
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 14/6/2005


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 14 June


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

HDZ bodies const. sessions today

Terzic, HR inBrussels

Ashdown and Terzic in Brussels

HR and Terzic in Brussels

ICTY investigators in Zenica

Gregorian on defence reform

IFIMES on police reform

29 killed in bomb attack in Iraq

McElchany on Balkans

TV news broadcast on 13 June


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Church holiday

Robinson’s lawsuits vs. SDS officials

Terzic and Ashdown in Brussels

HOS anniversary

BiH unit joins U.S. forces in Falujah

EU issued a warning to the RS

Fuel price increase in FBIH

BiH Farmers Association’s petition

RS could lose EC financial help

Robinson’s lawsuits vs. SDS officials

BiH traffic safety issues discussed

Freezing of SDS assets


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Ivanic came to work

Del Ponte’s report to UNSC

EU FA Ministers message to RS

Robinson’s lawsuits vs. SDS officials

EU urged RS to accept police reform

Del Ponte’s report to UNSC

Mehmed Alijagic sentenced

Serbian Parliament’s declaration

Scorpions member arrested

BiH unit joins U.S. forces in Falujah

Member of Scorpions unit arrested

HR for Vienna Courier



Mladic could end up in Russia

Dnevni Avaz

This is most important year for region

Dnevni List

Use of force only after warning (new FBiH law on police officials)

Vecernji List

Iraqis threaten BiH soldiers

Slobodna Dalmacija

Fire takes away vehicles (fire in warehouse of used paper in Mostar)

Glas Srpske

Losses to close barns (story on farmers/agriculture)

Nezavisne Novine

Del Ponte: Mladic and Karadzic will not be in The Hague by 11 July


Accounts and property of SDS frozen

Vecernje Novosti

To pension with more age (Serbia related story); Ratko Mladic to close The Hague

Srpski Nacional

Features Serbia related headlines



Terzic, Ashdown meeting EU officials in Brussels



BH Radio 1 – The HR, Paddy Ashdown, and the BiH Prime Minister, Adnan Terzic, are in Brussels today where they will meet with the EU High Representative, Javier Solana and the Commissioner for Enlargement, Olli Rehn. Advisor to BiH CoM Chair, Bojan Zec Filipovic says that Ashdown and Terzic will discuss with the EU officials the halt in the implementation of reforms in BiH and possible solution to the current crisis in order to ensure BiH is back on the path towards beginning of the negotiations on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. 

RHB, RS Radio also covered the visit.

ICTY investigators in Zenica


BH Radio 1, RS Radio – ICTY investigators have arrived to Zenica, where they have already visited the Municipality and several other locations. Ten-member team is under escort of EUFOR. Zenica-Doboj Cantonal Interior Ministry, which also provides security for the team, stated it has not information on the purpose of the investigators’ visit, while they have refused to give any comments. 

Hartmann urges apprehension of PIFWCs at large

BH Radio 1 – The Spokeswoman for the ICTY Prosecutor, Florence Hartmann stated for Montenegrin press that ICTY expects arrests of all war crimes indictees still at large by the end of this year.

Conference on single economic space commences in Sarajevo


BH Radio 1 By Jasenko Krehic, RS Radio – The third Conference on the Single Economic Space in BiHhas commenced in Sarajevo today, two years after the launch of a project aimed at creating the single economic space. Head of EC mission to BiH, Michael Humphreys, underlined that establishment of such space is an immense work, adding that slow progress has been achieved. 

Inaugural sessions of HDZ BiH bodies taking place in Mostar


RHB – Constituting sessions of the HDZ Central Board and HDZ National Council take place in Mostar today. HDZ President Dragan Covic announced that two important issues would be discussed today and they are the RTV system and 9-year education. Covic added that in the future they would also discuss other issues such as constitutional changes, which might be discussed as early as next week.

