
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 15/3/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 onMarch 15, 2006


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

ICTY/Sentences to BiH Army cmdrs

EUFOR raid in Prnjavor

EUFOR/police raid in Prnjavor

EUFOR raids in Prnjavor

Milosevic’s wife won’t attend funeral

RS delegation in Belgrade

FBiH HoR’s session continues today

Russian Duma for ending of ICTY

Milosevic to be buried in Belgrade

TV news broadcast on March 14, 2006


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

FBiH HoR in session

ICTY closed Milosevic case

ICTY closes trial on Milosevic

Barun on HVO members agreement

Detention to Markovic suspended

Milosevic smuggled in medicines?

HKDU on HVO members agreement

Humphreys on judiciary

SiCG denies genocide and victims

12th ann. since HVO left Bugojno

Cadjo held press conference

Trial to Scorpions continued


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV  (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Milosevic to be buried in Belgrade?

ICTY closes trial on Milosevic

ICTY closed Milosevic’s case

ICTY detainees sign death notice

Milosevic to be buried in Belgrade?

BiH lawsuit against SCG for genocide

BiH vs. SCG lawsuit trial, update

Trial to Scorpions continued

Dismissals in RS Health Care

2 BiH Commanders to be sentenced

SiCG questions number of victims

Cadjo held press conference



SCG Legal agent denied genocide in Srebrenica

Dnevni Avaz

Croats will listen to Cardinal Puljic

Dnevni List

Alcohol and minors – combination that ends up in tragedy (on increased number of crimes committed by juvenilles in Canton 7)

Vecernji List

Gotovina: I am Catholic and I forgive (ICTY inmate CRO general Gotovina: I expressed condolences to Milosevic family, I did not sign obituary notice to Milosevic)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Prka damaged town for 800 000 KM? (HDZ attacking Head of Tomislavgrad Municipality and former HDZ member Zdravko Prka for irrational spending of funds)

Nezavisne Novine

HDZ for removal of Lozancic as well

Glas Srpske

From market to mystery (disappearance of eminent Foca neuro-psychiatrist Cekic)


Milosevic had been secretly supplied with medicaments and alcohol

Vecernje novosti

First Moscow , then Serbia ? (Milosevic death)



EUFOR, NATO, RS Police engaged in raid of house of Karadzic’s aide in Prnjavor





RTRS – Members of NATO, EUFOR and RS Police Special Unit have been engaged in raid of facilities owned by Nemanja Vasic, SDS official who was removed from the position of the Director of RS Directorate for Roads in 2004 in line with the HR’s decision. The operation has been launched at Prnjavor at 07:00 hrs this morning. The NATO announced the operation was conducted on suspicion Vasic is involved in network of support to Radovan Karadzic. The facilities being raided are: private house and two facilities/compounds for meat production, coffee bar and “Nevas” company. The press conference at 10:30 hrs was called by Tim Warrington, Head of EUFOR Ghurkas Unit seated in Banja Luka, and Dereck Chappel, NATO Spokesperson.  Warrington stated that the so far results of the raid are satisfactory, without specifying details. BHT,RHB – also reported

RS delegation led by PM Dodik in Belgrade , talks on economic cooperation, cooperation with ICTY


RTRS – An RS delegation, headed by Milorad Dodik, RS Premier, will pay a visit to Serbia, where they will meet with Boris Tadic, Serbian President, and Vojislav Kostunica, Serbian Premier. The RS delegation will also consist of: Milan Jelic, RS Minister of Energy, Nebojsa Radmanovic, RS Minister of Local autonomy. Being a guest on Tuesday’s night joint programme of Radio Belgrade and RSRadio, Premier Dodik announced that the meeting with Serbian officials is to discuss the issues of economic cooperation, as well as the issue of duties towards the ICTY.

ICTY to pass verdict to former BiH Army cmdrs.

RHB, RTRS – The ICTY would pronounce today (Wednesday) sentences to wartime BiH Army commanders Enver Hadzihasanovic and Amir Kubura.

Russian Duma calls for ending of ICTY

BHT – Lower House of Russian Parliament [Duma] adopted resolution by which it invites for immediate international investigation on death of Slobodan Milosevic and ending of ICTY.

