
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 15/6/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 15 June


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

Corpus Christi holiday

Bosanka-Doboj & Enterier on strike

BiH admits handing Algerian group

RSNA in session

EU summit in Brussels

Tender for ‘Telekom Srpske’ in July

TV news broadcast on 14 June, 2006


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Six injured in riots in Mostar

Riots in Mostar

Riots in Mostar after football match

No incidents registered in Croatia

Mostar officials condemn riots

BIH Presidency on Montenegro

Reform Process Monitoring meeting

Monitoring of reform processes

Busek on Kosovo

Jovic in visit to Travnik

Terzic meets Demekas

HR/Solana on reforms in BIH


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Riots in Mostar

Mulalic sentenced

HR meets Solana

Incidents in Berlin, Germany

Riots in Mostar after football match

Riots in Mostar

Illegal weapons warehouse revealed

BIH Presidency in session

Man injured in Foca

Interview with Osman Topcagic

RS NA in session

SFOR finds weapons in Rogatica



Riots in Mostar, one person heavily wounded

Dnevni Avaz

[CSS-Solana meeting] Some leaders are ready to endanger future of citizens

Dnevni List

Mostar under siege of hooligans (football riots in Mostar)

Vecernji List

Not published due to national holiday in Croatia

Slobodna Dalmacija

Shooting, fighting and teargas (football riots in Mostar)

Nezavisne Novine

Fans’ war in streets of Mostar [Incident following Brazil-Croatia football match]

Glas Srpske

Imposed laws were rejected [RS NA session]


Illegal work dominant [2.456 unregistered workers in 4.598 firms in RS]

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles


Latest news of today

RSNA adopted decision on loan from WB and CEB



BH Radio 1 – At its Thursday’s session, RS National Assembly adopted decisions on loan this entity took from World Bank and Council of Europe Development Bank [CEB]. RS will take loan at CEB worth 3.7 million KM for the project of reconstruction of housing spaces for return of refugees and displaced persons and US$ 19 million from World Bank for the purpose of project of South-East Europe Energy Treaty and US$ 6.2 million for registration of land parcels.

F BiH PM’s deadline to Mittal Steel and ‘Zeljezara’ reps expires today

RHBToday is the deadline given by FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic to the management, trade unions and veterans association of Mittal Steel and Zenica ‘Zeljezara’ (Steelworks) to try and agree on the method of allocation of apartments. Mittal Steel trade union and veterans requested a 70-30 distribution in their company’s favor whereas ‘Zeljezara’ Zenica union and veterans want a 50: 50 division.


Security issues, war crimes

Riots in Mostar after Brazil-Croat football match: six policemen, 18 citizens injured, one suffers grave injuries by firearm, 26 arrested 













BHT1 by Seid Masnica – Following the football match between Brazil and Croatia on Tuesday night, a group of “hooligans” from the Western part of Mostar started vandalizing property at the Spanish square in city downtown, and subsequently clashed with another group of youngsters from Eastern part of the city. The Spokesperson for the Herzegovina Neretva Cantonal Interior Ministry, Srecko Bosnjak, said 18 persons, including 6 police officers, were injured in the riots while one person, Omar Torlo, was seriously hurt by firearm. In addition, 26 persons were arrested.BHT 1 criticised police for failing to respond to the violence in an appropriate way, claiming police was not prepared for this scenario. Reporter compared this situation with the celebration of success of the ‘Velez’ football club [from Eastern part of city] about a half month ago at which occasion police had increased its presence to good extend, whereas on Tuesday night only one police vehicle was patrolling at the location despite the fact that the supporters have been going around the city for entire day chanting the songs of support. Hayat – Bosnjak detailed that riots started when a group of supporters of the Croatian team gathered after the match and started vandalizing property and vehicles in the square and “on the other side, there was a group of persons, who were saying they supported Brazilian team. Soon afterwards, the two groups met and started throwing things at each others, result of which is great damage made.” Mostar citizens are more then terrified with the events. While some of them said the incident was expected, others claim that the HNK MoI officials supported them. Dnevni List cover splash and pgs 2-3 ‘Mostar under siege of hooligans’ by I. Culina – According to DL, 23 civilians and 6 police officers were injured.  Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash ‘Shooting, fighting and teargas’ and pgs 2-3 ‘Clash of football supporters in Mostar ended in shooting’ by Antonela Vlaho – reports on riots. RHB, PINK, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Fans’ war in streets of Mostar’ by M. Krilic, EuroBlic pg 33, announced on cover ‘Bosniaks and Croats fought over football’ not signed, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Riots in Mostar, one person heavily wounded’by Dragan Pavlovic, Dnevni Avaz pg 32 ‘Omar Torlo shot from pistol during the riots’, mentioned on cover ‘Night of terror in Mostar’ by F.Velealso reported.

