Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 15 February
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs) | RTRS (12,00 hrs) |
BiH Presidency visits BiH MoD | Two girls died in fire | 4 dead in serious car accident |
Discussion on old savings today | Traffic accident in BL killed 4 | Two 6-year old girls dead in fire |
Cardinal Puljic on IC, Croat position | Dead person found in Bugojno | Swan had no traces of avian flue |
TV news broadcast on 14 February
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
No bird flu in BIH | BiH HoR passed state budget | Update on Peljesac bridge |
Regional news | EU loan to BiH | No avian flu in BiH |
World news | BiH Foreign Minister in | Avian flu in |
BIH HoR session | 3.International Gas Conference in SA | ICTY orders urgent investigations |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Will Milosevic go to | List of Mladic’s helpers to be public | Dead swan found close to Prijedor |
BIH HoR session | BiH HoR adopts budget for 2006 | Dead birds in |
BIH HoR session on SIPA | FBiH HoP on Bill on Public Revenues | BiH HoR passed budget |
SIPA investigates | Prosecution on | SIPA denied Seger’s statement |
Oslobodjenje | Speeding up investigations against Mahmuljin, Cengic, Obradovic, Stankovic, etc |
Dnevni Avaz | Del Ponte submitted list with 20 names |
Dnevni List | Croats block allocation of public revenues to municipalities (FBiH HoP session) |
Vecernji List | Municipalities and cantons facing bankruptcy (FBiH HoP session) |
Slobodna Dalmacija | ‘Thief from BMW stole 8000 KMs from me’ (dispute between car dealer and customer in Mostar) |
Nezavisne Novine | Budget amounts 955 million |
Glas Srpske | Grieving over dead son [Feature story on a woman whose son and daughter-in-law were killed by Croat-Muslim forces near Mostar in 1992] |
EuroBlic | Returnees were put in jeopardy by RS Healthcare Fund [F BiH HoR delegate Velimir Kunic: approximately 3.000 pensioners – returnees to Livno Canton lost their right to free-of-charge medical treatments as of February 1] |
Vecernje novosti | Features Serbian related titles |
BiH Parliament discusses law on old foreign currency savings | |
| |
BiH HoR / FBiH HoP in session | |
BiH HoR adopts state budget in amount of KM 954 million; Finance Minister: 280 million intended for Defence Ministry
| FTV – On Tuesday, the BiH House of Representatives adopted the proposed budget of BiH institutions and its international commitments for 2006, in total amount of approximately 954 million KM. BiH Minister of Finance and Treasury Ljerka Maric explained that 280 million are intended for funding BiH Defence Ministry, which in 2006 took over the authorities of the former entity ministries. Hayat – Maric stressed that there are 10 new BIH institutions that need premises, salaries for employees and resources, thus justifying the budget increase. She added that these institutions had to be established in BIH’s efforts to move towards |
| FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Adopted budget- more then KM950 million’ by A.Terzic– |
| Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘BiH budget adopted, |
BiH HoR adopts report on OSA activities; opposition demanded removal of confidentiality label, left the discussion
| FTV – BiH House of Representatives on Tuesday also discussed the report on activities of BiH Intelligence Agency (OSA) in 2005 behind the closed doors. The secrecy of the session was a topic of the previous two-hours long discussion on whether or not to maintain label “confidential” from OSA report. “Surely there is nothing confidential in that report. However, it would be a precedent which would clash with all the standards of conduct in this field, and after that the other reports would be treated in the same way”, explained the Chair of the BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic. FTV says journalists were not the only people that had to leave the hall during the discussion on this agenda item; |
OSA cannot arrest and detain people frivolously
| Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Agency OSA cannot arrest people’ by A. Terzic, Vecernji List pg 9 ‘Report on OSA activities’ not signed – Deputies in BiH House of Representatives have adopted the report OSA activities, but rejected amendments to the law, proposed by Council of Ministers regarding the new authorities of this agency. Namely, these amendments proposed that OSA is given authority to arrest people without guaranteeing a right to an attorney and being able to detain them and interrogate for unlimited time. |
FBiH HoP passed the Law on Allocation of Public Revenues proposed by
| FTV – During the session on Tuesday, FBiH House of Peoples adopted the Law on the Allocation of Public Revenues, proposed by delegate Svetozar Pudaric. Second proposal, made by FBiH Government, was not even included on the FBiH HoP agenda; only HDZ representatives were for Government’s instead of Pudaric’s solution. According to FTV reporter, Pudaric’s proposal was closest to the USAID-funded Governance Accountability Project, which says that the municipalities should receive money directly from the FBiH account; the only difference is that municipalities would now directly receive 8.42 percent instead of |
