RADIO HERCEG BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
Bond on SDS | Revision reports | Revision reports | SFOR didn’t arrest Karadzc |
Another bomb hoax in RS | Conference in | Request of | Post office robbery |
Fake driving licences | Political crisis in RS | Conference in | Bomb hoax in B.Luka |
Packett on Karadzic | A. Terzic met with M. Cvikl | Prostitution in BiH | Round table-war criminals |
Oslobodjenje | Carla Del Ponte’s message: We will not leave war criminals alone |
Dnevni Avaz | Solana and Scheffer write for Dnevni Avaz – New military mission will be very strong |
Dnevni List | IMF blocks payment of half of overdue pension |
Vecernji List | Before coming to |
Slobodna Dalmacija | HT Mostar calls on Eronet to agreement: No agreement, no mobile phones |
Glas Srpske | Tax Administration: Less false addresses; Instead of comment: Cross-eyed Europe |
Nezavisne Novine | Discussion at US Congress on BiH: US soldiers remain at “Orao” base; Zenica: A baby found on the deck near hospital; Trafficking in people in BiH: Police is ignoring child abuse; Solana and Scheffer send message to BiH politicians: From |
Blic | Althea is coming, but NATO also remains |
BiH-International Community | |
Solana, Scheffer on future EU military mission in BiH
| Dnevni Avaz cover page ‘New military mission will be very strong’, pg 4 ‘EU military mission will be strong and capable’, Vecernji List, front ‘NATO stays in BiH’ and pg 5 ‘Military engagement changes, political one remains the same’, Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 8 ‘From Dayton era, BiH enters Brussels era’ carry a piece by the NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, in which they commend the progress achieved in BiH in last nine years, noting that still a lot remains to be done, especially on part of political leaders in BiH when it comes to Stabilization and Association Agreement. Furthermore, de Hoop Scheffer and Solana note that NATO is completing its successful military operation in BiH, but in the long run, NATO’s political engagement will remain unchanged, since NATO will be establishing its office in BiH that will help local authorities in defence reforms. Talking about future involvement of the EU in BiH, the piece notes that the future EU force in BiH is a part of a broad package of support, the package which will be coordinated by Lord Paddy Ashdown in capacity of the EU Special Representative, which should help BiH in transition from the process implementation of the DPA to the process of European integration. Noting that the EU will use all its available mechanisms to help BiH achieve progress, de Hoop Scheffer and Solana note it is only the citizens and political leaders of |
Scheffer and Solana to visit BiH on Thursday
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Meetings with Ashdown, Packett, Carty and BiH officials’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Solana and Scheffer in Sarajevo’, FENA – NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and Javier Solana, the Secretary General of the Council of the EU and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, will visit Sarajevo on Thursday for talks with the BiH Presidency and Council of Ministers and representatives of the International Community, including High Representative Paddy Ashdown, COMSFOR Major General Virgil Packett and EUPM Commissioner Kevin Carty, the OHR spokesman, Mario Brkic, said at a press conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday. Scheffer and Solana are visiting BiH in order to discuss details of the changeover, at the end of this year, from SFOR to EUFOR. Brkic reiterated that the UN Security Council had just extended SFOR’s mandate until the end of the year, noting at the same time that EUFOR will take over in the New Year. This is in line with the comprehensive policy on security for BiH adopted by the European Council on 17-18 June 2004. Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Elaborating of details regarding SFOR’s replacement’ by D.P.M. and Vecernji List pg 5 ‘After NATO, ‘Althea’ in BiH’ by D. Jazvic also reported on the issue. Apart from this announcement, VL also carries that an EC delegation led by Chris Patten should visit BiH at the end of the last week. The reason for this visit is to check whether BiH meets conditions for the beginning of negotiations on stabilization and association to the EU. |
EU Foreign Ministers give green light to deployment of EU troops in BiH
| Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 14 ‘Althea comes instead of SFOR’, by F, Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘After NATO, ’Althea’ in BiH’, by Dejan Jazvic – EU Foreign Minister on Monday gave a formal ‘green light’ to deployment of troops to BiH, which are called ‘Anthea’ and which will be under command of a British officer, David Leaky. The aim is to deploy the troops by end of the year, most probably in December. EU Foreign Ministers approved the main framework and mandate of the EU, but there has to be a second decision of the EU Council to decide about the actual deployment of the troops. The future EU mission will closely cooperate with NATO, whose main HQ will be in Sarajevo. Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Joint action on EU military operation in BiH’ also covered the issue. |
