CROAT RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
Lindh murdered | Ana Lindh dies | HDZ left F Govt. session | World Bank |
Sept 11 terrorist attacks | Anniversary of 9/11 | Protests of pensioners | Banja Luka highway |
BiH Bishops on education | Custom office in Bihac | 9/11 anniversary | RS Government |
FBiH Government | HDZ left F Govt. session | Swedish minister dies | SNSD |
Oslobodjenje | Law on veteran’s rights caused split in FBiH Government |
Dnevni Avaz | Izetbegovic’s health condition stable |
Dnevni List | “Mesic: BiH cannot make progress as long as entities behave like states”; “Vrankic: We do not want to be receivers in bankruptcy of Croat people”; “Irregular session of BiH Bishops’ Conference: Protect national rights through referendum” |
Vecernji List | “Croats left session of FBiH Government”; “Catholic Church: Equality or referendum” |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Features Croatia related headlines |
Glas Srpske | Public on its feet again over “Viktor Bubanj” barracks: New pains over camp; Belgrade: Police at “Kurir” premises |
Nezavisne Novine | SNSD leader, Milorad Dodik, addressed an open letter to the High Representative to BiH, Paddy Ashdown: “When you leave, turn off the light, Paddy”; Extraordinary session of Bishops’ Conference of BiH: Bishops announce referendum on protection of Croat interests in BiH; EBRD officials in Banjaluka: Talks on involvement of EBRD in privatisation of Telekom Srpske and Eronet; Bihac: Vault stolen from Customs Office; Republika Srpska Trade Inspection: Six kilos of smuggled gold sold for KM 20 thousand |
Blic | Danish and Swedish style in Semberija; There are more than 3,000 secret agents in Serbia; Dragan Mikerevic: ‘Construction of highway will commence next year’ |
Ljiljan | Revision in Federation Defense Ministry: Soldiers do not have electricity as the Budget has been exceeded by 13 million KM |
Slobodna Bosna | Vuksic wire-tapped under the order of Paddy Ashdown and Alistair Sommerlad: Wiretapped were SFOR, Hague Tribunal, Donald Hays, opposition in BiH… |
Dani | Senad Hadzifejzovic following his transfer to TV Hayat: My Dnevnik (prime time news) will be the best |
Political developments | |
Croat deputies walk out of FBiH Government session over veterans bill
| Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, BHTV, FTV, Oslobodjenje front page, pg. 8 ‘Law on Veteran’s Rights caused split in FBiH Government’, Dnevni Avaza pg. 4 ‘HDZ Ministers walked out of the session due to veteran’s law’ – Croat ministers walked out of the 29th session of the BiH Federation Government held in Mostar on Thursday, during the debate of the second item on the agenda, relating to the first draft of the law on veterans’ rights and the rights of their families. The walked out because the constitutional procedure during the proposal of the law was not observed and because of outvoting. Other problems in the functioning of the Federation government have also been identified. The partnership between the BiH HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union) and the SDA (Party of Democratic Action) is facing its biggest test since the forming of the Federation government. “We would like to draw the public’s attention to the fact that this partnership, a federation which ought to have been guaranteed for all three peoples by the constitution and should be exactly that, I can no longer regard as such. This is why the Croat representatives in the Federation government decided to take this action,” said Dragan Vrankic, FBiH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. Vrankic has warned that the five Federation ministries should be active in Mostar according to the constitution. However they are still based in Sarajevo. He also called to account Education and Science Minister Zijad Pasic (SDA) over channeling budgetary funds for this ministry only to areas with a Bosniak majority. When proposing of this very complex law on the rights of veterans, the Federation constitution has been breached. “In order for this law to be debated by the Federation government, the opinions of the cantons had to be taken into account,” Federation Justice Minister Borjana Kristo said. For the implementation of this law, if it were to be adopted by the assembly, 310m KM would have to be spent. “One of the problems is the subsidizing of a number of HVO (Croat Defence Council) members from the Republic of Croatia. For the first time, a law which has been proposed at Federation level also envisages subsidies at the request of the subsidizer,” said Federation Veterans Minister Ibrahim Nadarevic. The Croat ministers are opposed to placing into a joint fund the 100m KM which the Croatian government yearly sets aside for veterans who have claimed their right in Croatia , while 6,000 of their claimants would have their rights denied according to Federation law. This would reduce the number of Croats who are eligible for subsidies