HDZ’s Franjicevic on HDZ invoking vital national clause: HDZ fears further centralization of FBIH, reports from FBIH HoP on allocation of public revenues | Dnevni List, front pg splash and pgs 2-3 ‘Croats block allocation of public revenues to municipalities’, by Mensud Zorlak – carries the president of Croat Caucus in the FBIH HoP, Mate Franjicevic, who explains that the HDZ invoked the vital national clause because the party « detected numerous political dangers » (in the law). Franjicevic notes that the proposed solution could prejudice new constitutional framework for BiH by cementing the status of FBiH as an BiH entity, which would also cement the status of the RS. On top of it, Franjicevic notes there are efforts to further centralize the FBIH. |
DL criticizes HDZ for invoking vital national clause with regards to allocation of public revenues in FBIH HoP, says aim is to blackmail municipalities | Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Disgraceful move by HDZ’, by Resad Dautefendic – the author is heavily criticizing the HDZ for invoking the vital national clause during Tuesday’s session of the FBiH HoP when the HDZ MPs tried to prevent direct financing of municipalities from state taxes. Dautefendic argues that the main reason the HDZ wants to keep the old system in place, in which the FBiH and cantons decide how much money will be allocated to municipalities, is the HDZ’s desire to be in control of municipalities and heads of municipalities, which could be easily subjected to blackmails since the HDZ would be in position to control funding of municipalities. |
OHR, NATO object amendments to the defence law | |
War crimes | |
ICTY Chief Prosecutor Del Ponte orders urgent investigation of BiH Prosecution on 20 war crime suspects?
| BHT1 – During her last week’s visit to |
ICTY: BiH Prosecution to take over investigation in Mandic case? | Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Investigation against Mandic is priority’ by A. Sisic – Sources close to the Hague Tribunal claim the Special Department of BiH Prosecutor’s Office for War Crimes would soon take over from the Hague Prosecutor’s Office the investigation against wartime RS Minister of Justice Momcilo Mandic. |
FTV: ‘Fokus’ to publish list of people suspected for helping Mladic; RS Police Director Andan mentioned in the report
| FTV – In its Wednesday’s issue, Banjaluka-based newspaper ‘Fokus’ will publish the list of persons who helped ICTY indictee Ratko Mladic. FTV learns that the list includes former RS Army officers, captain Branislav Puhalo from Kalinovik and colonel Milovan Stankovic, wartime commander on |
DL: HNC Chief Prosecutor and Interior Minister to discuss issue of 500 indictments transferred from ICTY today
| Dnevni List, pg 5, mentioned on front ‘Herzegovina shaken by 500 indictments from The Hague’, by Arijana Beus – DL learns from a source close to the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton MoI that a meeting will be organized at the HNC MoI in Mostar today (Wednesday) between the Chief HNC Prosecutor, Nijaz Mehmedbasic, and senior officials of the HNC MoI, including the HNC Interior Minister, Tomislav Martinovic. The meeting will be organized because of arrival of some 500 indictments that have arrived from the ICTY and which cover the area of |
BiH Presidency Chairman Jovic calls on judicial, investigative bodies to tackle all war crimes
| Vecernji List, pgg 2, mentioned on front ‘Jovic: Process crimes against Croats’, by Zoran Kresic – reports that the Croat Liaison Officer to ICTY, Goran Mihaljevic, submitted the Chief BiH Prosecutor, Marinko Jurcevic, Chairman of BiH Presidency, Ivo Miro Jovic, and BiH Security Minister, Barisa Colak, a comprehensive report about several dozens of crimes committed against the BiH Croats, which have not been covered by either the ICTY or BiH courts. In a statement for VL, Jovic calls on prosecutions, courts and investigative bodies to investigate in correct manner all committed crimes irrespective of place where crime was committed, gender, nationality and who is responsible. |
ICTY not to allow Milosevic to go to | Hayat– Serbian newspaper Kurir published the information that ICTY Council will allow Slobodan Milosevic to go to |
Frankfurter Rundschau op-ed on ICTY: ICTY’s justice can be sped up by EU integration continued by PIFWCs arrests/extradition | Frankfurter Rundschau pg 3 ‘Judge in the Name of Europe’ op-ed by Hans-Helmut Kohl – Commenting the work of ICTY, editorial by editor-in-chief of Frankfurt-based major left-wing daily in Germany opens quoting old saying that “hand of justice” moves very slowly, adding its speed depends not only of judges, but also of the society that yet has to accept it. Author stresses that the ICTY has to face the same prejudice that all international processes after the Nuremberg Process had faced – international legal practice was regularly based on political and military power, also known as “winner’s justice”. Greatest importance of ICTY, says the author, is outlined in case of Slobodan Milosevic and his aides, whose trials showed that no statesmen or general is exempt from punishment. He adds that other dimension is social, quoting ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte who said that it is impossible to write “common history” as long as the war criminals are at large. Author noted that great contribution of ICTY is that countries from the region have established their own country-based courts to trial war criminals. Pointing out the case of arresting of ICTY indictee Croatian general Ante Gotovina, editorial concludes that “hand of justice” can obviously be sped up, when EU integration process is conditioned by capturing war criminals. |
Other political and economic issues | |