IFIMES on police reform


RHB – IFIMES believes the latest events with regard to the police reform in BiH make topical the issue and a role of the HR and ‘his reformists, that is, national parties’. IFIMES believes that with national parties BiH presents itself as an unsustainable state and it threatens that the stability created in the last 10 years becomes seriously endangered. IFIMES believes that the national parties and the IC, especially HR Paddy Ashdown, are the most responsible for such situation. 

Scorpion’s member Davidovic to stand trial in Zagreb?


RHB – Slobodan Davidovic, suspected of participating in murder of 6 Bosniaks from Srebrenica, was taken before the investigative judge of the Cantonal Court in Zagreb . Most probably, Davidovic, who is a Croatian citizen, would stand a trial in Zagreb since the Croatian Constitution forbids extradition of its citizens to the courts of other countries.


War Crimes

Belgrade ’s NGO leader Natasa Kandic says negotiations with Mladic are on going



Hayat, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4&5 ‘Mladic could end up in Russia’ by B. Boskov, Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘There are negotiations with Mladic’ by N.N.  – Director of the Belgrade based Fund for Humanitarian Right, Natasa Kandic, claims possessing information which confirm that the negotiations with Ratko Mladic are on-going. In an interview with Belgrade’s Radio B92, Kondic said: “Government can deny as much as it wants… but I have information on negotiations being led, and their result could be not Mladic’s surrender, but his departure for Russian and change of identity.” Noting that this could happen, Kandic also said most probably Mladic will end up in The Hague

POLL: Bigger Serbian citizens’ support to extradition of war crime indictees

Nezavisne Novine pg 2 inset ‘The support bigger than resistance for the first time in Serbia’ – daily refers to the poll conducted by the MBI (Marten Bord International”, showing that the support of Serbian citizens to extradition of war crime suspects is for the first time bigger than negative stances towards such sort of cooperation with the ICTY.

Podgorica daily says British MI6 tracking Karadzic and Mladic down


BHT, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Circle around Karadzic and Mladic is tightening’ not signed, Dnevni List pg 7 ‘British agents in search after Gotovina and Karadzic’ by Hina, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘British MI6 is looking for Karadzic’ by vr, bs, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 inset ‘MI6 in search of Karadzic and Gotovina’ -According to the Podgorica-based ‘Republika’ daily, during last two months the British MI6 has been intensively looking for The Hague indictees in the western Balkans, especially for Croatian General Ante Gotovina and Radovan Karadzic. A Republika’s source claims that MI6 agents are present in large numbers in the British Embassies in Zagreb , Sarajevo and Belgrade , as well as in the cities/towns important for this operation, such as Dubrovnik and Herceg-Novi. Republika says that their source is a reputable European diplomat.

US’ McElhaney: Karadzic/Mladic issues must be solved this year


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘This is most important year for region’, pg 5 ‘New energy will be invested into our diplomatic efforts’ by Sead Numanovic – In an interview to DA, the US Ambassador to BiH, Douglas McElhaney, announces new diplomatic efforts in the region which would lead to completion of the police and defence reforms, extradition of Karadzic and Mladic to the ICTY by the end of year and solution to Kosovo status. Commenting recent visit by Nicholas Burns, Undersecretary for Political Affairs, confirmed such stance, the Ambassador underlines that it is time for country’s integration to be finalized through reforms, which would also lead to the change of the Constitution. As for the war crimes suspects still at large, McElhaney notes concern over the fact that in the past two months no extradition occurred: “We saw some progress, than everything stopped… For years they have been telling us nobody knows where war crimes indictees are finding, and than they found seven of them just like that. I hope nobody will even try to tell us they have no idea where Karadzic and Mladic are.”

Luka Karadzic: My brother will never surrender


Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Radovan will not surrender’ – Luka Karadzic, the brother of Radovan Karadzic, said in a statement to Podgorica daily “Dan” that his brother will never surrender to the Hague Tribunal, because it would represent “the automatic abolishment of RS and reinstatement to a situation in BiH before the war”. He referred to recent suggestions Karadzic and Ratko Mladic may be brought to the ICTY as having clear political goals, including sentencing them for genocide before the fair trial. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 also carried the statement.