Milosevic’s wife not to attend funeral in Belgrade?


BHTMirjana Markovic, the wife of former Serbian and Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic, will not attend her husband’s funeral, said the Russian Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Sergey Baburin. Markovic feels the guarantees for her safety provided by the Serbian authorities are insufficient. Milosevic’s mortal remains will today be transferred from the Hague to Belgrade.

BiH v SCG lawsuit: SCG rep claims UN protected zones were never fully disarmed


BHTSanija Saljihi – Main hearing in BiH lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide before the International Court of Justice continued with presentation of evidences from the side of SCG legal team. SCG representative, a French attorney Xavier Deru stated that there was no intention to destroy entire Muslim population in BiH, adding that UN protected zones under BiH Army control were never fully disarmed.


Milosevic death – update

ICTY officially closes Milosevic case





BHT1– ICTY has officially closed the trial against Slobodan Milosevic because of his death. Reporter stated that no verdict would be reached regarding the case although the Prosecution presented 30 000 evidence and many witnesses took stands in a four-year-long trial. Chair of the Trial Chamber, judge Patrick Robinson, expressed regrets that Milosevic died because of all victims that waited for justice to be served. The body of Slobodan Milosevic was discovered on Saturday in his cell in the ICTY detention union. The former Yugoslav President was 64 and according to initial autopsy report he died of heart attack. RTRS Alexandra Milenov, ICTY spokesperson said that ICTY Chamber expressed gratitude to all participants in this process. Milenov also said that ICTY would use the evidences from the Milosevic case for other cases. RHB, PINK, Hayat, FTV – also carried.

Milosevic to be buried in Belgrade , Court revoked arrest warrant for his wife


Hayat- Slobodan Milosevic will be buried in Serbia. Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica said that thanks to the decision of a Belgrade court to revoke an arrest warrant for Milosevic’s widow, Mira Markovic, Milosevic’s family will be allowed to burry him in Serbia. Namely, the court is not going to arrest Markovic since her lawyers have paid 15,000 Euros as guarantee that she will appear at the hearing, scheduled for March 23.FTV– Court spokesperson Ivana Ramic noted that Markovic would be free as long as she accepts to respond to the court summon, but stressed that the indictment against Markovic stays in force. Milosevic’s son, Marko Milosevic, stated that his father was murdered and that he ought to be buried in Belgrade, which is opposed by many sides.RTRS– Marko Milosevic took over body of his father late on Tuesday evening. RHB, BHT1– also covered.

AP: Milosevic was smuggling medicines and alcohol into his cell; Russian doctors to re-examine the body


BHT1– According to the Associated Press, Slobodan Milosevic had smuggled into his cell alcohol drinks and unauthorized medicine on which the ICTY was allegedly informed but did not react. On the other hand, ICTY Spokesperson Alexandra Milenov denied any possibility of taking unauthorized medicine due to the fact that ICTY medical personnel carefully monitor this process. RTRS– ICTY official reported that one security guard member in the ICTY prison had been warning several times that he could not guarantee for Milosevic’s health due to forbidden medicines and alcohol that were found in Milosevic’s cell. BHT1– Meanwhile, Russian team of doctors has arrived in Hague on Tuesday to reexamine the body and autopsy results after Russian Government expressed doubts in the accuracy of ICTY’s report that Milosevic died of heart attack. RHB, Hayat, FTV– reported.

Cavic not to attend Milosevic’s funeral


RHB– The RS President Dragan Cavic said that he was not going to attend Slobodan Milosevic’s funeral, regardless of where it would take place. Cavic added that he decided not to do so due to numerous obligations he had these days.

Former HR Petritsch: now even more important to arrest Karadzic and Mladic

RHB Austrian Ambassador to the UN and former High Representative to BiH Wolfgang Petritsch said that the ICTY should not close Slobodan Milosevic’s case but rather continue its work regarding the decay of Yugoslavia. It is now even more important to have Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic arrested, said Petritsch.

SCG Foreign Minister Draskovic: Milosevic’s death is slap on the face of his victims

RHBSCG Foreign Minister Vuk Draskovic said on Tuesday that the death was the last Slobodan Milosevic’s triumph. Milosevic’s era was marked by corruption, forgeries and murders, while he died as innocent and unpunished, said Draskovic and added that it was a ‘slap on the face of all his victims’.