Mostar Mayor on vandalized property in Tue riots: Damager will be paid for by parents


Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Damage will be paid for by parents’ by Esmir Milavic – At its Wednesday session, Mostar City Council condemned the riots in Mostar and decided to hold a special session dedicated to this issue. Mostar Mayor Ljubo Beslic expressed his view the damage should be paid for by the parents of those who took part in the riots. Hayat – Beslic and the Chair of Mostar City Council Murat Coric condemn the events. “Unfortunately, things like this are taking place not only in Mostar and BiH, but in the whole Europe. They should be strongly condemned”, said Beslic.

DL: Riots usually happen in Mostar


Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Disgrace for Croatian white-red chequers’, by Vera Soldo – comments on the football riots in the streets of Mostar heavily criticizing the hooligans. Soldo also notices: “What is especially interesting to me is the fact that riots were not recorded anywhere else but in Mostar where almost all euphoria ends up in ‘inter-national dual between ours and theirs’”.

Osl: BiH is the only place in grief and fear while the World Championship lasts


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Long, dark night’ op-ed by Daniel Omeragic– Commenting on the football match Brazil-Croatia and subsequent riots in Mostar, Omeragic notices one excellent game has turned into a long, dark night. “Nothing which happened in that night was accidental. The goal was to provoke the clash and renew the hostilities and it was achieved. Yesterday, no one in Mostar and Sarajevo has talked about the hard time the Croats gave Brazilians, but about riots that shook Herzegovina afterwards,” comments Omeragic. He concludes: “To respond to hatred with the hatred anywhere, [whether that] is Mostar, Sarajevo or Banja Luka, would be like returning to the darkest ages. Today, BiH is the only place in the world which mourns and fears while the World Championship lasts”.

EUFOR discovers hidden weapons in cave near Rogatica


RTRS – EUFOR soldiers Wednesday discovered a secret cache of weapons and ammunition in a cave near Rogatica, containing 25 boxes of ammunition, 14 grenades, 30 mines and 10 guns. EUFOR Commander Gian Marco Chiarini stated the latest discovery proves a lot of illegal weapons are still located in BiH. BHT1, Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Grenades and ammunition had been hidden in a cave’ by D. Mu.,Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Large amounts of weapons hidden in cave for years’ by L.Sinanovic,Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘About 1,000 grenades found’ by Onasaalso carried.

CoE report on US secret flights: BiH is only out of 46 CoE’s members that admitted violation of European convention on human rights by ‘handing over’ Algerian group to US


FTV – The Council of Europe’s [CoE] report on secret U.S. flights from Europe transferring terrorism suspects publicised on Wednesday by Secretary General Terry Davis reads that BIH has admitted handing over a group of six of Algerian origin with BiH citizenships to U.S. Army on January 18, 2002. Thus, BIH is the only country out of 46 CoE member countries that has admitted violating the European convention on human rights by handing in six persons suspected of terrorism to CIA. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Davis announced report that contains details on Algerian group’ by T.L. – The report also contains document on the ‘Algerian group’ accused for plotting terrorist attack on US Embassy in Sarajevo, currently in Guantanamo base, which was submitted by BiH Foreign Ministry. Document reads six were not “extradited” by the local police but “handed over” to the US troops in BiH. The report claims the US authorities offered certain information indicating ‘Algerian group’ could have “information relevant to fight against terrorism”. Inset ‘BiH authorities with tied hands’ – Noting that ‘Algerian group’ members were registered in US military prison Guantanamo [Cuba], Davis reminded that BiH authorities has no jurisdiction over acts of international military forces stationed in BiH. Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘BiH admitted extradition of Algerians’ by Fena – also carries.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: Claims that BiH illegally helps US to fight terrorism contradicts with claims that BiH is nest of terrorists

Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Guantanamo’ by Edin Krehic – Commenting recent Amnesty International report claiming that some European countries helped CIA to conduct their illegal arrests and secret flights in Europe, among which BiH is mentioned, editorial stresses that these claims contradicts “even more frequent claims that BiH is a terrorists’ nest.”

Serbian Central Bank forwards information on alleged RS’ intrusion into Yugoslav monetary fund in 1997 to the ICTY


RTRS by Teodora Vranjes – The Central Bank of Serbia forwarded to the ICTY the information it requested about intrusion of the RS into monetary system of former Republic of Yugoslavia in 1997, as there are suspicions that funds were partly used to assist the ICTY fugitives. Central Bank of Serbia claims that, as in accordance with data in their possession, no such large breach had been documented. However, the Bank didn’t mention any exact amount that could have been taken. Former RS Prime Minister Gojko Klickovic stated for “Vecernje Novosti” that such intrusion wasn’t possible at all. Klickovic explained that Serbia has collected the custom taxes for goods exported from the RS during the period when Serbian Customs Administration was led by Mihal Cerkez. Allegedly, Slobodan Milosevic had promised to return this money, but it never happened. Klickovic explained RS authorities wanted to find a solution for this problem. Therefore, they decided not to return to Serbia ‘dinars’ [Serbian currency] it had located in the RS. He claims that the amount of these funds is 890 million dinars. Klickovic claims possession of all documents proving his claims.