Pentagon considering options for US military presence in BiH
| BHTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Americans will keep a big base near Tuzla’, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘US intend to keep a military base in BiH’, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘USA plan to keep Eagle base’, by NINA, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 14, ‘USA keep base near Tuzla’, by B. Kristo, Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Tuzla a starting point for anti-terrorism’, by Eldina Medunjanin, Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘US soldiers remain at “Orao’ base’; Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘AL Q’Aeda to be blamed for everything’; EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Support to “Partnership” mentioned on cover ‘Althea is coming, but NATO also remains’ – members of the US Congress were yesterday presented a new concept of the US military presence in BiH, which is a part of overall US activities in fight against terrorism in the world. According to the plan, which needs to be cleared by the White House and Pentagon, the US Army would keep the ‘Eagle’ airbase near Tuzla after NATO has finished its mission to BiH. According to information published in foreign media, the new role of the future unit on the ‘Eagle’ airbase would be to counter terrorism, not to stabilize the security situation in BiH as is the case now. According to the current plan, there will be 150 troops in the airbase, and according to the long-term plans, the base will be used as the key US military location in the region. |
Dnevni Avaz: There are four key criteria/requirements for liberalization of visa regime for BiH citizens?
| Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘There are four key criteria for liberalization of visa regime for BiH citizens?’, mentioned on cover – Sources from the office of BiH Council of Ministers Chairman Adnan Terzic told the daily that the control of illegal immigration, efficient work of the State Border Service, control of personal IDs being issued to the BiH citizens and the regional cooperation in these areas might be key requirements for start of talks with EU on visa regime liberalization for the BiH citizens. EuroBlic RSpg1 ‘Passport full of optimism’ – The report is about the statement of Adnan Terzic, Chairperson of BiH CoM, that BiH citizens will not need visas for entering EU states in the near future. Ibrahim Djikic, Assistant to BiH Minister of Internal Affairs, says that the Ministry has not still received any official information from Terzic regarding this issue. He said: “Judging by information we obtained, the atmosphere in Brussels on this is not so promising.” |
IFIMES on political situation in BiH
| FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Right move of Paddy Ashdown’ – The Ljubljana-based InternationalInstitute for Middle East and Balkan Studies has made an analysis of political situation in BiH following the decision of the High Representative to dismissal 59 RS/SDS officials. In a part of the analysis the institute stated that International Community was determined like never before to forbid political organizing and actions on national/ethnic basis. The institute blames all leading political parties in the country for such a bad position of BiH and its citizens. That is the main reason why BiH is still far away from European associations. According to the Institute, the removal of 59 RS officials represents the first step towards final ban of political actions of SDS, SDA, and HDZ. Similar dismissals are to be expected in FBiH. The institute suggests that announced elections in BiH should be prolonged, in order to prevent additional destabilization of BiH. Dnevni List pg 11 ‘BiH turned into polygon for Mafia’s rule’, mentioned on cover, by NINA – DL also carries an analyses made by the Ljubljana-based International Institute for Middle East and Balkans Studies (IFIMES) on the recent decision passed by High Representative Paddy Ashdown on the removal of 59 RS officials. IFIMES believes that by this decision Ashdown showed determinedness and that Ashdown is the first High Representative who understood the essence of relations in BiH and by striking a blow at the political-Mafia structure, he showed that the only BiH perspective and the way for its rescuing is a resolute showdown with this structure that has been in power in BiH since 1990 and which is present in all three national parties and all three peoples in an equal way. According to IFIMES, the HR’s decision will have its full impact only if it affects HDZ, SDA and Party for BiH in the same way. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Confrontation with Mafia is the only way-out for BiH’; Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Same standard to everybody’; Nacional pg 15 ‘Assault against Mafia structures’ – According to the Institute, the removal of 59 RS officials shows a hard determination of the High Representative to confront with Mafia structures, which represents the only perspective of the BiH. IFIMES also called on HR to pass measures against other nationalistic parties led by Bosniaks and Croats in BiH, resembling those measures passed against SDS. This Institute explains these measures against SDS would not have a full effect, unless they are directed towards other parties. It also stressed Mafia is present all nationalistic parties. On Milorad Dodik, SNSD President, IFIMES said that Dodik is an important political figure in democratic processes, but his possible association with the rhetoric of the nationalistic parties (in desire to attract SDS voters) would be a wrong move. |
NN op-ed on ruling political parties in BiH
| Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Lightness in cheating’ by Almedin Sisic – The author claims that the leaders of the nationalistic parties have launched their pre-election campaigns, which is observable from their statements which create “artificial affairs with political officials playing main roles”. He is critical of nationalistic parties’ officials (SDS, SDA, HDZ and their “satellite partners” SDP of BiH and PDP) and their approach to the local population, that has been failing to acknowledge the fact these parties have been cheating on them for years, from elections to elections. The author wonders in the conclusions as to “when and whether the people would finally acknowledge?” |
Party for BiH’s Silajdzic: Europe must participate in restoration/reconstruction of BiH
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Europe should help us in social and constitutional restoration’, mentioned on cover ‘Europe must participate in restoration/reconstruction of BiH’, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘The time has come for BiH to stabilise’, FENA – Party for BiH founder Haris Silajdzic was on Tuesday guest in the BBC Hard Talk. He said that BiH needs a just peace based on justice and human rights honoring. Sijadzic emphasized that the Dayton Agreement was an agreement on peace establishment in BiH but that now the time had come for BiH to stabilize. According to Silajdzic, this stabilization means establishment of BiH as a normal, functional European state. |
BiH, Slovene ministers discuss EU accession
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Institutions building most important on the way to EU’, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Slovenia will support BiH’, Dnevni List pg 8 ‘Slovenia will convey its experience on way towards EU’ by I. Tabucic, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘BiH is joining procedure of EU extension’ by Z. Rerig, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Slovenia will help BiH on the path to Europe’, SRNA – Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic said that Tuesday’s talks with Slovene European Integration Minister Milan Cvikl marked the continuation of a fruitful cooperation and Slovenia’s clear intentions to contribute to BiH’s swifter accession to the EU with its know-how and experience. “It is important to state that the Slovenia’s practice of non-visa regime before it was formally admitted to the EU is not applicable to BiH,” Terzic told a news conference in Sarajevo, remarking that the BiH government has only started a dialogue on this issue with Brussels. Minister Milan Cvikl stressed that it was in the interest of Slovenia for the process of the EU expansion to be continued with all countries in Southeastern Europe which aspire to the EU membership. “Slovenia is more than willing to offer BiH technical help on its way towards EU membership,” said Cvikl. |
GS comment on IC
| Glas Srpske cover page report ‘Cross-eyed Europe’ by Snj. M – The author is referring to international community as “cross-eyed Europe” explaining it with the following example: on one side Council of Europe has recently criticised direct intervention of the High Representative, and on the other, EU Foreign Ministers expressed full support to HR’s decisions. |
Reactions to US Bond’s statements on SDS by SDS, RS politicians
| Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Radically negative diplomat’ – In its press release issued yesterday, SDS is of the view that Clifford Bonds’ statement on SDS represents his personal view, which proves his biasedness and pro-Bosniak oriented diplomat. According to the release, such a diplomat would be deprived of any hospitality in any sovereign state after he has interfered into its internal affairs. The release further stresses that the latest pressure against SDS by the out-going US Ambassador shows an obvious desire of diplomat for majoritarianism and centralisation of BiH. Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Following Holbrooke’s steps’ – Below are some comments of SDS officials regarding yesterday’s statement of the US Ambassador to BiH, Clifford Bond (who made a reference in his statement regarding possible abolishment of SDS). Borislav Paravac, SDS Vice President, told GS that this party has mostly contributed that numerous reforms, necessary for the BiH entry into Europe, are implemented in BiH and Republika Srpska. He said: “As one of the ruling parties, SDS has made concessions which resulted in reforms of armed forces, education and other fields, where we had influenced the institutions in charge.” Momcilo Novakovic, member of SDS Chair Board, shares Paravac’s view, noting that many facts show SDS is a democratic party, which has undertaken all measures within its powers to see BiH join Europe. He also reminds that USA has never needed any explanation for realising its intentions. Stanko Pivasevic, SDS Chair Board member, says that SDS cannot be regarded as obstructionist, because it is a ruling party in the RS, which is a more stable part of BiH. He also believes that Bond’s stance is his own stance, not the stance of the entire American Administration. |
War crimes | |
Packett: SFOR is interrupting Karadzic’s support network
| Herceg Bosna Radio, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘SFOR is getting closer to Karadzic’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘SFOR destroying Karadzic’s network’, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Packett: We are getting closer to Radovan Karadzic’, FENA – U.S. Commander of the Stabilization Force in BiH (SFOR) stated that his forces are starting to “disband and choke” the network of supporting Radovan Karadzic, the former Bosnian Serb leader wanted by the Hague Tribunal for war crimes. “We have managed to identify six or seven business activities known for supporting Karadzic”, said Major General Virgil L. Packett, according to AP. In addressing the Committee Forum of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, COMSFOR said that Karadzic’s support network was also interrupted by the bans of traveling and freezing financial assets. “They no longer have the freedom to conduct their activities, they cannot move around Europe, and they are incapable of conducting financial transactions”, he said. Together with COMSFOR Packett, Major General James Darden of the European Command of U.S. Forces, BiH Ambassador in Washington Igor Davidovic and BiH Ambassador to the UN Mirza Kusljugic also appeared before the Committee. Two Bosnian diplomats stated that the aim of their country is participation in European institutions and Euro-Atlantic integration, starting with the Partnership for Peace Programme. |
IWPR round-table discussion: BiH and European integration – apprehension of war crime suspects
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘RS authorities, international community not interested in apprehension of war criminals’, Oslobodjenje cover page, pgs 4-5 ‘We will not leave war criminals alone’, Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Credibility of International Community questionable because of war crimes’ by V. Vujovic, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘International Community is not interested in Radovan Karadzic’ by E. Medunjanin, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘There was no interest for the arrest of indictees’; Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Nine years wasted’, FENA – “I believe the international community now understands that its credibility is being brought into question regarding the apprehensions (of war criminals) and that it is now, as we have seen, willing to take the necessary measures at its disposal,” said Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte in a message read by her spokesperson Florence Hartmann to the participants of a roundtable on “BiH and European integration – apprehension of the war crime indictees” in Sarajevo on Tuesday. Del Ponte said that “if Karadzic and others are still at large, this is not only because he and his support network are pretty good in hiding and running away”, but “this is also because of the fact that RS authorities and a part of its population, and even the international community, have not been interested in apprehending them for a long time”. “The people of RS and their authorities should have the primary interest to arrest Karadzic. The whole Serb people should have primary interest in apprehending the fugitives responsible for the genocide in Srebrenica, regardless of whether they live in RS, Serbia or elsewhere”, said the message sent by the Chief ICTY Prosecutor. Del Ponte noted that justice is in the interest of all BiH citizens, regardless of their nationality or origin, and that there cannot be long-term reconciliation or peace without justice. BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic declared that the relation towards war crimes and war criminals is a key matter not only for BiH, but also for the entire region. The Senior Deputy High Representative, Bernard Fassier, spoke about establishing the Department for War Crimes as part of the BiH Court. He expects the Department to start working next year. President and Vice-president of Association “Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa Enclaves” Munira Subasic and Kada Hotic addressed the representatives of the international community with a message: If you are going to apprehend war criminals, than do so. Do not deceive use!” President of RS Association of Camp Inmates Slavko Jovicic expressed disbelief in functioning of the future department for war crimes within the BiH Court, and sharply condemned the absence of RS officials from the round-table discussion. The moderator of today’s roundtable, Emir Suljagic, said that RS President Dragan Cavic was also invited to attend, but, as he said, Cavic’s response was, “I have better things to do than talk about war crimes”. The roundtable was organized by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR). |
EUPM praises “professional” security of RS police in Srebrenica | Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘EUPM satisfied with professional behavior of RS police’, Oslobodjenje pg 10, SRNA – EUPM (EU Police Mission) on Tuesday praised the RS police for the security of the Srebrenica ceremony held at the Memorial Centre in Potocari, saying that the police had completed its tasks highly professionally. “The RS police had the responsibility to provide security for an extremely sensitive event. As in the earlier instances, the RS police worked closely with the Federation of BiH police in order to ensure the transit of a large number of busses in and out of Potocari without any problems,” the EUPM spokesperson, Lena Anderson, told a news conference in Sarajevo. |
Economic/Social issues | |
Eleven new audit reports delivered to the BiH Parliament
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Eleven new audit reports delivered to the BiH Parliament’ – Acting Chief BiH Auditor Samir Musovic confirmed in a statement for the daily that yet 11 reports on the audit into the BiH state institutions had been officially forwarded to the BiH Parliamentary Assembly for consideration. The reports concern BiH Civil Service Agency, BiH Archive, BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs, BiH Veterinary Office, FIPA, BiH Foreign Ministry, BiH Court, Prosecution Office, Public Attorney’s Office, BiH Constitutional Court and BiH Parliamentary Assembly. Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘BiH Court and Prosecution Office not passed the exam’ also covered the issue. |
BiH HoR Commission for Finances and Budget adopts recommendations for future operations of the state institutions
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Recommendation for the future operations of the state institutions adopted’, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘MPs to request resignations of members of BiH Presidency!?’, by Danka Polovina-Mandic – the Commission for finances and budget of BiH Parliament’s House of Representatives discussed the audit report on additional six institutions of BiH. According to the Chairman of the Commission, Nikola Kragulj, the Commission prepared a report, which includes recommendations, which will be discussed at today’s session of the BiH HoR. Kragulj believes it is time to take certain steps to remove failures from the past and create pre-requisite not to repeat them in the future. Kragulj explains: “We have especially asked the BiH Presidency to, within 90 days, with signatures of all three members, say what they did to improve professionalism of work, in order to eradicate the causes that lead to the situation. We do not claim that they have abused the office, but the excess situation the BiH Presidency is in, where the operations are being run unprofessionally and where many failures were registered, creates conditions for prohibited acts. Therefore, the area needs to be systematically regulated, especially to have professional people who know what they are doing”. Kragulj did not rule out a possibility that MPs ask the BiH Presidency members to submit resignations because of non-transparent spending of budget funds at today’s session. |
Audit into FIPA
| Nezavisne Novine, pg. 5 ‘Hajric is managing cash’ by M. Cubro – Audit Report on financial transactions of FIPA for 2003 reads that only one person is managing cash of this Agency. Director Mirza Hajric was working under circumstances in which the Steering Board held no meetings and brought no decision, therefore functioning of the management was reduced down to individual decisions that had not been confirmed by the Steering Board of FIPA. Deputy Director of FIPA Josko Lupi has stated that the Agency has prepared a reply on the Audit Report and the reply will be made public today. The article carries the inset under the title ‘Remarks upon the work of the State Service Agency’, which reads that auditors have warned of a lack of an internal control at the BiH State Service Agency, the Head of which is Jakob Finci. Auditors have recommended to the Service to accelerate the procedure of employing public employees and they also recommended developing of an annual plan of employment at BiH institutions. |
Audit into FBiH MoI
