be completely excluded from talks on the police reform. RTRS also announced the Mrakovica meeting. It quotes RS President Dragan Cavic as saying that the European Commission’s principles are not controversial, but the problem is that representatives of different political options interpret them differently. “The nine-plus-one police regions concept is not acceptable for me. We need a solution which will enable RS to participate equally, and which will be in keeping with the European principles”, said Cavic. In the meantime, High Representative in BiH Paddy Ashdown is not much of an optimist when it comes to the Wednesday’s negotiations on Mrakovica. “There is no purpose in completing nine “circles” – such as Value Added Tax, the defence reform and other things – if the last, tenth circle is not completed”, said Ashdown. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Authorities do not give up on proposed solutions’ by V.Popovic, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Agreement is still too far away?’ by Z.Markovic– carries RS Govt. Public Affairs’ press release on Mrakovica talks, who has been invited etc. EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Final proposal by middle September’ by N.B. – carries RS Giovt. Press release and statement of Serb Radical Alliance “Dr. Vojislav Seselj”, that warned the reform process must be performed exclusively in line with Constitutions of RS and BiH, adding any other solution would be unacceptable. RTRS also carried Serb Radical Alliance’s statement. |
OHR welcomes the important meeting of government institutions on police restructuring to take place in Mrakovica
| RHB, BHT, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz cover page ‘In Mrakovica from the beginning’, pg 2 ‘OHR: Leaders are expected to put BiH in the first place’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘The last major condition’ – The OHR welcomes the important meeting of government institutions on police restructuring which will take place in Mrakovica tomorrow. It expects senior representatives, with negotiating authority, to attend these talks and to participate constructively in order to advance the process of negotiations on police reform. Police restructuring in line with EU principles is the last major requirement that has to be met if BiH is to qualify to start crucial negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU. It is also essential if BiH is to effectively tackle organised crime, obtain easier access to visas, and if the link between politics and policing is to be severed, according to OHR. BiH needs to reach an agreement on police restructuring by the beginning of September if it is to qualify for these key negotiations in time for the tenth anniversary of |
Terzic on Mrakovica meeting
| Oslobodjenje pg 3, announced on cover ‘It will be clear what SDS wants’ by Se.Kurtovic – Adnan Terzic, BiH CoM Chair, says there is no dilemma in whether to attend today’s meeting at Mrakovica or not, noting: “The most inappropriate position would be if nothing were happening.” He also stated: “I am not a big optimist, but I am of the view that there will be some use of this meeting as well. It is obvious that those making decisions in RS have no sufficient strength to accept reality and conditions placed by EC. We are at the door of |
RS Interior Minister Matijasevic says RS team will take constructive approach in Mrakovica | Pink, BHT, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Matijasevic: We are prepared for constructive contribution’ – RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic announced that RS Government negotiators team at the meeting on police reform in Mrakovica would support affirmative approach in reaching generally acceptable solutions possibly in the framework of BiH and RS Constitutions and RS National Assembly Conclusions. |
FBiH MoI Halilovic to support 5 police regions in Mrakovica
| Pink, BHT, – FBiH Minister of Interior Mevludin Halilovic confirmed that he will represent FBiH Government at the meeting on police reform in Mrakovica on Wednesday. He will support the proposal of five police regions, determined by geographic position, reports TV PINK. Halilovic said that FBiH sees this meeting as continuation of negotiations on police reform from Vlasic and |
NN op-ed on Mrakovica meeting
| Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Mrakovica’ by Almedin Sisic –Commenting on statement of Ahmet Hadzipasic regarding Mrakovica police talks, the author stresses F BiH Premier was at least honest in claiming entity governments cannot agree on minor issues. The author presupposes that RS authorities will stick to RS NA position and non-crossing of IEBL. The author sarcastically notes that if talks fail, HR will not be able to tell the people who will be punished over this, “since OHR never comments on future actions”. Noting the deadline of 15 September (by which police reform should be adopted) is approaching, the author speculates as to whether BiH citizens will again be the ones to be the highest price for arrogance and scandalous lack of concern by local politicians for BiH. |
HQ for Protection of RS to use all democratic means in defending RS institutions/position