Former RS premier Klickovic: Karadzic was ready to pack for The Hague in 1997


Vecernje Novosti pg 5 ‘Radovan’s staff were packed! by V.Mitric – Former RS premier, Gojko Klickovic, suspected of having been responsible for RS intrusion into SR Yugoslavia monetary system in 1997 at the time of his mandate, says that in 1997, Radovan Karadzic was ready to pack his staff and go to The Hague to respond to accusations against him, RS and Serb people. This was a part of arrangement RS was negotiating with Richard Holbrooke, American diplomat. However, afterGovernment led by Klickovic was removed, and Karadzic did not have trust in new Government. Karadzic’s condition was he went to The Hague as a free man.

ICTY Spokesperson Nikiforov: ICTY is not investigating use of BAM 230 million taken from SRY


Vecernje Novosti pg 2 ‘Money behind lock too’ by E. Radosavljevic – carries a short interview with ICTY Spokesperson Antun Nikiforov who denied ICTY is investigating the use of BAM 230 million reportedly taken through RS intrusion into former SR Yugoslavian monetary system in 1997. Nevertheless, Nikiforov noted that ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte is quite interested in finding out whether any of the Hague fugitives is still using this money for hiding, adding: “If fugitives are using this money, then we can track it down, block it and deprive them of financial help.”

SDS’ Siljegovic: if all services say that Karadzic is not in BiH, than it makes no point punishing citizens and RS institutions


Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Not even SDS can’t learn where Karadzic is’ by A.Prlenda – The Chair of Joint Commission for Defence and Security Policy and surveillance of the security structures in BiH, SDSBosko Siljegovic, told daily in a brief interview it is not “right to keep BiH outside the Partnership for Peace” as everything points that Radovan Karadzic is not in BiH. Siljegovic argues there is probably a need for BiH Parliament to ask for additional information on Karadzic hiding from the authorized security agencies, despite the fact it receives regular reports about security situation in BiH. Stressing he could not be satisfied with work of these agencies as all conditions have not been met yet, Siljegovic said: “RS and BiH Parliament have shown they want BiH to meet all obligations towards the ICTY. But, if people who work in these agencies responsibly claim Karadzic and Ratko Mladic aren’t in BiH, and so do the international institutions that are better equipped and more capable then we are, then it is not good to punish BiH citizens or RS institutions”. Explaining that SDS has contributed to cooperation with ICTY by supporting RS law on this issue and since the RS President Dragan Cavic gave full support to arrests of suspects at large, Siljegovic says there is not much more SDS could do to ensure Karadzic’s arrest: “We don’t have out intelligence and police services. Politicians and officials can’t go searching for Karadzic. This can’t be asked from a political party.” 

Russian Ambassador Shuvalov: ICTY indictee Zelenovic was illegally staying in Russia and he was deported as soon as he was found

Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Russia acted correctly in Zelenovic case’ by Onasa – In an interview for Onasa Russian Federation Ambassador Konstantin Shuvalov stated BiH-Russia relationships should be improved, adding: “Some Russian investors tried to cooperate with BiH, but unfortunately they did not have positive experience.” Shuvalov noted issue of Clearing debt and BiH debt for gas saw no improvements since he came to BiH. Commenting Russian failure to extradite ICTY indictee Dragan Zelenovic to The Hague, Shuvalov said: “He was therefore returned to BiH for he is a citizen of BiH,” adding that Russia did not breach a resolution by UN Security Council on cooperation with ICTY: “The issue is that Zelenovic illegally stayed in Russia, breaching by that Russian law, for what he was punished, including deportation… He lived in Russia under false name. As soon as he was found, he was arrested.” Commenting talks of referendum on RS secession, Russian Ambassador stressed: “It is necessary to view this issue from the framework of BiH Constitution… Dayton Constitution is the internal and external guarantee for the structure of BiH. The only way to change the Constitution is by following its provisions. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Critics that Russia is not cooperating with the Hague are groundless’ by ONASA – also carried.


Political issues: reforms, SAA, institutions

BiH Presidency recognizes Montenegro : this would not affect lawsuit BiH vs. SCG for aggression; Montenegro argues Serbia is legal successor of all obligations; BiH Presidency objects HoR deputies have higher salaries









BHT1 By Svjetlana Todorovic – At Wednesday session in Sarajevo, BiH Presidency decided to officially recognize Montenegro as an independent state. BIH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic noted Montenegrin independence would not affect the BiH lawsuit against Serbia and Montenegro for aggression and genocide or the Montenegrin’s responsibility. However, Montenegrin Foreign Minister, Miodrag Vlahovic, told BHT 1 the lawsuit doesn’t refer to them as Serbia is legal successor of all obligations. On the compensation issue, Tihic noted that if ordered by the International Court of Justice, compensation would be divided between Serbia and Montenegro in percentage they agree on. “Serbia did not automatically take upon itself all obligations. We expect this issue will see mutual agreement between these two countries” said Tihic. Head of BiH Legal Team in the lawsuit, Sakib Softic, also believes the Montenegrin independence will not affect the lawsuit. FTV – BIH Presidency has adopted the report on execution of budget of BiH Institutions and state international obligations, concluding it is necessary to adopt the regulations on salaries of civil servants to ensure more regulated resources’ allocation. “BiH House of Representatives delegate has higher salary than a member of the BiH Presidency; members of the Steering Boards earn KM 2700 per month” said Tihic adding this includes ITA, Central Bank and other independent state Agencies. He argued his own monthly salary doesn’t exceed 2700 KM and the highest salary should not exceed 7 average salaries, concluding the members of Steering Boards should be entitled only to 1 average salary for their services. RHB, PINK, Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘Salaries of officials up to 4,200 KM’ by A.Terzic, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Decision on recognizing Montenegro’ by A.T., Dnevni Avaz pg 2  ‘Diplomatic relations with Montenegro by June’ by A.M., Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Steering Boards have larger salaries than Presidency’ by A.M., Dnevni List, pg 7, mentioned on front ‘Unconditional recognition of Montenegro’, by D. P. Mandic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘They recognized independence of Republic of Montenegro’ by N. Krsman