to 12,000 of a total of 97,000 claimants. Following the walk-out of Croat ministers, the Federation government continued the session with 10 out of the 17 ministers, although the practice to date was that sessions are not held with at least 13 ministers present. FTV – OHR’s comment was the Government should internally solve its problems. After HDZ withdraw OHR commented that parties within the Federation Government should find a solution for these misunderstandings without outside assistance. Slobodna Dalmacija (last page, “Croat Ministers left session”, by M. Landeka), Dnevni List (front and page 3, “Vrankic: We do not want to be receivers in bankruptcy of Croat people”, by Miso Relota) and Vecernji List (front and page 2, “Croat Ministers left session”, by M.B.M.) also carry that Croat Ministers in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Government left the yesterdays’ session of this body. FBiH Minister of Finances and FBiH Deputy Prime Minister Dragan Vrankic stated that yesterday’s anti-Constitutional, outvoting of the Croat Ministers with regard to passing of draft law on defenders was just the last straw. Vrankic added that some ministers are neglecting the areas with the Croat majority and they have not sent a single KM to these areas since the Government was formed. SD says that asked whether this means the end of the ruling Coalition Vrankic said that this is a political issue and added that the yesterday’s session and the decision of the Croat Ministers are not in favor of the ruling Coalition. VL quotes Vrankic as saying: “We have obstructions in voting on all issues all the time! This is the Government that can work without Croats and it seems that their stand is that the FBiH also can function without Croats.” |
Beecroft addresses OSCE Permanent Council | Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 ‘BiH is on a good road’, FENA – The OSCE Head of Mission to BiH, Ambassador Robert Beecroft, addressed on Thursday the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on the situation in BiH, was announced by the BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MVP). Ambassador Beecroft provided a detailed analysis of the political situation in BiH, achievements in education, establishing a joint defence system, refugee return and human rights. Numerous ambassadors supported the work of the OSCE Mission in BiH and expressed wishes for soon stabilising of situation with the aim of accelerating the path of BiH toward Euro-Atlantic integration. Chief of the BiH Mission to the OSCE in Vienna Emina Keco-Isakovic thanked the Permanent Council and the OSCE Mission for their support to BiH. |
BiH Presidency members brief Iranian foreign minister on reforms | BHTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 6 ‘We must fight terrorism’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘BiH seeks for its future in EU’, FENA – Members of the BiH Presidency, Sulejman Tihic and Borislav Paravac, on Thursday received the foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kamal Kharrazi, in Sarajevo. During the meeting talks were held on possibilities of furthering bilateral relations between the two countries, the BiH Presidency public relations office has reported. The Presidency members briefed the Iranian foreign minister on the current implementation of reforms: the adoption of a single tax system, the formation of a single BiH intelligence service and reforms in the armed forces. Tihic invited the Iranian president to visit BiH during the opening of the Old Bridge in the middle of next year in Mostar, which will be a symbol representing a joint community of different civilizations, cultures and religions. The Iranian minister stressed that the Islamic Republic of Iran was committed to strengthening relations with BiH in the political, cultural and especially the economic sphere. In this context he invited, in Iranian President Mohammad Khatami’s name, the Bosnian Presidency members to visit Iran. A high-level exchange visit will help develop the relations of the two countries, Kharrazi said. In the course of his visit to BiH, the Iranian Foreign Minister also met with BiH Council of Ministers Chairman Adnan Terzic and BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic. Ivanic and Kharrazi signed a program of exchange between the two countries in the field of culture, science and education today in Sarajevo. Minister Ivanic said after the signing ceremony that this agreement represented a continuation of previous agreements in the area of culture and will be valid for the next two years, with a forthcoming exchange of journalists. |