| Pink, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘IC must not exert pressure on RS’, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Headquarters for Protection of RS’ by bs – Headquarters for protection of RS constitutional position spokesman Slavko Jovicic announced the HQ would use of all democratic means in defending the RS institutions, including citizens’ disobedience and full blockage/paralysis of all levels of the authority n BiH. He underlined that this organisation won’t allow bringing into question existence of the RS through alleged police reform. Jovicic warns representatives of the international community not to exert pressure and not to work on constitutional destruction of RS institutions, because such activities are against all human rights conventions. |
Tihic meets Rycroft: BiH should move from
| Pink, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘BiH should move from Dayton to Brussels’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘To arrest Mladic, Karadzic by 10th anniversary of Dayton’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Talks on marking 10th anniversary of Dayton’ by NINA, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 7 ‘Tihic talked with British Ambassador to BiH about 10th anniversary of Dayton’ by D.P., Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Britain offered help in marking of 10th anniversary of Dayton’ by Agencies – Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic received on Tuesday British Ambassador to BiH Matthew Rycroft and they talked about marking the 10th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accord. They also talked about the constitutional changes and it was concluded that it is necessary to reach consensus with regard to this issue. They also agreed it is necessary to arrest war crime indictees Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic before the 10 anniversary of the DPA. |
BiH Presidency Chair Jovic says BiH will have to change its Constitution
| RHB, Pink, BHT, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘We cannot go to Europe with such the Constitution’, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Constitution hinders BiH on way to EU’ not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 7 ‘We cannot join Europe without new Constitution’ by A. Macanovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘BiH must get a new Constitution’ by SRNA, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Ivo Jovic unveiled plaque to murdered priest’ by M.Pilipovic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Constitution – an obstacle on the path’ by B.Velendecic – BiH Presidency Chair Ivo Miro Jovic, stated that BiH must adopt new Constitution, because it cannot enter the EU with the current one. He pointed out that all other countries in transition that became EU members had to change their Constitutions. Jovic visited Gradiska on Tuesday, where he met with municipal officials. Jovic promised assistance to this municipality in solving infrastructural problems. |
VL: Talks on const. changes taking place in
| Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Consensus on vital national interest’ by M. Ivesa carries that leaders of ruling and opposition parties have talks on constitutional changes in a flat of lawyer Ahmed Zilic. VL goes on to say that the talks have been organized by the non-government organization ‘Dayton Project’ led by Bruce Hitchner. According to the article, so far the attendants of the talks in principle reached a consensus on defining a vital national interest. Also, it was planned to present the final solutions, which would be agreed and harmonized, 6 months before the next elections. |
Early elections in Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje and Bijeljina
| BHT, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Early elections in Uskoplje and Bijeljina’ by |
Judiciary/Prce case | |
FBiH Vice-president Radivojevic says decision on pardoning Prce made in accordance with law, regulations
| Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 8, mentioned on cover ‘Radivojevic says Prce case has been politicized’ – Regarding the signed pardon for Miroslav Prce, former FBiH Minister of Defence, FBiH Vice President Desnica Radivojevic has gave a statement to media stressing that he is prepared to resign if it is proved that he has violated the law or abused office. Radivojevic also explained the procedure of pardoning, stressing that Commission, Court and Prison Unit have to approve this decision as well, and stressing that on their recommendation FBiH Minister of Justice approves or rejects this decision. “Based on agreement of these bodies we are getting proposal and based on that proposal we have reached that decision, considering that it will have positive impact on re-socialization of that person”– stated Radivojevic. Radivojevic claims that their decision wasn’t based on the fact that Prce is a public figure, or member of a certain party, stressing that he considers all this to be a case largely fabricated by the media. Radivojevic stressed that he is prepared to take consequences for wrongly made decision, if they are proved to be that. “If High Representative thinks that I have breached the law or abused my position, I am prepared as a moral man, to resign from my function”, stated Radivojevic. High Representative Paddy Ashdown has asked FBiH President Niko Lozancic to further explain this decision, and the explanation should be submitted to him by Friday. |