RSNA passes law on higher education; rejects draft law on salaries of judges, prosecutors; initiative for law on rights of the deputies foresees better benefits


RTRS Milan Trbojevic – At the session that started on Wednesday [to last until Friday], the RS National Assembly adopted the report of RSNA Board for Science, Culture and Education on current situation in the education sector. The RS Education Ministry has been tasked to prepare a new proposal of law on secondary education and to complete the university integration process, i.e. regulate financing of these institutions. RSNA MP’s also adopted the draft Law on higher education. RS Education Minister, Anton Kasipovic, stated that the draft law represents a high-quality base for the necessary changes of higher education system in accordance with the Bologna Declaration and EU standards. Kasipovic explained that the accreditation of the higher education institutions would remain at the entity level, while the supervision is going to be carried out by the state agency. Most deputies welcomed the passing of draft law, emphasizing that the final law should be adopted before the beginning of next school year. RSNA rejected draft law on salaries of judges and prosecutors, which stipulated the minimum salary at 2400 KM, and maximum up to 4400 KM. The RS Justice Minister, Omer Visic, said the RS NA could not directly change this law, as well as the law on attorney practice. He explained that both laws are going to stay valid, which is in line with the stance of the OHR. SRS “Dr. Vojislav Seselj” deputy Milan Lazic harshly opposed this proposal, claiming that it has been imposed by HR, which was also supported by the SNSDs Krstan Simic who however urged RSNA to adopt the draft anyway stressing salaries of judges/prosecutors need to be legally regulated. RTRS reported almost all deputies signed initiative for adoption of law on rights and duties of RS NA deputies which would significantly increase their salaries. It also allows pension of MPs in amount of 65% of deputy salary after completing only one half of their mandate and after reaching 55 years of age. EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Easily to pension’ by Rajna Radosavljevic – RS NA asked from RS Government to increase funds for agriculture. PINK, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Extravagant deputies’ by O.V, Dnevni Avaz pg 13 ‘To prepare Law on Higher Education before the beginning of next school year’ by Onasa, Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Imposed Laws rejected’ by Z.Markovic/G.Dakic,Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘No increase of salaries for judges and prosecutors’ by V. P. – also reported. 

Reforms Process Monitoring meets to discuss reforms in BiH; EU’s Lange: Brussels doesn’t note progress


BHT1 by Mirela Cosic – The 4th meeting of the Reform Process Monitoring team comprised of BiH and EU officials (which started in Sarajevo on Wednesday) stressed that official Brussels was not satisfied with the pace of adopting reforms in the BiH. Head of the EU Enlargement Directorate’s Department for BiH and Albania, Dirk Lange stated “I do not want to hide that currently Brussels doesn’t see the progress”,  expressing hope the further discussion would reveal more progress than it is believed to be at this stage. However, reporter comments that the police reform is still at the beginning as the adopted proposals were rejected by the RS politicians. Chairman of BIH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic said: “The police reform issue in RS is the darkest cloud above the Stabilisation and Association Agreement [SAA] and I hope this issue will be solved. The negotiating team will finish negotiations by the end of September when we are going to have an agreement”. Director Osman Topcagic underlined signing of the SAA would entirely depend on reforms. BHT 1 notes that while the police reform is the key issue to sign SAA, it is not the top priority for the politicians before the elections. Mirza Cubro from Banja Luka based Nezavisne Novine daily stated politicians now care about winning the elections which excludes progress in police reform. Reporter concludes that Serbia, Montenegro and BIH are last when it comes to the European integrations on the list in the region. PINK- After Thursday’s session, representative of the EC Reinhard Priebe is expected to assess the progress made by BiH. RHB, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Assessment of reform process’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Date of signing of the Agreement is unknown’ by M. Cubro, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Proof-giving on existence of reforms’ by Z.Domazet, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘In defence sector, BiH has reasons to show off’ by T.L., Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Small improvement in implementing reforms in BiH’ by FTV – also report

BiH Directorate for European Integrations Topcagic: negotiations successful, but it is impossible to pass laws if institutions do not function