RS Premier Dodik: Milosevic was not the sole creator of wars


Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Milosevic was not the sole creator of wars’ by D.R. Milorad Dodik, RS Premier, Tuesday stated that assessment that Slobodan Milosevic, was the sole creator of wars in the Balkans and the exclusive culprit for the tragic fall of Yugoslavia is ungrounded, adding: “Milosevic played a significant role in that, but he was not the sole and exclusive culprit.” Dodik reminded that the deaths of Franjo Tudjman, former Croatian President, and Alija Izetbegovic, former chairman of BH Presidency, prevented bringing charges against them. Dodik also said nobody can convince people in RS that they headed in war at Milosevic’s persuasion to do that.

Print media continue to dedicate lot of space to Milosevic death

Dnevni List reports on one page on the obituary notice allegedly signed by certain ICTY indictees including Croatian General Ante Gotovina, it speculates as to where Milosevic might be buried etc. Vecernji List carries similar information on 3 pages and Slobodna Dalmacija on 2 pages. Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Process against Milosevic closed’, mentioned on cover by Asim Beslija­ – daily carries whole two pages dedicated to death of Slobodan Milosevic. Dnevni Avaz pg 21 ‘Butcher’s funeral in Belgrade after all’, mentioned on cover ‘Draskovic: Milosevic deserves hell’ – daily covered on Milosevic funeral and reactions on three full pages. EuroBlic cover pg splash ‘Milosevic had been secretly supplied with medicaments and alcohol’ [EuroBlic dedicated pages 4-7 to Milosevic related articles], Vecernje Novosti cover pg splash ‘First Moscow, then Serbia?’ [VN dedicated pgs 10-13 to Milosevic related articles] (NB: print media are still dedicating a lot of attention and space to Milosevic death and subsequent events, as reported above by electronic media)


BiH lawsuit v SCG/Cooperation with ICTY/War Crimes

Main hearing in ICJ: SCG team challenges number of victims




FTV- SiCG Team, at the main hearing in BiH lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide before the International Court of Justice, reiterated that the war in BIH was a civil war disputing the number of victims. SiCG representative, a French attorney, Xavier Deru stated that the war in BIH was civil war with its worst culmination in Srebrenica. Reporter noted that the ICTY has already decided that crime in Srebrenica was genocide. SiCG representatives also stated that conditions in war camps were not as terrible as portrayed by the plaintiff. BHT1, Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 7 ‘SCG Legal agent denied genocide in Srebrenica’ by Nagorka Idrizovic Dnevni Avaz pg 13 ‘SCG team does not deny horrifying crimes in BiH’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘SRJ had no control over RS’ by Agencies, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘There was no genocide’ – also carried.

RSNA Speaker Radojicic: BiH Presidency and Parliament to ratify or withdraw the case


RTRS– RS National Assembly (RSNA) Speaker Igor Radojicic called on BiH Presidency Member Borislav Paravac to inform RSNA on the current status of BiH lawsuit against SCG. By its declaration on BiH lawsuit against SCG, RSNA asked from BiH Presidency and BiH Parliament to put this issue on agenda in order to withdraw or ratify the case. Oslobodjenje ‘To inform RSNA on status of the lawsuit’ by Onasa, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Call to Paravac to inform MP’s of suit versus SiCG’ by D.R., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Suit to the surface’ by M.Mi.  – also reported

B. Luka lawyers: BH lawsuit loses grounds following Milosevic death

Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Key lever broke?’ by Z. Markovic – Banja Luka lawyers Krstan Simic and Miroslav Mikes think the foundations of BiH lawsuit against SiCG would now, after death of Slobodan Milosevic, fall apart.

RS Interior Minister Cadjo says he has no information on Mladic, Karadzic whereabouts


Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘Special forces after Mladic too!’ not signed – article reports on the press conference of Minister Cadjo and reads he stated he has no information on whether the ICTY indictees, primarily Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic, were hiding in RS. Cadjo did not exclude the possibility of establishing special police units that would be tasked with locating and arresting Hague indictees.