RSNA collegium to schedule session on new Government | RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Session of RS NA Collegium today’ not signed – Collegium of RS National Assembly will hold a session in order to schedule RSNA session to elect new Government. |
SNSD’s Simic: SNSD seriously consider participation in authority at state level, but not with Terzic as BiH CoM Chair
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘[SNSD] wont share authority with Terzic’ by N.D. – SNSD Vice President Krstan Simic stated for DA on Tuesday, that his party is not satisfied with work of BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic, adding that they wouldn’t launch vote of no confidence to his Government in BiH House of Representatives. Though, Simic said that his party would seriously consider participation in authority at the state level, if BiH CoM looses support in BiH HoR, but they wouldn’t participate in authority with Terzic at his position. Commenting allegations of certain media that SNSD would support SDA Vice President Mirsad Kebo for new BiH CoM Chair, Simic said he wont interfere in inner issues of other parties, adding: “Let someone raise initiative of vote of no confidence to Terzic’s Cabinet, as |
If their demands were not met,
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘ |
BH chief negotiator with EU Davidovic got support from RS PM-designate Dodik
| Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Stronger support to negotiations’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Stronger support in negotiations with EU’ by V.Popovic – Igor Davidovic, Head of the BH negotiating team with EU, expects that the establishment of a new RS Government would more strongly support and stimulate running of talks. Davidovic has stressed he has already talked with Milorad Dodik, RS PM-designate, and obtained assurances regarding full cooperation. |
EuroBlic: RS Directorate for Privatisation might be abolished and replaced with Fund of state capital, as RS PM designate Dodik had announced | EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Fund of state capital instead of Directorate’ by T. V. – RS PM designate Milorad Dodik had announced abolishment of the Directorate for Privatisation and he announced a fund of state capital would be established. According to anonymous experts, who are developing changes to laws, it had been foreseen there would be institutional changes in field of privatisation. One of the experts confirmed there is a possibility the role of the Directorate for Privatisation would change, or it would be abolished in entirety and replaced with the fund of state capital. |
| Novi Reporter pgs 12-13 ‘Marathoners and infectious debts’ by Igor Gajic – In regard to the possible composition of the new RS Government, the author stresses that judging by potential candidates for ministerial positions from SNSD, it seems like Milorad Dodik, unlike previous mandate, will not be the sole figure bearing responsibility for Government deeds, but instead each and every minister from SNSD will have to bear responsibility respectively. Furthermore, the author observes Dodik will rely on some unresolved issues between some of SNSD members, i.e. Nebojsa Radmanovic and Milan Jelic who arepotential ministers, to ensure each of the two will inform Dodik of wrong-doings of his counterpart. Moreover, the author also notes Dodik relates plans for Krstan Simic and Nikola Spiric, other two distinguished SNSD’ members, to state institutions. |
BiH CoM Chair Terzic to meet Croatian PM Sanader and discuss bilateral issues
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘Terzic: I am not going to Zagreb to look for fight’ by S.N. – BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic arrived to Zagreb to discuss bilateral issues with Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader. Terzic confirmed for DA that among other things, they would discuss: agreement on free trade, state borders and Peljesac Bridge. Terzic said they would use this opportunity to prepare planed meeting in Sarajevo, and that he is not leaving for Zagreb to look for fight. Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Terzic in Zagreb today’ by D.P., carries that Terzic pays an unofficial visit to Zagreb and according to some information he would discuss with Sanader the issues of dual citizenship and unresolved property and legal relations. The BiH CoM informed that that this is about an unofficial visit and therefore they do not know concrete topics of the meeting. Slobodna Dalmacija pg 9 Terzic in |
BiH Commission appraised bridge Peljesac as damaging for BiH’s interest: Terzic to visit
| BHT1- The expert commission of BiH Ministry for Transport and Communication tasked to examine the influence of planned bridge Peljesac decided that the bridge is going to disturb BiH’s free access to the open sea. Namely, Croatian Government plans to build the bridge in order to connect the land with peninsula Peljesac and avoid transfer through Neum. Commission’s report is going to be submitted to BiH Council of Ministers. BiH CoM should officially inform Croatian Government of BiH’s stance regarding the construction of Peljesac bridge by the end of February. However, Croatia already started the preparatory work on construction of the bridge. BiH Minister ofr Transport and Communication Branko Dokic stated that the Ministry is going to make a proposal for different dimensions of the bridge, so that it doesn’t block BiH access to the open sea. Chair of BiH CoM Adnan Terzic will visit Croatia on Wednesday. He is going to meet Croatian OPM Ivo Sanader and discuss this issue with him. |