Dodik’s letter to Ashdown/OHR reaction | RTRS – President of the SNSD Milorad Dodik in the open letter to the High Representative Paddy Ashdown emphasized the responsibility of the international community in BiH for the difficult economy, security and political crises in the country. “BiH is open for all kinds or criminal acts, from street robberies and murders to the international terrorism. Another criminal aspect is nationalistic leadership that developed its system through 12 years of manipulation that serves to covering of robberies,” said Dodik. Dodik claims that current situation is ideal for the nationalists in the governments and for the High Representative. OHR said that Dodik’s letter to the HR was sent for the purpose of campaigning for early elections and that they would therefore not take it seriously, according to OHR Spokesperson Mario Brkic. Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘Campaign for early elections’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘Milorad Dodik is a sinking/failed politician’, Glas Srpske, pg. 3, ‘Elections between the lines’ also carried the OHR reaction. Nezavisne Novine on cover and pg. 7, under headline “Paddy, turn off the light before you leave”, Slobodna Bosna pgs. 22-24 under the same headline carry in full the open letter addressed by SNSD President Milorad Dodik to the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown. |
Interview with Croatian President Stjepan Mesic | Dnevni List (front and pages 6 and 7, “Mesic: BiH cannot make progress as long as entities behave like states”, conducted by Ivica Glibusic) carries an interview with Croatian President Stjepan Mesic. With regard to the initiatives for the change of the Dayton Peace Accord, Mesic says that those who created the DPA managed stop the war and they managed that BiH survives as a sovereign and well-organized European state. Mesic added: “However, entities appear as states in some segments now. They are not the states and this is a big problem… BiH is a reality and it remains as such, however, now it is up to BiH citizens and relevant political forces in BiH to build on the DPA… BiH must have mechanisms that every well- organized state has, for instance, Belgium which has two nationalities, a few regions, however, everything is functioning.” With regard to the stand of the HDZ BiH on the education reform in BiH, Mesic says: “The easiest way is to raise tensions with regard to some national issues, especially in the area which is under the burden of the last war. I believe that reasonable people and relevant political forces should look for the way out for all open issues in a tolerant atmosphere and each issue should be considered in all aspects.” |
Mostar restructuring issue | Dnevni list (p, “We are worried about the way of forming of Mostar Commission”, by J.D.) carries that SDP Mostar City Board 2 nights ago considered the letter the High Representative Paddy Ashdown had sent with regard to reorganisation of Mostar. Bearing in mind the experiences with the forming of the original Commission, i.e. that it was formed on the national principle exclusively, the party expressed is concern. It is unclear to SDP what guided the OHR to make a selective choice of non-parliamentary parties that are invited to participate in the work of the new Commission. SDP adds there are many unclear and arbitrary things about it, adding many things are left to the discretion of the Commission Chairman, who will be a foreigner. The party accepts that any principle of work and of defining of the text of final decisions on the future of Mostar be based on consensus of all the 12 Commission members. Dnevni list (p 4, “SDA conditions its participation in the new Mostar Commission”, not signed) carries that, after having considered the High Representative’s document titled “Commitment To Participate in Deciding on the Future of the City of Mostar”, SDA Mostar City Board published the conditions under which its representatives would take part in the new Mostar Commission: decisions of the Commission must be made by consensus; DPA provisions and the provisions of the Statute of Mostar which is passed by the EU Administrator should remain in force for the issues on which agreement is not reached; the Commission Chairman is to act as a Mediator between political parties; all the political parties’ and the Chairman’s experts must have a status of observers. Ljiljan pgs. 33-35 ‘Move aside, the reformers are coming (an ironic tone)’ By Enes Ratkusic – “On September 15, OHR is to come out with a plan to form a new commission that should drfat the Statute of Mostar. Of course, those who accept to be members of the body will not have a right to resign but to sit there until December 15 and headed by an international agree on the issue. What will future commission members discuss if the HDZ has already set the frame for the discussion, which is a Mostar as one municipality and nothing else. All other options are excluded,” wrote Ratkusic. |