| Nezavisne Novine, pg. 5 ‘They have overstepped the budget by BAM 757,000’ by R. Cengic – Audit Report on the work of the Federation of BiH Ministry of Interior reads that expenditures of the Ministry for 2003 overstepped the budget by approximately BAM 757,000. Debit claims of the Ministry in the amount of approximately BAM 3,9 million have not been entered properly, therefore the audit team could not have confirmed its existence. The work of the Federation of BiH Ministry of Interior has not been assessed positively due to an incomplete functioning of internal controls focused on investigations and inspections upon complaints, as well as due to overstepping the budget, violation of the provisions on public procurement and non-harmonized Book of Procedures on Salaries and other incomes of the employees. |
Dnevni Avaz interview with CRA Director Kemal Huseinovic
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘GSM operators must be reducing prices of their services’ – In an interview with the daily, CRA Director Kemal Huseinovic said that in making decision on the issuance of the third GSM license the Agency had taken into account fact the license should be issued to a operator that would be able to provide hiugh-quality services to the citizens at lowest possible prices. |
HT Mostar and Eronet sign cooperation agreement
| Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Eronet guarantees its customers regular services’, by J. P. – a source close to the Office of FBiH Prime Minister confirmed for DL that talks between HT Zagreb and FBiH Government on transfer of HT Zagreb’s share in Eronet onto HT Mostar should be successfully completed today. Furthermore, DL reports that HT Mostar and Eronet yesterday signed an agreement on business cooperation. The agreement guarantees that all Eronet’s customers will have services of this company during the transitional period. The agreement was forwarded to the RAK (Communications Regulatory Agency). Similar articles in Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘HT Zagreb and FBiH Government close to reaching agreement on Eronet’, mentioned on front, by Zoran Kresic and Dnevni Avaz pg 8. |
DL: IMF blocks payment of overdue pension
| Dnevni List, front and pg 3 ‘IMF blocks payment of half of overdue pension’, by De. L. – reports that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has blocked the payment of one half of overdue pension from October 2000. According to DL’s source in the FBiH Government, the FBiH Government was informed about the ban on Monday. Furthermore, DL reports that the FBiH Finance Minister, Dragan Vrankic, is in talks with IMF representatives. |
DL: Croatian consortium not to buy Hercegovacka bank?
| Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Is Todoric’s consortium giving up purchase of Hercegovacka bank?’, mentioned on front, by De. L. – The daily got a confirmation from a source close to the Provisional Administration for Hercegovacka bank that the consortium of Croatian companies, which was interested in buying the bank, is seriously thinking about withdrawing from the operation. According to DL’s source, one of the main motives for purchase of the bank was Eronet as the mobile phones operator, but after the RAK (Communications Regulatory Agency) awarded the 3rd GSM licence to HT Mostar, the value of Eronet decreased. DL tried to get comments from both the Provisional Administrator for Hercegovacka bank, Toby Robinson, and biggest shareholder in the consortium, Ivica Todoric, but both were unavailable for comments. |
Update to Telekom Srpske
| Nezavisne Novine, pg. 6 ‘Filling of the Steering Board by the end of July’ by M. Kusmuk, A. Sekulic – Assembly of shareholders of “Telekom Srpske”, which will be held at the end of July, should appoint two new members to the Steering Board of the firm to replace Milos Lazovic and Zeljko Tadic, who were removed by the decision of the High Representative Paddy Ashdown. Employees of “Telekom Srpske” claim that Milenko Stanic, a director – privatisation coordinator who was also removed by the decision of HR Paddy Ashdown, is still coming to work because SDS still has not nominated a person that should replace him. “Telekom Srpske” claims that Stanic was removed from the position of the Deputy Director in accordance with a decision of the Steering Board on February 18 upon a prior resignation in writing, and not in accordance with an act of OHR. Nevertheless, the Telekom did not explain whether he was removed in the same way from the position of privatisation coordinator. |
Activities of RS Tax Administration
| Glas Srpske cover page story ‘Less false addresses’ – In the first six months of this year, RS Tax Administration has seized 90 unified identification numbers from tax payers. Dejan Radic, Business Secretary with TA, noted that in the same period, 105 tax numbers have been seized. The main reason for these activities was the fact that the juristic persons at registered addresses do not exist. Also, in the same period, RS Tax Administration has handed 28 reports on grounded suspicion that criminal acts of tax evasion was committed. |