ICTY Chair, Chief Prosecutor present report to UN Security Council


Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘Apprehension of war criminals – a condition for SCG and BiH’, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Del Ponte: Mladic and Karadzic will not be in The Hague by 11 July’ and pg 3 ‘All Hague indictees must be extradited’ by A.Sekulic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Job is not completed’, Vecernje Novosti pg 14, announced on cover ‘Ratko Mladic to close The Hague’ by E.R.  – The report, which ICTY Chair Teodor Meron and Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte presented to UN Security Council on Monday states that the ICTY is not going to close its doors until three most wanted ICTY indictees, Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Ante Gotovina do not be arrested. Meron said that SCG had achieved a progress regarding cooperation with the ICTY, but he pointed out that the fact that Mladic was still free presented the main obstacle in establishing full cooperation. Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Zdravko Tolimir are three indicted persons who are most responsible for the genocide in Srebrenica.  Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica promised that his government will extradite them to the Hague Tribunal, and “I expect that he will keep his promise”, stated Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte while addressing the United Nations Security Council members in New York. Del Ponte added that, since no one was extradited after April 25, it seems that Kostunica is not willing to capture indicted war criminals. According to the Chief ICTY Prosecutor, those fugitives will be captured more easily if Podgorica and Banja Luka try to cooperate closely with Belgrade, and NATO and EUFOR forces in BiH. Another two indicted war criminals, Vlastimir Djordjevic and Dragan Zelenovic are hiding in Russia; Del Ponte said that Russian authorities promised her that they will do all they can to arrest them. Chief ICTY Prosecutor also expressed concern with the fact that Croatian government has still not located, arrested and extradited fugitive general Ante Gotovina.

Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘The Hague overcrowded because of arrivals of new indictees’, not mentioned also reported on Meron address to UNSC.

Hayat: RS officials are satisfied with the cooperation with the ICTY


Hayat – RS officials are satisfied with the cooperation they have with the ICTY. They claim that RS has achieved great progress in terms of cooperation, since 6 persons surrendered in 4 months. OHR welcomes the progress, as well. “In the first part of this year, there has been a great progress achieved. Now, this duty has to be completed and I think that it can be done very soon”, said Principal Deputy to High Representative Larry Butler. RS Ministry of Interior informs that it will not be satisfied until all war crime indictees do not be in prison, and that activities regarding the issue are being conducted. RS authorities have called war crime indictees on surrender, for several times. “Each voluntarily surrender is welcomed since it suits RS’ interests and its position, in comparison to strong pressures which come from the highest international circles”, said RS President Dragan Cavic.

OHR waiting for RS MoD to respond on Srebrenica Task Force issue


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘OHR waiting for response from RS MoD in Srebrenica’ by R.S. – OHR expects to receive responses from the RS MoD by tomorrow, in regard to what MoD has done in order to urgently deliver requested information on those who took part in crimes in Srebrenica to Srebrenica Task Force. OHR Monday could not confirm whether RS MoD has already handed response.


Political Developments/Reforms

McElhaney says US to do everything in its power to ensure continuation of defence reform



Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘This is most important year for region’, pg 5 ‘New energy will be invested into our diplomatic efforts’ by Sead Numanovic, inset ‘Americans truly want to see BiH as a member of PfP’ – US Ambassador to BiH, Douglas McElhaney says that there are still issues on defence reform to be solved: “If the process is blocked, if they sides which obstruct, we will identify them and do everything in our power to create environment in which it is possible to ensure successful continuation of this process. We, Americans, truly want to see BiH as the member state of the Partnership for Peace and an application for accession to the NATO.”

DRC Co-Chair Gregorian says defence reform faces setback


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘If defence reform is not implemented by end of year, it never will’ by S. Turcalo – The Co-Chair of the Defence Reform Commission, Raffi Gregorian, states for DA that the deadline for the end of defence reforms will not be met due to fact that “some sides change agreements” and stresses that “if defence reform is not implemented by then [end of year] it never will.” Gregorian notes that defence reform faces a setback: “At the last meeting held on 10 June, one side had new proposal which differs from the agreement reached in May. That is frustrating for me, as it happened just in the moment when two other sides said yes to single structure.” Gregorian notes it is politically impossible for conscription to be abolished only after the entities defence ministries ceased with the work. “I think that Serb side has understood that after abolishment of conscription there is no need for ministries,” says Gregorian announcing meetings with the top BiH leadership this week, however notes that the current situation in BiH Council of Ministers could be a problem.