USA : New deadline, May 21, to Serbia to fully cooperate with ICTY

Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘USA gave new deadline to Serbia by May 21’ by Fena– Senior Official of U.S. State Department Rosemary Di Carlo stated for Vienna based ‘Kurier’ daily that USA gave a new deadline to Serbia, by which Serbia should solve the issue of full cooperation with the ICTY. The date is May 21.

ICTY Chief Prosecutor to demand extradition of Mladic until 5t April


EuroBlic pg 3 ‘Del Ponte panically asking for Mladic’ by N.Calukovic – Daily learns from its sources close to the ICTY that Carla del Ponte,ICTY Chief Prosecutor, will come to Belgrade until the end of March, most likely at the end of next week, in order to once more increase pressure against Serbian authorities to extradite Ratko Mladic until April 5.

RS Govt: Commission on destiny of Colonel Palic constantly working

Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Investigation expanded outside BiH’ by Agencies – The RS Government Bureau for Public Affairs Tuesday confirmed that the Commission in charge of investigating destiny of RBiH Army Colonel Avdo Palic is constantly working and conducting investigation, which is a complex issue that expands outside BH borders.


Political Developments

FBiH HoR postponed voting on Law on FBiH PBS; HDZ left the session













FTV– During the discussion on the proposal of proposal on FBiH Public Broadcasting Service, FBIH House of Representatives postponed voting on the proposal for Wednesday. SDA MP in FBIH HoR Amila Husovic- Alikadic submitted few amendmentsto the law. She asked for the FTV Management to attend the session as well as representatives of the IC. “We need them to explain us if their requests are really European standards” noted Husovic- Alikadic. These requests were supported by HDZ delegates but not by SBIH and SDA delegates. Nevertheless, reporter noted, the discussion started when HDZ delegates decided to leave the session. HDZ MP in FBIH HoR Ivan Madunic commented their act by saying that “the law is illegal and unconstitutional and opposite to many European conventions and we as a part of Europe must abide by its regulations”. Most of the requests for the amendments were submitted by SDA that mainly complained on the number of representatives in the Managing Board and precise definition of the founder. BiH Traffic and Communications Minister Branko Dokic addressed the delegates in FBIH HoR underlining the importance of harmonising the FBIH law on PBS with the state law. “According to the European Law, Parliament cannot be the establisher of PBS” noted Dokic. Hayat– Dokic took part in the session, at which he pointed out that the law on PBS presented one of 16 Stabilization and Association Agreement terms. “BiH has decided to take that path and any obstacle would cause damage to BiH”, said Dokic. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Law filled with gaps’ by S.Sehercehajic – voting on the law is scheduled for Wednesday, until when FBiH Government should decide whether it would accept amendments submitted to the law. RHB, PINK, BHT1, RTRS, Dnevni List pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Croats left session because of FTV’ by M. Zorlak, Vecernji List pg 7 ‘HDZ left session of FBiH HoR’ by F, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 17 ‘HoR: Croats left session!’ by F, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘HDZ deputies left the session because of Law on FTV’ by A.Hadziarapovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 10 ‘Voting today’ by R.Cengic  – also reported on the session.

Avaz: MPs of both houses of FBiH Parliament started collecting signatures for removal of FBiH Pres. Lozancic


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Members of both houses demand removal of Niko Lozancic’ by Ad.H. – Daily learns that MPs in both houses of FBiH Parliament started collecting signatures for removal of FBiH President Niko Lozancic. Nominally, it is still not clear, says daily, which MP or party will be official carriers of this activity, adding that it would be necessary to collect two thirds of votes in both houses of FBiH Parliament in order for Lozancic to be removed. Daily claims the reason for such initiative is dissatisfaction of MPs with President’s overall engagement.

NN sources: Most HDZ MPs in favour of removing FBIH President Lozancic

Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash,pg 3 ‘HDZ delegates for removal of Niko Lozancic as well’ by R.Cengic – Daily notes, referring to unofficially sources, that majority of HDZ MPs in the F BiH HoR will support the initiative to remove FBiH President Lozancic. Ivan Madunic, Head of HDZ Caucus, said he would support this initiative.