FBiH Parliament waits for proposal of new ministry agreed by SDA, HDZ and SBiH
| Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Parliament waits for proposal on new ministry’ by A.O.– Even though SDA, HDZ and SBiH have agreed to solve the crisis in FBiH Government trough establishment of additional ministry, Chair of FBiH House of Representatives Muhamed Ibrahimovic confirmed that proposal of amendments to the Law on Government and on Ministries still hasn’t been submitted, but added that he expects this to happen soon. Daily notices that FBiH PM Ahmet Hadzipasic and his Deputies Dragan Vrankic and Gavrilo Grahovac have done their part of the job and agreed on establishment of Ministry of Tourism and Environment, which needs to be confirmed by leaders of parties. HDZ Spokesperson Miso Relota said that their candidate is still former Defence Minister Miroslav Nikolic. |
Outgoing SDHR Nay: It was frustrating to watch opportunities being missed
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘It was frustrating to watch opportunities being missed’, mentioned on cover ‘I’m sorry for leaving Sarajevo’ by Lana Sinanovic – In an farewell interview for DA, outgoing Senior Deputy High Representative Martin Nay said that the greatest reward of his mandate was that BiH started talks on Stabilisation and Association Agreement [ |
Petar Kunic and Gostimir Popovic criticise statements of Doris Pack: she is favouring interests of Croats
| Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Favouring Croats’ by Z. Markovic – Professor at Banja Luka Faculty of Laws Petar Kunic and political analyst Gostimir Popovic criticised the recent statement of delegate of European Parliament Doris Pack, who has stated RS was an illegal creation and added RS should have never been named a republic, since Croats were later dissatisfied their illegal creation – Herzeg-Bosnia – was not acknowledged as well. Kunic and Popovic say Pack had crossed the line with her statements a long time ago and added she often gives contradictory statements. They are also of the view Pack is favouring Croats and their national interests on the detriment of Serbs’ interests. |
Steering Board Police Ref. Directorate convened session: Technical data necessary for creation of maps to be compiled
| Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Compilation of technical data for map creation commences’ by M.Cubro – Sead Lisak, Chairperson pf Steering Board of Polcie Reform Directorate ( |
EC’s 10 million Euros of macro-financial aid to BiH
| FTV– The Delegation of the European Commission to BiH announced that the payment of loan installment in amount of 10 million KM is the last component of the macro-financial support to BiH. Total value of this support is 60 million Euros, including 40 million of donations and 20 million of loans. Thanks to this support, BiH has made a significant progress in the fields of customs and taxes, public finances, private sector and business environment, EC announced. PINK, BHT1, Hayat, RTRS– carried reports. Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Step forward toward market economy’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Trenches in amount of 10 million euros paid in’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘EU gave EURO 10 million’ by Agencies – also carries. |
President of BiH Association of Businessmen Grizelj to reach agreement with HR Schwarz-Schilling on problems of businessmen | Dnevni List pg 8 ‘Other companies were forgotten because of Energopetrol’ by M. Zorlak carries President of the BiH Association of Businessmen Tomislav Grizelj who says that all promises that the Association has received so far were not fulfilled. He hopes that High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling would be the one that they would finally reach an agreement with. Also, Grizelj claims that it is absurd of the FBiH Government that it lost 9 months on resolving the Energopetrol co-capitalization issue while other economy in BiH was forgotten. |
BiH Justice Minister Kovac optimistic funds would be raised for state prison | Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Kovac: Good chances to secure money’, by E. Mackic – The BiH Justice Minister, Slobodan Kovac, commented on the donors conference which took place at the BiH Court on Tuesday and whose aim was to secure money for building of a state prison. Kovac says the initial response of possible donors was good since some countries already promised help, and in the same time he announces the main conference for the last week of March. The Tuesday’s conference was attended by representatives of embassies of the |
Constitutional changes | |
Ambassador McElhaney invitea politicians to continue negotiations on constitutional changes
| Hayat – US Ambassador Douglas McElhaney called upon political parties to come up with proposals on how to continue the talks on constitutional changes. Reporter comments that RS PM-designate Milorad Dodik is sending signals that the talks will not continue, or at least not in the form in which they were conducted so far. He says that the only solution for the RS is that the talks continue in the parliament (does not say which). SDA’s Sefik Dzaferovic says that the talks cannot exclude BIH institutions. |
US Undersecretary Burns: BiH needs to become normal state with normal structure