Delegation of BiH Croats is paying visit to USA | Vecernji List (front page, “Delegation of BiH Croats in USA” and page 2, “Doctor Covic, Colak, Topic and Bosnjak went to USA”, by Z. Kresic) carries that the delegation of BiH Croats is paying a visit to the USA. The delegation is made of Chairman of the BiH Presidency Dragan Covic, HDZ President Barisa Colak, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Lidija Topic, Editor-in-Chief of the BiH edition of ‘Vecernji List’ Jozo Pavkovic and HDZ Secretary General Rade Bosnjak. According to the article, in the next 20 days they will meet with most influential American Croats and they will demand the support in lobbying for the interests of the Croats in BiH, as well as, their stronger connecting with the homeland. VL also says that at the end of the visit Covic will talk at the session of the UN General Assembly in New York, on September 29. |
Economic/social issues | |
Mass protests of pensioners in FBiH Federation scheduled fro September 30
| Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 3, mentioned on the front page, FENA – The FBiH Pensioners’ Association regards as extremely irresponsible the act of the FBiH Government, which failed to respond to the pensioners’ letter and to comply with their demands, and in regard to this the Board for Protest Gatherings has scheduled for September 30 the mass gatherings of pensioners throughout Federation BiH. “The FBiH Fund PIO/MIO has responded to us in writing and thus partially fulfilled its promise, but the FBiH Government has failed to even respond to our letter, and deeply hurt the dignity of pensioners”, emphasised at a press conference on Tursday the president of the Board for Protest Gatherings, Vladimir Zlonoga. It was announced that the pensioner protests would be organised in all bigger towns in Federation BiH. “If in the meantime the Government responds to our requests and we are satisfied, we will issue the decision on freezing the demonstrations. We will not give up on our requests”, emphasised the President of the Association’s Executive Board, Jozo Ljiljanic. |
Tihic and Paravac receives IMF’s Doyle | Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘Stable KM and prices’, Vecernji List p 3, “IMF Head of Mission Peter Doyle with Presidency”, by M. S., Dnevni List p 2, “IMF Head of Mission at the BiH Presidency”, by De. L., FENA – BiH Presidency members Sulejman Tihic and Borislav Paravac received on Thursday the Head of the International Monetary Fund Mission to BiH, Peter Doyle, who briefed them on implementation of the second stand-by arrangement, was announced by the Presidency. Doyle commended the progress made by the realization of the stand-by arrangement, especially in reducing the budgetary deficit, increasing of fiscal policy, and implementing the monetary policy via the currency board. The Head of IMF in BiH thanked the Presidency on timely appointing of the Steering Board of BiH Central Bank. BiH Presidency members thanked the IMF Mission on contribution and support to the ongoing reforms in BiH. In an interview for Dnevni Avaz pg. 5 ‘New government has made successful changes and one should congratulate them for that’, Doyle expressed his satisfaction with a big steps forward made by the local authorities in disciplining budgetary expenditures and collecting custom duties and taxes. |
PDHR Hays to address privatisation round-table today | Oslobodjenje pg. 8 ‘Hays to request acceleration of the privatisation’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 12, FENA – Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays will participate on Friday at a privatisation round table, where he will address the urgent need for the governments to facilitate acceleration of the privatisation process, announced at press conference in Sarajevo on Thursday the spokesperson of OHR, Mario Brkic. Brkic said that Hays would urge accelerating of the privatisation process because to date the process has been too slow, has discouraged investors, and has resulted in bad solutions for the workers. Apart from this, a political commitment to the process is necessary to resolve the problems of companies’ liabilities – when a company owes millions of KM in unpaid bills, wages, welfare payments and taxes, few investors are interested in buying it. “Privatisation is the only way to infuse BiH companies with capital, desperately needed to modernise, expand production and create jobs”, said Brkic. He announced that Ambassador Hays would urge the BiH authorities to make a concerted effort to resolve these issues – by demonstrating commitment to the process and resolving the legal obstacles to privatisation. However, Hays will call for a solution that does not jeopardise public finances, that has the clear object of making BiH companies attractive to investment that will offer lasting long-term solution for BiH workers. |