SD: HDZ President Covic started to lose support in Central Bosnia Canton


Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15, mentioned on cover ‘Slap in face of Dragan Covic in Vitez’ by Z. Cilic carries that a convincing victory of Ljuban Santic over Marina Pendes in the run for the position of the President of the HDZ Vitez Municipal Board was a clear message to HDZ President Dragan Covic that his political influence in the Central Bosnia is weakening. SD also says that Pendes put forward her candidacy for this position according to Covic’s instruction since he wanted to secure his influence in Vitez through Pendes. SD also says that a similar situation has happened recently when instead of Covic’s candidate Marinko Cavara, Mirko Batinic, who is ‘completely disobedient and politically unsuitable for Covic’ was elected the President of the Central Bosnia Canton Assembly. SD concludes that all this illustrates that Covic has started to lose support and influence.

HR Schwarz-Schilling to chair PIC Political Directors meeting in Vienna


BHT1– High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling will this chair a meeting of the Political Directors of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board in Vienna. It will be the first such meeting under the chairmanship of the new High Representative since he took office at the end of January, OHR spokesperson Mario Brkic told a press conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday. Representatives of BiH, led by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic will also join the meeting. The High Representative will brief the Political Directors on progress BiH has made and the functioning of the domestic institutions. PINK, Hayat, RTRS, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Schilling on significance of approaching EU and NATO’ not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 17 ‘Schilling in Vienna’ by D. P., Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Further approaching to EU and NATO is important’ by Agencies– also covered

Chief OHR spokesperson Guzelova: HR Schwarz-Schilling to talk about necessity of transition of OHR into EUSR


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Schwarz-Schilling interested for status of de-certified police officers’ by S.Numanovic– As it was explained by OHR Chief Spokesperson Irena Guzelova, in his first speech High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling would talk about further necessity of transition of the OHR into EUSR and further reform processes that would get BiH closer to the EU. As daily carried, even though special mentioning is not expected, Schwarz-Schilling is interested for solving of the issue of de-certified police officers. Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘BiH on session of PICnot signed– Chair of Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic has left for Vienna to attend the session of PIC Political Directors and has already met Austrian Foreign Affair Minister Ursula Plassnik. As announced, Terzic would present agenda of BiH CoM for closing of negotiations and signing of Stabilization and Association Agreement.

EU Enlargement Commissioner Rehn: Balkans should not pay for failures in domestic politics of EU members


Vecernje Novosti pg 2 ‘It is not fair that the Balkans should pay’ by Zeljko Pantelic – In a short interview to VN, EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn commented on the informal meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers in Salzburg and stated that he understood there is a concern in Europe due to future enlargement of EU and emphasized that the EU must be fair and should not let ‘our failures in domestic politics of EU members to be shifted onto enlargement politics and should not let western Balkans countries to pay the price for these failures’. [NOTE: Rehn mainly focused on the issue of western Balkans countries in general, commenting the specific issue of SiCG in only one answer to journalist’s question]

RS PM Dodik: Kosovo and BiH are very similar and that should not be suppressed


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘I don’t do purge, but there will be more removals’ by Nadja Diklic – Inset ‘Right to self-determination’ – Asked to comment whether there will be referendum on separation (of RS) in BiH, if Kosovo becomes independent, RS PM Milorad Dodik said that situation in Kosovo and BiH are very similar, adding that the IC suppresses such issues, arguing that it should, for the same thing led to division of former Yugoslavia. Inset ‘It is not obligatory to consult IMF’ – Commenting his proposal of RS budget, Dodik noted that International Monetary Fund is very important institution whose recommendations will be taken into consideration, adding that it is not necessary to consult them this time for the budget.

BiH CoM Chairman Terzic: I cannot allow Defence Minister Radovanovic to leave his office


Hayat current affairs program ‘Korak’ by Adnan Rondic– In interview for the TV magazine, Chair of Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic commented the most recent initiative within BiH Parliament to cast no-confidence vote in the CoM, stressing that this initiative [submitted by SP RS’ Tihomir Gligoric] has daily-political colour. He underlines that biggest priority is to bring BiH to EU and reminded that BiH parliamentarians have a right to an opinion, but they can’t do anything without CoM’s projects. “No one who is serious can support this initiative”, concluded Terzic. Terzic stated that he understands SDS for wanting to withdraw from BiH authorities, since they are already opposition in the RS, but stressed that SDS Ministers and Deputies have done a good job, which is something that must not be forgotten. He emphasized that he cannot allow BIH Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic to leave his position despite demands from SDS. He adds that together with Radovanovic they are making a project that will lead BIH to NATO by 2008. “I cannot allow Radovanovic to leave at expense of my chair (position)”, stresses Terzic. He repeated that Radovanovic would stay whilst other SDS members will have freedom to decide on their positions.