| Hayat, Dnevni List pg 9 ‘BiH does not look like state due to ethnic divisions’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘It is time for true changes in BiH’, Nezavisne Novine pg 5, announced on cover ‘Burns: USA not giving up from constitutional changes in BiH’ by N. N. – At the meeting of American Adriatic charter in Washington, the US Undersecretary for Political Affairs, Nicholas Burns, said BiH needs serious changes to its constitution 10 years after Dayton Agreement, which also demanded a serious approach to the issue. He stressed that BIH needs to become normal state with normal state structure. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Burns: BiH still not normal state’, inset, ‘Ivanic: There are political limitations’, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘USA does not give up on constitutional changes’ by N.N., Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘New round for constitution’ – Asked to comment why Burns has been so dissatisfied with talks on constitutional changes, BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic said that there is probably another round of talks in the coming week, and that all the negotiators are motivated to solve the problem, but there are certain political limitations we have to be aware of. |
DA: New proposal for unblocking talks on constitutional changes
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘BiH one election unit for electing of Presidency’ by S.N.– As DA learns that leaders of eight political parties could get the offer [without specifying from whom] which would unblock the negotiations on the constitutional changes. According to DA, this proposal would present a compromise to overcome lack of agreement on the issue of election of BiH Presidency members. The proposal allegedly reads that three members of BiH Presidency would be “elected at the entire territory”, which would erase the entity line and prevent violation of human rights. It is interesting, as DA says, that after the election three members would have to give up their positions within their parties. Furthermore, DA claims that SNSD’s leader Milorad Dodik was ready to make even larger concession, but in returned demanded for the RS to have a right to separation referendum. |
Oslobodjenje op-ed: US is determined on const. changes | Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘American message’ op-ed by Senka Kurtovic – Commenting recent statements of US Undersecretary Nicholas Burns, who invited BiH politicians to make agreement on constitutional changes for the October elections have to be held on new basis, editorial reads that BiH parties have obviously not understood it seriously. Author comments that US would not quit their demands, stressing that this kind of “determination” could mean something else when US are in the case. |
Investigations | |
BiH Prosecution denies SIPA investigation in
| FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Information from the audit report are being checked’, Oslobodjenje ‘We will continue fight against crime’ – BiH’s State Information and Protection Agency has been carrying out an investigation on the Communications Regulatory Agency. Reacting to the report broadcasted at FTV’s Monday news, where it was stated that BiH Prosecution and SIPA are driven by political motives regarding the investigation in |
SIPA says it conducts ‘certain operational activities in
| Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘BiH Prosecution ordered operative activities in RAK,Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘We will continue fight against gross forms of criminal acts, Glas Srpske pg 4 ‘As the Prosecutor’s Office says’ by N. Z’- Reacting to media reports on investigation that SIPA officers are conducting within premises of |
SIPA denies CoE’s Seger statement that 5 billion KMs gets laundered in BiH per year
| RTRS, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Just under 58 million Euros laundered’, by HINA/NINA, Vecernji List, pg 24 ’58 million Euros laundered in BiH last year’, by H, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘52 persons registered for money laundry’ by L.T., Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Seger got it all wrong’ by N. Z. – The SIPA issued a statement in which it notes that SIPA detected in 2005 27 cases of money laundry in BiH in which 57,8 million Euros were reportedly ‘laundered’. SIPA last year reported to competent prosecutions 52 persons charged with such felonies. The statement also denies claims of a Council of Europe official, Alexander Seger, who was picked up by media in BiH as saying that as much as 5 billion KMs gets laundered in BiH per year. |
VL: EUPM Chief Coppola, HNC Interior Minister held secret meeting about raids of HNC MoI?
| Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Secret meeting between Coppola and Martinovic’, by Zoran Kresic – according to VL, the EUPM Chief, Vicenzo Coppola, and Canton 7 Interior Minister, Tomislav Martinovic, last week held what appears to be a secret meeting in Mostar, since the meeting was not announced by either the Canton 7 MoI of EUPM, which is a standard practice. VL learned about the meeting from EUPM’s web site, which briefly reported about it when Coppola reportedly informed Martinovic about EUPM’s future objectives and priorities. However, VL puts the meeting in context of the recent raids of the Canton 7 MoI, in which the EUPM, according to the daily, also took part. |