RS officials met with EBRD and WB representatives | RTRS, BHTV, Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 5, ‘Talks on involvement of EBRD in privatisation of Telekom Srpske and Republika Srpska EP’; Glas Srpske, pg. 3, ‘Work to commence next year’, Blic, p 7, ‘Step closer to highway’ – Senior RS officials on Thursday discussed economy and social reforms, conditions for foreign investments and faster development in RS with the representatives of European Reconstruction and Development Bank and World Bank. Percentage of the World Bank credit that will go to RS depends on reforms in social sector. As for the social sector in BiH, World Bank will allocate USD 50 millions. Construction of the highway Banja Luka – Gradiska could start next year, said RS Prime minister Dragan Mikerevic. He stated that EBRD will finish its Feasibility Study on the highway construction by the beginning of December and prior to the construction an agreement with Croatian Government must be reached on the location of the bridge on Sava river and on the construction of remaining part of Belgrade–Zagreb highway. RS Government expressed its interest for increased involvement of the European Bank in fields of energy, banking, traffic, telecommunications and particularly in the agriculture and process of privatisation of strategic companies. Representative of the EBRD, Torsten Geresfelt said that this bank wants to intensify cooperation in these sectors, while RS ministers added that additional investments are important for improving of social climate. |
Mostar Public Utility Company issue | Dnevni list (p 17, “Unions demand decision on transfer of rights to be withdrawn”, by D.L.) carries that the Trade Union of “Komos” Public Utility Company has assessed that activities regarding formation of a unified city-level public utility company are taking a direction contrary to that and is therefore asking from the presidents of Municipal Councils (MC) of Mostar Municipalities Old Town, North and South-East (3 Bosniak majority Mostar municipalities) to pass a decision that puts out of force the Decision on transfer of founder’s rights over “Komos” to the City of Mostar. The Union also asks the MC presidents to pass a decision that would put out of force the Consent by which they authorised “Komos” manager to sign a contract on modality and conditions of disposing garbage by “Parkovi” company and to annul the contract. The Union adds the World Bank, with its ultimatums and blackmails, is taking things in the direction of abolishment of Uborak disposal and ruining of a sound company such as “Komos”. |
Disputed selling of confiscated jewellery | Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 4, ‘Six kilos of smuggled gold sold for KM 20 thousand’ – Doboj Office of the Republika Srpska Trade Inspection sold 6 kilos of smuggled jewellery for KM 21 thousand, which is three times less than the average price at the market. On 29 August, the Inspection sold the jewellery to the Sarajevo firm “Nedzik OKS”, from which it confiscated the goods a year and a half ago. According to Miodrag Markovic from the Doboj Trade Inspection Office, the goods was sold legally, because bid was announced twice and no bidder responded. Accordingly, the goods were offered to the firm, from which it was confiscated. |
The Republika Srpska Government to replace Milorad Balaban | Nezavisne Novine, pg. 3, ‘Republika Srpska Government announces replacement of Balaban’ – The Republika Srpska Government will respect decision by Republika Srpska Ombudsman, which demands removal of Milorad Balaban from the position of the Director of the Republika Srpska Health Care Institute and appoint the new Director. |
New Director of Gacko Plant | Nezavisne Novine, pg. 6, ‘Dragomir Culic is new Director of Mine and Thermal Plant “Gacko” – At the session in Trebinje, the Steering Board of the Republika Srpska EP adopted Action Plan on restructuring of this home-firm, and appointed Dragomir Culic on the position of General Manager of Mine and Thermal Power Plant “Gacko”. |
Serbian EP to face sanctions | Nezavisne Novine, pg. 6, ‘Entire leadership of Serbian Elektroprivreda to be replaced soon’ – The Belgrade media report that the Serbian Government will soon discuss the issue of replacement of the entire Steering Board and General Manager of Serbian EP, Ljubomir Geric, because they have openly taken the side of the “electricity master”, Vuk Hamovic, and his private company EFT. |
Biber on possible Trade Unions unification | Blic, p 7, ‘Biber: unifying is possible’ – The Trade Union Associations of the RS and the Federation of BiH had agreed to establish an umbrella organization at BiH level that would jointly act in negotiations with employers and authority, yet there would be no unifying, as the RS Trade Union Association claims. The President of the Trade Union Association of the Federation of BiH, Edhem Biber, shares a similar opinion, yet he does not exclude the possibility that the next step might be “unifying of branch Trade Unions at first, and then unifying of the two Trade Union Associations as well”. |
Defence reform | |