Hayat by Asim Beslija – In interview to NTV Hayat, Director of BiH Directorate for European Integrations, Osman Topcagic, said that the Reform Process Monitoring team focused on the issues of judiciary, internal affairs, security issues such as visa regime, border crossings, exile, migrations, and fight against money laundering, organized crime and terrorism. “Certain conclusions have been made; the EC representatives congratulated us on results we have achieved in terms of these issues, but we have also been advised to continue passing laws and regulations and keep insisting on their implementation”, explains Topcagic. Topcagic adds that it is of extreme importance for BiH to show that it has a constructive role in fighting all kinds of crime. Topcagic explains a plenary session is going to take place on Thursday, at which six crucial priorities, namely SAA preconditions [cooperation with the ICTY, police reform, Public Broadcasting System]will be discussed, adding: “I find these negotiations successful, despite the existing political situation; but, it is impossible to pass the laws, planned to be passed in this period, if the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, BiH Council of Ministers as well as other authority institutions do not function.

Schwarz-Schilling meets EU’s Solana: BiH leaders must take over responsibility for the future


BHT1 by Elvir Bucalo, Brussels – EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana unexpectedly met with the High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling where they discussed the issue of reforms in BIH. It was noted that European Union couldn’t be blamed for the failure of the reforms in BIH. Schwarz-Schilling stated that “This questioning of Dayton Agreement, mentioning of the RS referendum, questioning already agreed police reform are situations that do not support the process that we all care about – EU integrations”. Bucalo stated that now “the ball” belongs to the BIH civil society, adding that with closing of the OHR, BIH is running off the excuse for the life under IC patronage while the situation in the region might push BIH forward on the waiting list. Schwarz-Schilling pointed out the difficulties in Serbia with suspended negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement, Kosovo status and Montenegrin independence adding, “if BIH decides to really follow the set obligations it might reach the front”. RTRS- Solana and Schwarz-Schilling agreed that BiH leaders must take the responsibility for the future, understand the challenges of EU integration and show that they are capable of meeting them and transfer of authorities to the local level successfully. Schwarz-Schilling said that the international community is changing the nature of its engagement in BiH by establishing the office of EUSR. He stressed that BiH politicians must be more active in addressing the challenges that arise from this process. Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Some leaders are ready to endanger future of citizens’, pg 2 ‘Problem is in BiH, not in EU’ by S.N. Inset ‘Meeting with Ferrero-Waldner’ – daily carries that HR met with EU Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and EU Policy towards neighbors Benita Ferrero-Waldner. Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Critics to boycott of Parliament of referendum agitation’ – also report

Oslobodjenje: Sarajevo Commission to be appointed today


Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Appointment of the Sarajevo Commission today’, mentioned on cover by A.Terzic– BiH Deputy Human Rights and Refugee Minister Ivica Marinovic,confirmed to daily that the Council of Ministers would on Thursday appoint the members of the Commission for Sufferings of Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, Jews and others in Sarajevo in period 1992- 1995. Marinovic emphasized the Ministry has processed the candidates and that CoM received lists of names for final verification. FBiH Government nominated the following for the Commission composed of 10 members [3 Serbs, 3 Croats, 3 Bosniaks and 1 other]: Smail Cekic, Enes Pelidija, Mirko Kupreskovic, Enes Zeljkovic, Dzemaludin Mutapcic, Djordje Miseljic, Marijo Nenadic, Zvonimir Janecko and Anton Zelic. RS Government nominated: Zeljko Rasevic, Milan Jankovic, Dobrislav Planojevic and Slobodan Skrba. The only NGO that submitted names of the candidates is Coordination of Veterans’ Associations of Sarajevo Canton: Amor Masovic, Smail Cekic, Enes Pelidija, Jasmin Odobasic, Fadila Memisevic and Amir Ahmic. Daily comments that Masovic is the only disputable candidate, as the Serb MPs in BiH Parliament see him as the one that promotes party’s interests. Appointment of the Commission is a condition for ending of the boycott of Serb deputies, which lasts as of May 24. Inset ‘Terzic should come to Lukavica as well’ – Association of Families of Missing Persons of Sarajevo- Romanija region has welcomed the visit of Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic to ICMP office in Tuzla and invited him to visit the office in Lukavica as well, in order to be informed about war crimes over Serbs. Inset ‘Commissions in other cities as well’- Session of the BiH Parliament is scheduled for June 22 and Serb MPs announced they wouldn’t attend it unless Commission was established. As the response, SBiH announced theyt would ask for establishment of similar commission in other cities as well. RTRS – also reports on RS Association inviting Terzic to visit Lukavica.

OHR responding official Russia : Schwarz-Schilling himself is standing for abolishment of Bonn Powers


Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Schilling himself is standing for abolishing Bonn powers’ by Se.K. – Commenting stance of Russian Foreign Minister Sergej Lavrov that HR’s Bonn Powers should be abolished, OHR Spokesperson Mario Brkic told daily: “This is exactly what High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling stands for and keeps constantly repeating since he came to BiH and took over his duty. BiH’ way to Euro-Atlantic integrations does not lead trough OHR and Bonn Powers, but through the process of the true taking over initiative and responsibility by political powers within BiH for all the reform processes.” Brkic added that Peace Implementation Council [PIC] is responsible for changing or abolishing Bonn Powers. Asked to comment whether Lavrov’s initiative is aimed to prevent possible replacement of RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik after his statements on referendum, Brkic said that OHR does not want to comment speculations and conspiracy theories.