Director of BH Civil Service Agency Finci: CIPS Director to be appointed soon, law allows observing of ethnic representation


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Appointment process of CIPS Director underway’ by N.Krsman Jakob Finci, Director of the Civil Service Agency (CSA) Tuesday confirmed that the BiH COM has informed CSA that the process of appointment of CIPS Director is ongoing. Safet Halilovic, BH Civil Affairs Minister, proposed that Mustafa Pasalic (best ranked candidate) should be appointed Director, while Zoran Tesanovic, BiH Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs, notes ethnic representation should be respected and Bosniak should not be appointed. In regard to this Finci explains: “The BiH COM does not have to appoint the first candidate from the list, but instead one of the most successful candidates, and there are eight in this case. Law allows this in order to respect ethnic key representation.”

Supervisor for Brcko Johnson: There is no full trust among three national groups


Nedeljni Telegraf pg 22 ‘Millions of dollars have not removed distrust’ by Oliver Nikolic – Supervisor Susan Johnson has a very positive image in Brcko District. Citizens claim that, despite the fact she is the Supervisor of this area and the fact she has huge authorisations, the Supervisor is not acting in an authoritative manner. In a full-page interview to NT, Supervisor Johnson, among other issues, stated: ‘’(…) Our main goals were to create a situation in which three important things might be realised: return of refugees, political and international reform, establishing of democratic institutions and – revival of economy, which is the basic pre-condition (…) Since 2002, the budget of Brcko District is self-sustainable, without any help. Our goal was Brcko that would have its own revenues and to become economically sustainable and independent…it had not received a single KM from the state (…) However, I do not feel there is a full trust among the three national groups. I can only talk about less distrust and will of many people to do something jointly’’


Affairs in RS

RS Interior Minister Cadjo press conference: announces internal investigation on NN reports




BHT1– RS Interior Minister Stanislav Cadjo announced an internal control (of RS MoI) regarding the newspapers claims on the involvement of certain members of the RS MoI in illegal activities. Cadjo, commenting the resignations of two chiefs of administrations in the RS MoI stated that the resignations would increase the efficiency of MoI. Slobodan Popovic from SDP in RS, commenting recent events regarding RS MoI, stated that new Government has to be persistent in keeping the word that it will fight crime. RTRS– RS Minister of Interior appointed Gojko Vasic to the position of Chief RS Crime Police Department and dismissed Dragi Milosevic. Cadjo appointed Milovan Djuric to the position Chief Agency for Finance and Property that was previously performed by Zeljko Rakic.  Other five Chiefs who submitted resignations are returned to work. Hayat By Milijana Kos (ATV) – Cadjo told press conference in Banja Luka that he was going to respect international obligations; namely fight organized crime and improve cooperation with The Hague. “I am very decisive to fight all kinds of organized crime, corruption, terrorism, etc”, said Cadjo. On asked about allegations of some media on Ministry of Interior members being involved in criminal activities and wrongdoings, Cadzo said that he approached the issue very seriously. “Certain activities and raids are underway. Public will be informed about all results in time”, said Cadjo. Cadjo added that he would not allow politics to interfere in the MoI, due to what he had frozen his position in SNSD.  PINK, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Resignations of Chiefs of two Administrations accepted’ by O.V., Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Two resignations of Heads accepted’ by S.Karic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Crime is major target’ by V.Janjic , EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Cadjo: check-ups in the police too’ by Mirna Soja– also covered.