RS, Federation army chiefs discuss army reforms | Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, BHTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 3, ‘Joint military Commission by 19 September’; Glas Srpske, pg. 2, ‘Less soldiers, more trouble’, Blic, p 7, ‘7,700 soldiers will lose their jobs’ – The deputy chief of the General Staff of the RS, Gen Stamenko Novakovic, and the chief of the General Staff of the FBiH Army, Atif Dudakovic, had talks in Doboj on Thursday with representatives of the SFOR Command on cuts in the armed forces, military infrastructure, and reducing and locations for storing ammunition and military equipment. Gen Novakovic told a news conference that the talks were held as a part of preparations for a session of the Joint Military Commission, which is due to be held on September 19, when conclusions regarding the armed forces in BiH will be adopted. Novakovic said that the RS Army had a completed plan of activities it was undertaking, which was confirmed at the meeting. Apart from representatives of the RS Army and the FBiH Army, the meeting was attended by SFOR Deputy Commander Simon Young. SFOR Spokesman Dale McEachern told a news conference in Sarajevo that the Joint Military Commission meeting, which is expected to discuss reforms and restructuring of armed forces in BiH, would be held in the SFOR base in Butmir. He said that the chief of the General Staff of the RS Army, Cvijetko Savic, the chief of the General Staff of the BiH Federation Army, Atif Dudakovic, General Ivica Zeko, SFOR Commander William Ward and the general secretary of the Standing Military Committee, Enes Besirbabic, would attend the meeting. |
Education | |
BiH Catholic Bishops on education reform
| Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 8 ‘Unacceptable assimilation under one roof’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 ‘Croats have right to language and schools’, Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 4, ‘Bishops announce referendum on protection of Croat interests in BiH’, Blic, p 7, ‘Bishops are concerned about survival of Croats in BiH’ – BiH Catholic Bishop Conference supports referendum of Croats in BiH in case of further political/administrative pressures on them. At an extraordinary session, the Conference supported the referendum as a democratic mean for resolving the status of Croat people and issued a release opposing education reforms. The release reads education reform will terminate use of Croat language and national curricula and also opposed administrative merging of schools. “We understand the need for education reform in accordance with European standards but we don’t understand and we don’t accept that reform as the instrument for extermination of new Croat generation, the Bishops said. BiH Bishops Vinko Puljic, Ratko Peric and Franjo Komarica stated that unfair political solutions in BiH resulted in very low numbers of Croat returnees. Looking at the negative consequences of the experiments and political manipulations, the Bishops are afraid that this will motivate many families to leave their home country. Croat people in BiH use the Croatian language and have the right to name its language with its national name, as well as have the right to teach its children on it in every subject and use it in every aspect of its private and social life. Croat people have the natural, historical and constitutional right on educational, scientific and other institutions that will provide education in Croatian language, as well as the right on school program in Croatian language, what is not allowed with the education reform with unified program. If the basic rights of Croat people are not respected, the only thing that remain to Croat people is to say its opinion in referendum, using the democratic tools and respecting the Constitutional regulations and than ask for protection of its vital interests from relevant international forums. Dnevni list (front & p 5, “Protect national rights through referendum”, by De. L), Slobodna Dalmacija (p 17, “Croat pupils threatened with assimilation”, by KTA), Vecernji list (front & p 3 “Catholic Church: Equality or referendum”, by M. Stankovic & p 10 “BiH Bishops on Croats’ referendum”, by Hina), Vjesnik (p 2, “BiH Bishops reject “assimilation programmes in schools”, by G.P.) and Jutarnji list (“Bishops in BiH for protection of Croatian language”, by S.P.) carry the press release issued on Thursday by the BiH Bishops Conference on the occasion of administrative, political and other sorts of pressures exerted by IC representatives on Croat political and educational bodies and institutions. The Bishops feel their share of historic responsibility for preservation of religious, moral and cultural identity of Croats in BiH and therefore underline Croats do have the right to their cultural and scientific institutions and media in the Croatian language. Education reform that would annul differences between languages in BiH leads to unacceptable segregation and assimilation of pupils under the same roof, they believe. “We welcome public statements by competent IC representatives that DPA should be changed and these changes should be interpreted as an indispensable remedy. Therefore, we expect from the Croat people’s representatives to demand from the IC to finally correct the injustice and harm which was done to Croats by the DPA and which, through a silent revision of the DPA, i.e. constitutional changes, even accumulated. If these principles are not convincing enough or are unacceptable, Croats can use democratic means and declare themselves at a referendum and demand from relevant international forums the protection of their vital interests and conditions for survival in BiH”, the PR concludes. |