NATO Trustee Fund to convene today and decide on allocation of resources to BiH soldiers’ surplus


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Decision on NATO assistance to surplus of BiH soldiers today’ by I.S. – Daily reports that final decision of NATO Trustee Fund for providing assistance to staff surplus, who will lose their jobs owing to defence reform in BiH, as well as date of its official start will be known today after the meeting of the NATO Political and Military Committee. Sven Alkalay, BiH Ambassador in Belgium and Head of BiH Mission to NATO, also confirmed this piece of information to daily, who will address the participants of the meeting. According to previous announcements, the official promotion of the Trustee Fund, i.e. information campaign, should commence during the course of this month. 


Elections and debate on referendum

BiH Presidency Chair Tihic: Dodik acted as opposition leader when he brought idea on referendum



Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Dodik is acting as an opposition leader’ by Srna, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Steering Boards have larger salaries than Presidency’ by A.M. Inset ‘Dodik acts unserious’ – BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic on Wednesday commented on RS PM Milorad Dodik’s statements on referendum in BiH and RS, saying RS PM Dodik acted irresponsibly in light of his function. Tihic believes Dodik actied as an opposition leader and attempted to collect short-term points in pre-election campaign by giving the statements on referendum. ‘There is a constitutional possibility of having talks and reaching agreement on whether there would be two, three, five or more entities or regions, but it is completely unconstitutional and anti-Dayton to behave in such way to advocate a separation of a part of BiH’, Tihic explained.

SNSD East Sarajevo : support to referendum


RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘For democratic opinion’ by V.B., Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Response to pressure from FBiH’ by M.K.S.SNSD Regional Board East Sarajevo told the press conference Wednesday it supports the right of peoples for self-determination, including the right for referendum. The Board stressed the DPA can be changed only with full consensus of all peoples, adding that no people would demand referendum if they could satisfy their interests without blackmailing and threats.

DNS: right to referendum cannot be taken by the HR or some Ambassadors

RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘They first talk about referendum, then withdraw’ by S. T.President of DNS Marko Pavic stated that referendum is a right of all peoples guaranteed by UN Charter, which can’t be taken away by the High Representative or by Ambassadors of some countries.

Ombudsman Popovic: RS has the right to organise referendum on its future


Vecernje Novosti pg 5 ‘Dodik is right’ not signed – BiH Ombudsman for Human Rights Vitomir Popovic has stated after the Vienna Conference of European Ombudsmen that RS has the right to organise referendum on its future because every people has the right to self-determination. He noted the ideas on referendum in the area of the Balkans appear more often after the Montenegrin referendum and added: ‘RS PM Milorad Dodik clearly let international community know Serb people too have the same right to referendum’.

ACIPS critical of OHR’ and PIC’ mild reaction upon referendum statements


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘OHR and PIC anemically reacted on statements on referendum in RS’ by FENA – ACIPS (Political Council of the Association of Alumni Center for Inter-disciplinary post-graduate studies) has harshly criticized OHR and PIC (Peace Implementation Council) for mild reaction upon statements regarding referendum in RS, noting: “The statement by which OHR stressed there will be no referendum as long as it is present in BiH only sends out a message to supporters of this initiative to wait for OHR’s departure next year.” ACIPS views OHR and PIC reaction as anaemic, reminding of their failure to use their mandate and sanction demands of this kind. Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Inadequate reaction from OHR’ – also carries.

GS op-ed scrutinizes HR’s letter to RS PM Dodik on referendum


Glas Srpske op-ed pg 5 ‘About form and content’ by Predrag Lazarevic – The author starts by noting that the journalists of all profiles represent the sole guarantee that developments behind curtains of politics and authority will not remain hidden from public, adding thanks to journalists he got a copy of a letter HR to BiH Christian Schwarz Schilling addressed to RS Premier regarding his statements on referendum. He is amazed that HR, from whom we expected to know much more about history, to write that he sees BiH “as something being temporary by its nature.” He also commends HR for respecting traditional norms of conduct unlike numerous other western diplomats, in relation with which HR politely reminds of provisions of Agreement on Special Parallel Relations RS signed with SiCG (by which signatories would respect sovereignty of each other). He concludes by saying that application of double standards (including failure to penalize F BiH officials for asking abolishment of RS) in southeast Balkans, including BiH, gives a right to RS citizens to fight for referendum on self-determination.

SDP’s Limov: HR Schwarz-Schilling knows who is, who is not in power, IC too is responsible for stall in reform process


Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Schilling’s policy is hypocritical’, by M. Zorlak, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Not all the parties are the same’ by Fena – following the statement by the HR, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, in which he criticized the MPs in the BiH Parliament for lack of responsibility towards BiH citizens when adopting key reforms were in question, SDP’ MP in BiH HoP, Tomislav Limov noted the SDP was surprised with such a statement because it is known which parties in BiH are in power and which are in opposition underlining the HR must support those that are supporting reforms. Limov also notes that it is both the ruling parties and the IC that are responsible for the situation in BiH, saying the HR is at ease with such situation in BiH because he is not using his Bonn powers.