PDP urges implementation of defence and police reforms


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Entities Defence Ministries will disappear on their own’ by E.S. – Member of PDP Main Board, Velimir Sakan, said the party believes that BiH should continue with the implementation of defence reform under the concept offered by DRC Co-Chair, Raffi Gregorian. “The concept foresees professionalisation of army, abolishment of recruits and reserve units,” explains Sakan adding this is acceptable for PDP. When it comes to the abolishment of the entities Defence Ministries, Sakan says that they would disappear after the completion of defence reform as there would not be need for them. In addition, PDP urges urgent beginning of police reform adding both RS and BiH institution must take part.

FBiH Defence Minister Nikolic on defence reform


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Abolishment of military service by the end of year’ by ONASA Miroslav Nikolic, F BiH Defence Minister, stated in a statement to Radio Livno Monday that the military service will most likely be abolished by the end of this year as a part of ongoing defence reform, since the aim of reform is professionalisation of BiH armed forces (that would have around 10 thousand members). He expressed belief there will be downsizing at armed forces of 10 to 15 percent.

Ivanic came to work, OHR waiting for legal interpretation


RHB, Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Mladen Ivanic performed ministerial duties on Monday’, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Ivanic came to work, OHR waiting for legal interpretation’, mentioned on cover ‘Ivanic regularly came to work on Monday’, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Ivanic: I am only doing my job’, by Eldina Medunjanin, Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘Mladen Ivanic came to work’ by M.Cubro, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Ivanic at work’ by N.Z., EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Zec-Filipovic: Hand-over is a serious job’ – Mladen Ivanic who was dismissed from the position of BIH Foreign Affairs Minister appeared in his office in Sarajevo on Monday. CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic decided to accept Ivanic’s resignation submitted in December after the failed attempt of CoM to appoint a SIPA Director. Terzic stated that it is normal that Ivanic appeared since he has to handover the duties/office. Ivanic on the other hand claims that he did not appear to do a handover and will only accept dismissal in three cases. “If a legal body confirms that his (Terzic’s) decision is correct, if it the Parliamentary majority supports the decision or if leaders of 4 ruling parties apart from mine ask me to withdraw”, says Ivanic. Ana Trisic Babic did not show up for work on Monday and, according to media speculations, her appointment will be challenged by OHR due to procedural rules. Terzic claims that Babic is only tasked to manage the Ministry as a state employee until a new Minister is appointed. OHR Spokesperson Ljiljana Radetic stated that OHR will receive legal interpretation of the current situation from CoM and until that happens there will be no comments.

Terzic, Ashdown leave for Brussels : Sanctions against RS possible


BHT, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Sanctions against RS possible’ – BiH Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman Adnan Terzic and High Representative Paddy Ashdown departed for Brussels on Monday. In Belgian capital Terzic and Ashdown will meet the Peace Implementation Council and the European Union officials to discuss possible sanctions that would be imposed against the RS because of its obstructions of the reform processes in BiH.

EU Foreign Ministers urges RS to make necessary decisions and enable start of SAA talks


Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘RS must urgently decide on police’, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Cooperation with The Hague and police work disputable’ by vr, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘RS must urgently accept police reform’ by N.N., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Reforms without delay’ – EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs ask RS to urgently make decisions, which would enable start of Stabilization and Association Agreement negotiations, especially in terms of police restructuring and public broadcasting system establishment. EU Council regrets the fact that RS made reaching agreement on police restructuring impossible. At the same time, the Council said that BiH had achieved great progress regarding 16 Feasibility Study terms. It was also said that operation ALTHEA was going on well and it was concluded that EUFOR would have to be present in BiH after 2005. The Ministers have also asked of Croatia to continue solving the issue of General Ante Gotovina.