RS PM Dodik: I don’t purge administration, but there will be more removals


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘I don’t do purge, but there will be more removals’ by Nadja Diklic – Speaking of recent removals in RS Government and Police, in an interview for DA, RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik said: “I don’t do any purges. General remark was that previous Government did not have confidence of the RS Parliament. Of course there will be more removals. We came to make changes, not to sit from one seat to another and do nothing.” Dodik said that RS MoI officials resigned themselves, while assistants in RS Finance Ministry due to committing illegal acts. Asked to comment announcement of RS President Dragan Cavic who said that he would undertake “certain measures”, Dodik stated: “I am not afraid of Cavic’s intentions, although I am not familiar with them. I will do what belongs to my authority.” Regarding alleged involvement of SDS leadership in network supporting war criminals, Dodik noted that this was not the first time SDS is connected with such allegations, stressing that everyone proven for these acts should be tried in accordance with law.

RS President Cavic: There are attempts to turn SDS into hostage of ICTY

EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Dragan Cavic: pursuit against SDS is present’ not signed – Referring to the recent media claims on connections between SDS and RS MoI officials and organized crime, RS President Dragan Cavic reiterated in Trebinje on Tuesday that all these claims were made with an aim to make SDS a hostage of the Hague Tribunal.

RS President announces he will file lawsuit against Nezavisne Novine this week

Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Suit against “Nezavisne Novine’ by V.Duka Dragan Cavic, RS President, has announced on Tuesday that he would sue “Nezavisne Novine” during the course of this week because it reported on unchecked and false information.

US Ambassador McElhaney condemns threats against journalists


Nezavisne Novine pg 5, announced on cover ‘Nobody should threaten to journalists’ by A.Sisic – In an interview for FTV programme “60 minuta” Monday evening, the US. Ambassador to BIH Douglas McElhaney, amongst other things, commented on the recent statements of RS President Dragan Cavic (that he will file charges against Nezavisne Novine). McElhaney condemned attacks against journalists, adding that freedom of media characterises a democratic and free country.

RS PM Dodik dismissed management of two hospitals


RTRS– RS Government dismissed Dragan Kostic, Head Banja Luka Clinical Centre. The reason for dismissal is obstruction of development projects and supply of Clinical Centre. Milan Skrobic is appointed acting director. RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik explained that Kostic so far rejected three RS Government’s decisions on development and supply of Clinical Centre. “The reasons for dismissal are clear. We are completely unsatisfied with the situation in Clinical Centre. We have much information on activities that were taken there and that were not in accordance with regulations. The tasks of new management would be also to check that”, said Dodik. Nikola Gavric, Head “St. Apostles” Hospital in Doboj was dismissed due to conflict of interests. Steering and Supervisory Boards of this hospital are dismissed as well. PINK, BHT1, Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Dragan Kostic removed, cleaning of Clinical Centre to follow’ by D.Risojevic/S.Gojkovic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘DRagan Kostic removed’ by Z.M., Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Directors of Clinic Centre Banja Luka and Doboj replaced’ not signed – also reported.

Doboj Prosecution acts upon Audit Reports, files criminal charges re Doboj Oil refinery and other cases

RTRSBy Milica Djurdjevic– In accordance with audit reports (of RS Audit Office presumably), the Doboj Prosecution pressed charges against responsible persons in Rafinerija nafte Brod (oil refinery), Elektro Doboj (electrical industry) and Lumber Camp Doboj. These (unnamed) persons are indicted for abuse of office and alleged financial damage worth several million KMs. Alleged financial damage to Rafinerija nafte Brod is 10 million KM, against Elektro Doboj around 3 million KM and against Lumber Camp Doboj around 40.000 KM. Police also conducts investigation in accordance with audit reports in Teslic municipality and Rafinerija ulja Modrica (oil refinery).


Constitutional Changes

HDZ spokesperson Relota: Cardinal’s statement in line with HDZ’s statement; HNI: Cardinal gave negotiators an alibi; HSS leader Tadic: Cardinal does not trust HDZ and HNZ



Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 2 ‘Croats will listen to Cardinal Puljic’ by F.Vele – Commenting statement of Archbishop of Vrhbosna, Cardinal Vinko Puljic, who urged Croat politicians in BiH to be responsible and not to sign any changes that would be unfair to Croats in BiH, HDZ spokesperson Miso Relota said: “Statement of Honorable Cardinal Puljic is in line with what we have been advocating during these talks. We responsibly claim that we won’t sign anything that is not in accordance with interests of Croat people in BiH.” NHI’s Dobrica Jonjic is of opinion that HDZ would listen to the Cardinal: “They will now quit the final agreement, referring to Cardinal’s recommendation. I think that Cardinal Puljic unconsciously provided negotiators with an alibi.” HSS leader Marko Tadic reads Cardinal’s words as a sign that he does not trust HDZ and HNZ presidents. “Cardinal has no faith in negotiators of mentioned parties [HDZ and HNZ], that they would not sign an agreement harmful for Croats, and he is trying to stop it with his authority.