OHR believes that BiH politicians in executive authority should exercise the right to grant pardons only in very exceptional circumstances
| RHB, Pink, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘The time has passed when politicians were doing want they wanted’, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Carefully with pardons’, FENA – The OHR believes that BiH politicians in executive authority – in the most recent case this applies to Federation President Niko Lozancic – should exercise the right to grant pardons only in very exceptional circumstances. “They should be particularly careful about issuing pardons to their political allies, when these allies have been tried and convicted of abuse of office. Otherwise an increasingly exasperated and public will reach the conclusion that some BiH politicians still think they are living in an era when the powerful can do as they wish and only the common people must obey the law,” OHR spokesperson |
McNiar: I will be against Prce’s pardon/ S. Kovac: Lozancic could not pass decision on Prce’s pardon
| Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘McNair: I will be against Prce’s parole’ by E. Mackic, N. Bise – Commenting on the FBiH President Niko Lozancic’s decision to pardon former FBiH Defence Minister Miroslav Prce, Head of the Special Department with the BiH Prosecution John McNair stated that none provision of the agreement on pleading guilty, that Prce signed with the BiH Prosecution, envisages pardon. McNair added that in case that Lozancic’s decision on pardon remains valid, he (McNair) would be against any Prce’s demand for parole. BiH Justice Minister Slobodna Kovac stated that Lozancic could not pass the decision on pardon. Kovac reminded that the decision was passed on the ground of the FBiH Law on Pardon while the verdict on this case was passed by the |
SD: Is Lozancic competent to pass decision on Prce’s pardon | Slobodna Dalmacija cover pg splash and pg 15 ‘Lozancic shocked Ashdown by pardoning Prce’ by B. Kristo, D. Pasic carries the OHR’s statement on the Prce’s pardon and the authors say that the question arises whether Lozancic as the entity president can pass such decision since the BiH Court passed verdict on the Prce’s case. |
VL: Lozancic to reply to HR by Friday
| Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Lozancic sends reply to Ashdown by Friday’ by Z.K. carries that the HR’s reaction on the Prce’s pardon is not clear since it is well known that all persons indicted for war crimes were released after they served one third of the sentence. VL also carries that Lozancic stated for this daily that he would reply to the OHR’s reaction to his decision by August 19. VL learns that the HR might receive a joint reply on this issue from Minister Borjana Kristo and Lozancic. VL concludes that it is indicative that media launching of the affair on reduction of the sentence to Prce comes at the time when trust in the project of building an independent judiciary with foreign prosecutors has been shaken completely. |
Prce’s lawyer: Lozancic’s decision is legal
| Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15 ‘Decision on pardon is legal’ by B. Kristo carries Prce’s lawyer Zarko Bulic as saying that Lozancic’s decision is legal. Commenting on claims that FBiH President cannot pass such decision since the |
NN on Prce case: State Commission for Probation Releases did not discuss sentence reduction
| Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘The State Commission for Probation Releases did not discuss sentence reduction’ by M.Cubro – Several members of the BiH Commission for Probation Release confirmed to daily that the Commission did not discuss the possibility of reducing sentence to Miroslav Prce found guilty for office abuse. One member of the Commission added: “Commission did not get a request neither did it discussed the possibility of sentence reduction or probation release of Prce.” Beriz Belkic, also the member of this Commission, claims that Commission was not consulted on decision Niko Lozancic reached regarding Prce. |
War Crimes | |
Srebrenica Working Group investigative body adopts its report
| BHT, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Report submitted to Ashdown’, Oslobodjenje pg 6, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Investigative sub-group submitted report to Working Group for Srebrenica’ by NINA, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Analysis into cooperation of the RS Defence Ministry completed’ by N.N., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Report adopted’ by V.J. – The investigative body of the Srebrenica Working Group, which analyzed and evaluated the results of the work of the RS Ministry of Defence on establishing the number and identity of RS Army members who participated in the events in Srebrenica in July 1995, unanimously adopted the report which has been forwarded to the Working Group and the High Representative Paddy Ashdown. The Chairman of the investigative sub-group Smail Cekic expressed gratitude to all RS institutions that enabled uninterrupted work of this investigative sub-group; he added that the report consists of 26 pages with numerous attachments – that is, relevant documentation. |