BHT: RS could lose EC financial help due to failure to accept proposed police reform solutions


BHT Boris Gagic – Due to its failure to accept the police reform process, RS could lose European Commission (EC) financial help, stated High Representative in BiH Paddy Ashdown some time ago. While RS authorities still refuse to think about those economic sanctions, opposition in RS considers them counterproductive. “I really don’t see how could sanctions help. They could only provoke further homogenization of nationalist forces, which will certainly not get us any closer to European integrations”, said Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD) member Igor Radojicic. According to BHT reporter, EC financial help could be transferred to the FBiH instead of RS.

Ruling parties in RS on police reform: RS Govt. to prepare a new police reform concept


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘SDS and PDP demand from RS Government to propose a new concept’ by V.Popovic Mladen Ivanic, PDP leader, stated it is an obligation of the RS Government to propose new concept of police reform, that would be acceptable for the RS and that would not oppose proposed principles of the EU. According to him, it is necessary to resume talks on police reform, in order to move this issue from standstill point. NN source from the SDS top, claims that upon Ivanic’ initiative, talks on police reform should soon resume, adding that almost all political parties in RS expect from RS Government to work out a new police reform concept, which would be discussed. However, RS Government thinks it is not its duty to propose new model. Boris Gaspar, RS Vice Premier, said: “Government is not the obstructionist of police reform talks. RS NA, i.e. political parties, should make their crystal clear and hand them to RS Government for consideration. Police reform is a burning issue which Parliament wants to transfer into RS Government and accordingly “free” themselves of responsibility.”

Ashdown for Vienna daily: BiH will need HR until start of SAA talks


RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 6, mentioned on cover ‘Bosnia needs 100 million euro and skilled/capable opposition’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘BiH needs EURO 100 million and becoming opposition’ by Agencies, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Give me the money and opposition!’ – HR Paddy Ashdown stated in an interview to Vienna daily Kurier that BiH will need HR until talks on SAA commence, i.e. by election next year at least. Ashdown stressed that the international is culpable for having failed to implement rule of law immediately after the signing of Dayton Agreement and accordingly free space was provided to war crime suspects. Speaking of police reform in BiH, he assessed that RS may try to keep delaying this reform until the end of his mandate, which expires in November.

EU’s Solana says change of Dayton not needed


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Change of Dayton not necessary’, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Revision of Dayton is not necessary’ by SRNA, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Revision is not necessary’The EU Commissioner for foreign policy and security, Javier Solana, stated in Luxembourg that he thinks no change of Dayton Agreement is necessary in order to implement the reforms Brussels expects from BiH, adding: “I don’t think that revision of Dayton is necessary. The reforms which the high representative to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, proposed do not contradict Dayton.” He stressed that Ashdown is trying to do everything in order to meet the conditions for commencement of talks on SAA as soon as possible. “This is not going as quickly as it could, and it is up to RS to bring the necessary decisions,” said Solana in response to a question on police reform.

Canton 7 MoI: New FBiH Law on police officials will not be applied in Canton 7


Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘Use of force only after warning’, by N. Bise – The article explains some contents of the new FBIH Law on police officials, according to which, among other provisions, a police official can use force only after he has issued a warning to a person he is about to apply force against. Still, the new law, according to the Canton 7 Interior Ministry’s spokesman, Drazen Mustapic, will not come into effect in the said canton because it is the cantonal assemblies that enact the legislation in the area of policing, as stipulated by the FBIH Constitution. DL explains the new law will apply on members of the FBiH MoI Police Administration.

SD op-ed: Early elections are pointless


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 16 ‘Early elections are pointless’, by Blazica Kristo – Commenting on recent calls by BiH politicians on the need for early elections, the author argues that early elections are pointless because the end result would be the same i.e. the same parties would come to power again. The reason for this, according to Kristo, is the opposition that is more disunited than ever.