Dnevni List, Slobodna Dalmacija on education affairs | Dnevni List (page 2, “Ministerial omissions have come due”, by Ivica Glibusic) carries an editorial dealing with the education reform and the author says that the press release of the BiH Bishops’ Conference has disturbed the BiH public. The editorial criticizes the Croat representatives for the fact that they signed many documents with regard to the education reform and the author says: “The fact is that there were certain pressures coming from the International Community, however, also it should be borne in mind that ministerial positions cannot be more important than national interests.” Slobodna Dalmacija (page 17, “Hasty reform leads to breakdown”, by B. Magas) carries an editorial on the same issue, which says that according to the OHR’s order the OSCE is implementing the education reform. The editorial also says: “The problem emerges when under the masque of rationalization it is being insisted on the reduction of the students’ right to have education in their own language and to learn form the textbooks that are written in their language, and it seems that this is the ultimate goal of the so-called rationalization.” On the same issue SD (page 16, “OSCE is repeating old delusions”, by B. Magas) carries that Vrhbosna bishop auxiliary Pero Sudar stated for ‘Catholic weekly’ that, in his opinion, the most dangerous thing with regard to this issue is that the education will be again an instrument of something that has turned out to be fatal for people of our country many times. |
BiH war-related news | |
Veteran’s donation to Potocari | Dnevni Avaz pg. 3, mentioned on the front page ‘Veteran’s donation to Potocari’, Oslobodjenje pg. 7 ‘8,000 KM for Potocari’ – The Ministry for Veteran’s Issues’ employees and families of the killed soldiers, war invalids and veterans in the Tuzla Canton donated 8,000 KM to the Srebrenica-Potocari Foundation. Cantolan Minister for Veteran’s Issues Bahrija Mehuric on Thursday handed the donation to Chairman of the Foundation Steering Board Paddy Ashdown and Steering Board member Mustafa Ceric |
Dragan Cavic on Copley’s claims/Srebrenica report | Vecernje Novosti, p 4, ‘RS Government had not been blackmailed’ – An interview with RS President Dragan Cavic regarding the article on Srebrenica report published by Gregory Copley. Dragan Cavic stated that the report had been compiled upon the request of the Human Rights Chamber and not upon the HR’s request. He stated: “There were no pressures regarding the contents of the report. I do not know at this moment what kind of qualifications would follow or whether there would be any institutional or non-institutional pressures after the interested parties read the report”. Asked whether it would be possible that Ashdown dismantles the RS Government in case the report is found “unsuitable”, Cavic said: “This is one of hypothetical possibilities. The High Representative has wide range of authority here. Thanks to the HR, the RS Constitution has already been changed, a Serb member of the BiH Presidency had to resign, not even to mention numerous representatives and officials that had been dismissed from their positions. In this context, Copley’s estimation could be realized”. Regarding the lawsuit BiH brought to the International Crime Court against Serbia and Montenegro, Cavic stated that the lawsuit is a case brought by representatives of Bosniak people in BiH and not a case of BiH state against Serbia and Montenegro state. He also stated: “The true and ultimate goal of the lawsuit is not Serbia and Montenegro, but it is the RS. In this way, BiH actually brought charges against a part of itself. This is nonsense and the issue of internal legitimacy of this lawsuit is the crucial moment. Therefore, the RS will do anything to dispute the legitimacy of this lawsuit…” |
RS camp inmates representative on “Viktor Bubanj camp” | Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘New pains over camp’ – Slavko Jovicic, Vice President of the Republika Srpska Association of former inmates, raised the following issue: how can Serbs return to federal Sarajevo and live safely there, if their intention to place the commemorative plaque at the place where they were prisoners of Bosniak war authority is assessed as scandalous! In his view, it is indeed scandalous that the issue on their tragedy is covered in such a bad manner in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Jovicic is also extremely critical of constant denial of many Bosniaks that Serbs were also imprisoned and tortured during the war, not only Bosniaks. |