ICMP presented new project for locating mass graves
| Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Locating of mass graves through improved methods’ not signed – The ICMP presented on Tuesday a study of a multi-national team of investigators, which would help in locating mass graves. DL says that this is s system of techniques, which would find typical samples and differences in pieces of land, which are known to be hiding mass graves. All other BiH media also covered the issue. |
Udpate to issue of Scorpions video-tape
| Vecernje Novosti pg 13, announced on cover ‘Scorpions in sequences’ – Daily reports that at the internet site of “Srpska Politika” the sequence of video-tape showing the killing of Bosniaks from Trnovo by members of Scorpions unit was played Tuesday, showing two Bosniaks get up after brutal shooting. The web-site concludes that this sequence clearly shows the video-tape “was well-performed film editing”. However, daily disagrees with this, referring to stirring statements of the families of the killed Bosniaks. |
Miscellanoues | |
TI claims BiH is the only state in the region which has not signed UN Convention on Fight against Corruption
| Oslobodjenje cover pg splash, pg 6 ‘BiH is the only one that did not sign UN Convention on Corruption’ by Edina Kamenica – Daily reports that in four months time, namely on 9 December, two-year process of signing of UN Convention on fight against corruption will have completed. However, BiH is unfortunately the only state in the region, which has not signed this convention. According to Boris Divjak, BH Transparency International Chair, reveals to daily what TI plans to do on this issue, adding: “In the course of next week, we will send memo to several addresses within the state institutions, in which he will warn of non-existence of minimum political will on settlement of this issue.” Unlike previous times, when former HR Wolfgang Petritsch, accused Divjak of collaborating with local authorities, Vjekoslav Vukovic, Assistant to BiH Security Minister, was the one who has recently accused Divjak of undermining the authority. |
VL: FBiH Special Police Unit to be names ‘Scorpions’
| Vecernji List cover pg splash ‘Special police unit members to be named Scorpions’ and pgs 2 and 3 ‘FBiH special police unit members will be called ‘Scorpions’ ‘ by Z. Kresic carries that last year the Federation of BiH police launched the initiative to name a special FBiH police unit ‘Scorpions’. VL says they failed to get a comment on this ‘scandalous proposal’ from competent bodies on Tuesday. |
SDHR Nay at conf. ‘Ways of reconciliation and global human rights’
| Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Ways of reconciliation and global human rights’ by E. Mackic – The international conference, which is focused on researching the ways towards reconciliation and the issue of global human rights, started in Sarajevo last night. Talking at this conference Senior Deputy High Representative Martin Nay commented on institutional events and the things, which were achieved in order to promote reconciliation in BiH, which defines character and culture of this country. Other BiH media also report on start of the conference. |
T. Grizelj: If domestic authorities do not discusses initiatives of the Bulldozer Commission, we shall try to resolve issue with OHR in September
| Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Businismen demand consistent implementation of initiatives’ by D. Kozina – The BiH Association of Businismen stressed that the implementation of 52 initiatives of the Bulldozer Commission is at a standstill since entity and Brcko District Governments have not discussed their proposals yet. President of the Association Tomislav Grizelj stated that they would wait for the end of August and then they will try to resolve this issue with the OHR in September. Spokesperson of the BiH Council of Ministers Bojan Zec Filipovic stated that they see a group gathered around the Bulldozer Commission as a good mechanism for cooperation and that the BiH CoM will find the way to meet all their demands, however the whole process has been slowed down due to summer holidays. Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Bulldozer was better driven by OHR’ also carried Grizelj’s statement. |
Update to dispute RS EP – SB Soft
| Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘They got compensation of BAM 54 million for incomplete and unreliable programme’ by R.Segrt – NN got hold of expertise, which the Audit House “Deloitte & Touche” performed for RS Elektroprivreda on the contract it had signed with “SB Soft”. The expertise established that “SB Soft” has failed to implement software programme at RS EP in line with main project, nor in line with annexes, for which this |