VL: Some Bosniak and Serb MPs in BiH HoP will support HDZ amendments on channel in Croatian language


Vecernji List, pgs 4-5 ‘Croat television’, by Miroslav Vasilj – VL learns from a “reliable source close to the BiH Parliament” that a part of Bosniak and especially Serb MPs in the BiH House of Peoples could vote in favour of HDZ amendments that include establishment of a channel in the Croatian language within the Public RTV service. The information has been confirmed by an HDZ MP in the BiH Parliament and a member of the Parliament’s Commission for Traffic, Ruza Sopta. However, she is not certain it will be enough to set up a Croat TV channel. VL also reports that the Croat side would invoke the vital national interest, should the amendments be rejected, and forward the law to the BiH Constitutional Court . Sopta explains that it is expected the Court will take a similar decision as was the case with the law on higher education when Croat vital national interests were endangered. Sopta notes that the last resort is the European Human Rights Court in Strasbourg .

Petition for channel in Croatian language available online


Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Even sexual minorities have TV in European Union’, by Ivana Rozic – DL reports that the initiative, which was organized in order to set-up a TV channel in Croatian language in BiH, in now available online, namely on Poskok Online and Livno Online sites. Visitors are appealed to sign the petition with a message that reads: “Stop Paddy’s dictatorship and violation of human rights! Sign the petition for channel in Croatian language!”.

BiH Presidency member Tihic meets with SDHR Ney


RHB, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Tihic with Ney’, by D. Pasic, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘OHR continues with reforms’, by NINA, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘To continue reforms’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘OHR to continue working on reforms’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘OHR will resume reforms’ by SRNA – Senior Deputy High Representative Martin Ney stated during Monday’s meeting with Sulejman Tihic, member of BiH Presidency, that OHR would continue working on reforms, that would lead BiH to EuroAtlantic integration. According to press statement released by BiH Presidency, the meeting in Sarajevo discussed the importance of reforms ahead of BiH on its path towards EuroAtlantic integration.


Economic/Social Issues

BiH Constitutional Court ’s Commission says rights of old foreign currency savers violated



RHB, Dnevni List, pg 8 ‘Decision taken in favour of old foreign currency savers’, by NINA – Commission for human rights with the BiH Constitutional Court has taken a new, collective decision, by which it determined that the FBiH and BiH breached the plaintiffs’ rights (old foreign currency savers) from the article 1 of Protocol number 1 from the European convention on protection of fundamental rights and freedoms (right to property). On top of this, the FBiH has additionally breached the right to fair trials from the article 6 of the said convention. The Commission notes that the accused parties have to abide by the Commission’s conclusions.


Legal Proceedings/Terrorism

PBES Administrator Robinson to sue former, current RS officials for involvement in irregular bank transactions











RHB, Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘Urgently freeze SDS assets’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Toby Robinson requests freezing of all SDS assets’, Dnevni List, pg 2, mentioned on front ‘Lawsuit against SDS officials’, by M. Zorlak, Hina, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Freezing of all SDS assets requested’, by Eldina Medunjanin, Nezavisne Novine pg 5, announced on cover ‘Robinson suing Sarovic, Kalinic, Govedarica, Bjelica and Mladjen Mandic’, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Blockade of parties’ property’ by N.Zelenovic, Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘T9o block SDS property!’ by D.Stojakovic, EuroBlic cover pg splash ‘Accounts and property of SDS frozen’, RSpg 2 ‘Accounts frozen’ by Dusanka Stanisic – Provisional administrator of Privredna Banka Eastern Sarajevo Toby Robinson announced that she would file a civil lawsuit against Mirko Sarovic, Dragan Kalinic, Milovan Bjelica, Milorad Govedarica and current RS Deputy Justice Minister Mladjen Mandic. Robinson feels that they are responsible for oversights in the dealings of this bank. After freezing SDS account Robinson asked for freezing of all SDS assets so they wouldn’t be alienated as an attempt to avoid the obligation of returning the loan. “As a Provisional administrator I have the obligation to return the loans regardless of the loan user”, stated Robinson at a press conference in Sarajevo on Monday. She announced that she would invite SDS Chairman Dragan Cavic to look through the bank documentation with her in order to convince him that SDS owes money to Privredna Banka depositors. Robinson revealed another suspicious financial transaction in the example of former TV Kanal S from Pale and Mandic. Robinson stated that the bank provided the TV station with a loan of 50 000 BAM and with the interest rate the debt is now amounting to 116 000 BAM. She adds that brothers Momcilo and Mladjen Mandic as well as Bjelica are responsible for these transactions. Robinson will meet with BIH Prosecutor John Mc Nair during the week, who would decide whether the mentioned individuals will be criminally prosecuted. Robinson stated that first payments to Privredna Banka depositors will start in 10 days and added that resources have been gathered so salaries to former PB employees will also be paid accordingly.