Cardinal Puljic to HDZ President Covic and BiH Presidency member Jovic: Do not sign const. changes if detrimental to Croats


Vecernji List pg 8 ‘Cardinal does not want signature against Croats’ by Z. Kresic learns that during their meeting, which was held in Sarajevo on Monday, Cardinal Vinko Puljic called on HDZ President Dragan Covic and Croat member of the BiH Presidency Ivo Miro Jovic not to accept the constitutional changes that are detrimental to the Croats. VL also carries Jovic as saying: ‘Cardinal Puljic stated clearly that there would be no signature on the agreement (on constitutional changes) if it is detrimental to Croats.’ 

DA op-ed: Cardinal Puljic is speaking on behalf of more than 60% of BiH population


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Clear message from Cardinal Puljic’ by Edina Sarac – Commenting statement of Archbishop of Vrhbosna, Cardinal Vinko Puljic, editorial reads that Cardinal is speaking on behalf of all Croats, regardless of their party affiliation. Author further notes that Cardinal is also speaking on behalf of more than 60% of BiH population that is “tired of living in entity reservations”, adding that the IC could sometimes listen to what spiritual leaders have to say to politicians.

PDP’s Ivanic expects talks on constitutional changes would resume at end of this or beginning of next week

Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Race with time’ by Z.M. Mladen Ivanic, PDP President, on Tuesday confirmed to daily that he holds no information when talks on constitutional changes would resume, expressing expectation the resumption will follow at the end of this or beginning of next week. On this he adds: “Unless we resume talks, further meetings would have no meaning since deadline for adoption of constitutional changes would be violated.”

RS President Cavic: outcome of talks on constitutional changes will be known after session of Venice Commission on March 17

EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Dragan Cavic: pursuit against SDS is present’ not signed – during his visit to Trebinje on Tuesday, RS President Dragan Cavic stated the outcome of talks on constitutional changes will be known in several days, after the Venice Commission presents its final stance on the way of election of BiH Presidency members on March 17. He added that the recommendations of the Venice Commission were not obligatory, however BiH, as a member of the council of Europe, has the obligation to respect conventions and recommendations of CoE expert body.



Head of EC Delegation to BiH Humphreys: single system of financing at the state level needs to be ensured to have more effective BiH judiciary







Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘To finance judiciary from one cashier register’ by Onasa – At the roundtable entitled “Cooperation of the European Commission with the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council” held in Sarajevo on Tuesday, Head of European Commission Delegation to BiH Michael Humphreys said that a single system of financing at the state level needed to be ensured in order for the BiH judiciary to function more efficiently. “The issue of single funding represents one of the key preconditions for the development of an independent judiciary,” said Humphreys, adding that the establishment of an independent judiciary is the fundamental precondition for EU membership. HJPC Chair Branko Peric said that the introduction of single financing would make the budget more transparent, using the opportunity to express confidence that BiH would during this year take full responsibility for the financing, human resources and the overall functioning of the judiciary. Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Independence of judiciary depends on 14 authority levels’ by E. Mackic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Courts should be financed from the state level’ by SRNA,PINK, Hayat, RTRS – also reported

Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘All courts on the state budget by 2008’ by A.Omeragic – Director of BiH Directorate for EU Integrations Osman Topcagic stated that BiH Council of Ministers passed ‘European partnership’ document for this year, according to which all courts should be financed from the state budget in 2008.

BiH Parliament’s Commission harmonized text on 2006 budget


BHT1, Hayat, FTV – At its Tuesday’s session, The Joint Commission of BiH House of Representatives and House of Peoples harmonized text on budget of BiH institutions and BiH’s international obligations for 2006. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Harmonized budget for 2006’ Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Harmonized budget for this year’ by A.T., Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Budget ready for application’ by D. P. M. – also reported