DA op-ed: BiH politicians on test before October elections


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Test for BiH politicians’ op-ed by Admir Malagic – Editorial reads that BiH politicians should seriously take into consideration warnings that European path of BiH and Stabilisation and Association Agreement [SAA] could be endangered due to pre-elections campaigns. Author notes: “There are couple of very important issues. Police reform and Public Broadcasting Service [PBS] above all… But those who should deal with that showed that, for the reason of cheap politics, they are ready to talk about division of BiH, so we should not doubt that there would also be some who would dare to stop fulfilling mentioned obligations.” Editorial concludes that BiH parties would have chance to demonstrate their political maturity before October elections: “If not, they could not sell BiH citizens story that they are standing for their better future, European standards, employment, larger salaries…

HDZ BiH warns of difficult position of Sarajevo Croats


RHB, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 13, mentioned on front ‘Hunt for Croats continues in Sarajevo’, by Marko Karacic, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Hunt on Croats’ by N. K., Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Sarajevo becomes exclusively Bosniak city’ – HDZ BiH issued a press statement in which it warns of deteriorating status of Croats in Sarajevo, calling it ‘open hunt for Croats’, such as humiliation of Croat pupils in schools (recent case in which a Catholic/Croat student was allegedly forced to do schoolwork intended for Muslim pupils).

DL, SD comments on Croat coalitions: Key to power rests with HSP Djapic-Jurisic’s


Dnevni List, pg 8 ‘Jurisic hold key to power’, by Dn. L. – DL comments on the situation on the Croat political scene in BiH i.e. formation of three coalitions of Croat parties led by HDZ BiH (with HNZ), HDZ 1990 Croat Unity (with HSS, HKDU, HDU and CCD) and HSP Djapic-Jurisic (with NHI). DL notes that none of the coalitions will be able to win more than 50% of the Croats’ votes, therefore post-election coalitions among the three are inevitable. In this context, DL says a coalition amongst the two HDZs is impossible, therefore it is down to the coalition led by HSP Djapic-Jurisic and its leader Zvonko Jurisic to decide who will be the winner. Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 11 ‘Croat unity in battle against HDZ’, by Marko Karacic – also comments on the Croat political scene in BiH. SD notes it is interesting that NHI, HSP Djapic-Jurisic, HDZ BiH and HNZ have formed a coalition for the RS and that the HDZ 1990-led coalition will fight for votes in the RS too, which means the Croat parties failed to agree to an all-Croat coalition for the RS, which could result in squandering of the Croat votes (due to high threshold).

Croat Unity to fight for equality of Croat people


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘To win a fight for Croat equality’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Equality the main goal’ not signed, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Coalition of political character’, by D. P.– Leader of HDZ 1990- Croat Unity Bozo Ljubic told the press conference in Mostar that Coalition Croat Unity [HDZ 1990, HSS, HKDU, HDU and Croat Demo-Christians] would be supporting one candidate for the BiH Presidency, member of HDZ 1990. Ljubic stressed that coalition would fight for equality of Croats and restoring of dignity to work and creativity.

Danas: CEO of ‘Elektroprivreda of Herceg Bosna’ Maric getting closer to HDZ 1990


Danas, pgs 18-21, mentioned on front ‘Even electricity is divided among parties’, by Marijana Malic – according to the author, many CEOs of prominent companies in Herzegovina (such as ‘Aluminij’s’ Mijo Brajkovic, ‘Elektroprivreda of Herceg Bosna’, Vlado Maric and HT Mostar’s Stipe Prlic) are becoming closer to the HDZ 1990. According to ‘Danas’, Maric has been approached by several senior officials of the HDZ 1990, which triggered Maric to look for more HDZ 1990 supporters within his company. On top of this, Danas says Maric is getting closer to the HDZ 1990 because the HDZ BiH leader, Dragan Covic, after losing the job in BiH Presidency and announcement that he will not be running in the October elections, is planning to take over Maric’s job. Danas also notes that the ‘Elektroprivreda’ is a golden goose, which used to provide money to the HDZ BiH, which was revealed in OHR’s report that detected embezzlements worth millions (of KMs).

BPP leader Latic commenting BiH political situation: Coalition SDA- SDP can lead people into disaster


Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Coalition SDA-SDP can lead people into disaster’ by Edina Sarac – Commenting present political situation in BiH, in an interview for daily, Bosniak People’s Party [BPP] leader Nedzad Latic said that Bosniaks have been depressed and politically manipulated by nationalists and chauvinists, adding that Bosniaks have to go out for elections “for these are new Bosniak referendum”. Presenting his political platform, Latic criticizes SDA and SDP leaders Sulejman Tihic and Zlatko Lagumdzija, respectively: “SDA-SDP coalition is not healthy, for if both Tihic and Lagumdzija had pro-Bosnian motives, they would not impute each other affairs like Coup d’etat and hug each other afterwards. That coalition can lead people into disaster.” He noted that BPP was created to be Bosniak political party that would be opposition to SDA: “We want to articulate Bosniak political interests and fight for them.”