Mladjen Mandic believes that he is not the one who should pay the debt


FTV, RTRS – Former “Kanal S” television from Pale legal representative, and current RS Deputy Minister of Justice Mladjen Mandic, admitted that Privredna banka Srpsko Sarajevo (PBSS) Provisional Administrator Toby Robinson might have been right about the information that his signature is on the credit agreement. Nevertheless, Mandic stated that he is not the one who should return this money. “As far as I know the law, and I know it pretty well, only certain legal person is responsible for the obligations made in its name”, added Mandic. “Therefore, I have no idea why Mrs.Robinson thinks that I should return this money”, concluded Mandic.

RS/Serbian Press: Bjelica, Mandic, Sarovic, SDS on Robinson’s claims


Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Bjelica and Mandic reject responsibility’ – Milovan Cicko Bjelica says he has nothing against intention of Toby Robinson to launch civil suit against him, claiming he did not violate the law by signing the order for pay-out of BAM 130 thousand from budget of Serb Sarajevo City intended for financing of SDS pre-election campaign. He added: “Everything was in line with the Law, because at that time, all donations and financement of parties in the form of money or goods was allowed.” Mladjen Mandic, currently RS Deputy Justice Minister and formerly Director of Kanal S – Pale, claims he had never taken any sort of loan, as Robinson claims, adding that there is no reason suit against should be filed. (Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Loan was settled’ by B.G. – reports on Cicko’s statement_)

Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘No authority’ by N.Z., EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Robinson is making an affair’– Mirko Sarovic, formerly President of Serb Sarajevo City Council, Monday told daily that “Toby Robinson has no right to claim for the money, no longer in 2001 balance before the Bank was privatized…On behalf of share-holders and bank owners, she has a right to claim capital sold to bank with the date of its privatization, which includes her claims and debts.”

Vecernje Novosti pg 5 ‘Political purge – suit without evidence’ by Sl.P. Stanko Pivasevic, SDS Presidency member, told daily that all claims Robinson is making should be proved at Court and then the truth will be known, noting that one thing for certain is that none of these persons, linked with loan affairs, is any longer member of SDS leadership. According to Dragan Cavic, this is “an attempted political purge”, noting: “Without any evidence, court verdict or summons of the prosecutor, the blockade of accounts of a party, which had no influx of resources since HR’s measures bar membership fee, is ordered. This issue must be investigated before institutions in charge of law enforcement.” According to Cavic, SDS Presidency ahs engaged lawyers, since “there are sufficient arguments to prove accusations against SDS are ungrounded”.  

SAFF magazine: Iraqi liberation army will treat BiH soldiers as infidels


Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘Iraqis threaten BiH soldiers’ and pg 3 ‘BiH soldiers threatened by ‘liberators of Iraq’’, by Miroslav Vasilj, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 3 ‘Iraqi liberation army’ threatens Bosniaks’, by Zoran Zekic – Only few days after a BiH de-mining unit departed for Iraq, the so called ‘Liberation army of Iraq’ has sent a threatening letter via the Sarajevo-based ‘Saff’ Islamic youth magazine, which says the BiH soldiers in Iraq will be treated as infidels. The BiH Defence Ministry says the MoD is aware of the letter, which has been taken into consideration. Note that the letter was sent by fax, it contains no name of any individual nor it is signed.