Economy and judiciary

CoM Chair Terzic met with IMF representatives: BiH Central Bank should have banking supervision on state level



PINK, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Uncontrolled spending of incomes’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘BiH Central Bank gets a stronger role’ by R. Cengic, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘IMF demands state to save for the reforms’ by T.Lazovic – BiH Presidency Chair Adnan Terzic on Wednesday met with the Head of IMF Mission to BiH and Croatia Dimitri Demekas and discussed the need for BiH to have a surplus of money in its budget at the end of the year, as well as on the need of BiH Central Bank to overtake the control over spending of public revenues and functioning of banks in BiH. According to BiH CoM’s press statement, the meeting concluded that BiH Central Bank should have a more active role in monitoring of deficits in BiH and establish a banking supervision at the state level. Terzic expressed his hope BiH Parliament would adopt the law on BiH Fiscal Council by the end of July.

RS Justice Minister Visic: RS Govt to discuss Law on Fight against organized crime that was harmonized with HJPC stances

EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘The Government accepts vacancy’ by T. Veselinovic – RS Justice Minister Omer Visic has announced RS Government should, at its next session, discuss changes and addenda to the Law on Organised Crime, which would be harmonized with stances of HJPC and added ‘the most important thing is that we have accepted the recommendation of BiH HJPC for selection of Chief Special Prosecutor and his Deputy through a vacancy notice’.

FBIH Social-Economic Council unhappy with FERK’s decision to increase prices of electricity, FERK’s independent status


Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Removals because of more expensive electricity to begin!’, by Mensud Zorlak – notes that members of the FBIH Social-Economic Council at Tuesday session) were more or less unison in saying that changes needed to be carried out when it comes to determining of prices of electricity in FBIH. The Council chairman, Bozidar Matic, noted that it was unacceptable that the FERK (FBIH Regulatory Agency for Electricity) can be independent to such extent that it could increase prices of electricity without being responsible to anyone. BiH Unions leader, Edhem Biber, agreed with Matic. Matic proposed introduction of a solution used in Croatia, where commission in charge of electricity is an advisory body to the government, which ultimately takes decisions. (NB: article does not mention any removals)

FP Director Dervisevic: Finance Minister Vrankic managed to decrease FP authorities trough Regulation Book


Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘With the Regulation Vrankic took important authorities from the Financial Police’ by M.Kukan – Director of FBiH Finance Police Zufer Dervisevic claims that FBiH Finance Minister Dragan Vrankic after his law on Financial Police was rejected in FBiH Parliament [the law foresaw restrictions of FP’s work] managed to “push” his demands after all, by installing them in Regulation Book on internal organization of the FP, which was passed by the FBiH Government on June 8. Further on, Dervisevic added that the Commission, which drafted the Regulation Book was appointed by Vrankic and that this act was adopted without presence of the Chairwoman Belma Izmirlija. According to this act, FP’a activities have been restricted to control of tax and contributions to the salary, legality of calculations and payments of general water contributions, charges for usage of useful forests’ functions and to act by the orders of court and prosecutions. Dervisevic said to DA all of this is showing that Vrankic is “trying to achieve his unhidden intention and political mission to abolish the FP or strip it of authorities”.  Inset ‘Support of the neighbor from Peljesac’- Dervisevic said that Vrankic is supported by “his neignbour from Peljesac”, FBiH PM Ahmet Hadzipasic, as well as other FBiH Ministers, except of Culture and Sports Minister Gavrilo Grahovac.

FIPA Director Basic: BiH should immediately set ‘the address’ which would have full authorities to negotiate on Corridor 5-C


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Investors are interested with whom they will talk about Corridor 5-C’ by L.Sinanovic – BiH Foreign Investment Promotion Agency [FIPA] Director Haris Basic told daily that this agency is actively promoting project ‘Highway on Corridor 5-C’ on regular basis, adding that they cannot provide possible foreign investors with information who would be their partner in BiH: “It complicates the whole situation and sends out wrong message to investors.” Basic stresses that BiH should immediately set ‘the address’ which would have full authorities to negotiate on the project.

Appeals Council session re ‘Jelavic case’ postponed for July 4


Dnevni List, back pg ‘’Jelavic case’ shrouded with mystery’, by E. Mackic, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Appeals on verdict to Ante Jelavic to be discussed only on July 4’ by N.J, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Appealing session postponed for July’ by A.S., Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘About Jelavic on 4 July’ by A.Dj. – Session of Appeals Council of the BiH Court, which was to discuss the ‘Jelavic case’ on June 15, has been postponed for July 4, 2006. BiH Court did not reveal what caused the postponement. (‘Jelavic case’ refers to trials to former member of BiH Presidency, Ante Jelavic, who has been found guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. He is reportedly hiding in Croatia).