Search for missing persons | Glas Srpske, pg. 2, ‘Lav is hiding a secret’ – According to Slobodan Skrba, member of the Republika Srpska Commission for search for missing persons from Serb Sarajevo, the Commission yesterday exhumed the human remains of a male at the Municipal Graveyard in Visoko. It is suspected that the body exhumed was Mile Vukosav, who was gone missing during the past war. Skrba stressed that the search for missing persons has intensified over the past days, adding that six more remains were exhumed from the graveyard “Lav” in Sarajevo last Monday. According to him, “Lav” still hides the bodies of many other killed Serbs. |
Incidents/investigations | |
Vault stolen in Bihac
| Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 4, ‘Vault stolen from Customs Office’ – Unidentified persons broke into the premises of the Bihac Customs Clearance Office on the night between Wednesday and Thursday, from where they took away vault. Some confidential files and stamps were kept in the vault. |
Serbian police inspects “Kurir” premises | Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘Police at Kurir premises’ – At the editorial board of the Belgrade daily “Kurir”, the members of the Serbian Police Department for fight against organised crime yesterday demanded all the documentation related to the testimony of Rade Markovic and Dusan Maricic Gumar related to the murder of Ivan Stambolic. Kurir previously published extracts from those testimonies. However, police could not get the documentation, since the journalist and the author of the text took the file to Prosecutor’s Office by himself. |
FOSS affair/related investigation | Nezavisne Novine, pg. 3, ‘We will not decelerate investigation on coup d’etat’ – Nikola Spiric, Chairperson of the BiH Parliament Investigation Commission, stated that the Investigation Commission will not hinder, decelerate or complicate the investigation in the case of alleged planning of coup d’etat. The members of the Commission, who are to investigate these claims, are: Nikola Spiric, Martin Raguz and Sefik Dzaferovic. Ljiljan pgs. 26-27 ‘Alibaba (Alibabic) and 40 journalists’ Signed by Investigating Team – Revealing a conspiracy group headed by SDP leader Zlatko Lagumdzija has confirmed a long-standing Ljiljan’s thesis that Slobodna Bosna and the FTV 60 Minutes magazine have been edited for a long time by Munir Munja Alibabic and his partisan chef Lagumdzija. Slobodna Bosna pg. 7, mentioned on the front page ‘Wiretapped were SFOR, Hague Tribunal, Donald Hays, opposition in BiH…’ By Senad Avdic – “A few minutes before former acting FOSS director Ivan Vuksic submitted his (temporary) resignation to FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic, Alistair Sommerlad, a British diplomat, had come out of his office. As we wrote a few months ago, Sommerlad is a key man of the British intelligence community in BiH and a person who has been a key initiator of all Vuksic’s activities during the past 18 months. At the same time, Sommerlad is an intelligence officer who sometimes has crucial influence on the decisions being made by his compatriot Paddy Ashdown,” wrote Avdic. He added that it was very likely that the entire wire-tapping operation had been launched with the support and at an initiative by Sommerlad and a part of OHR represented through Ashdown. |
Media | |
SDA’s Palavric on FTV
| Ljiljan pgs. 18-22 ‘Insults can be expected to come from half-educated journalists’ – An interview with Seada Palavric, the deputy to the BiH House of Representatives and SDA Vice-president. “Nowadays we are expecting FBiH Government to propose amendments to the Law on FTV (the version imposed by the High Representative) as soon as possible, because the TV house if it is a public media must act as public media, must obey the codex for broadcasters defined by CRA. And it is doing nothing of that. The fact is that FTV lives from subscription fee being paid by Bosniaks and that, in its programs, it just criminalize the Bosniaks and present them negatively,” Palavric said. |
Hadzifejzovic on PBS restructuring | Dani pgs. 12-15 ‘My prime time news will be the best’ – Interview with Senad Hadzifejzovic, one of the most prominent BiH journalist who has recently started working for the TV Hayat. Commenting on the role played by the international community in the process of PBS restructuring, he said: “I could never fully understand the international community and its intentions. However, on the basis of their actions, I can only conclude that they have been deliberately acting in favour of both program’s and financial destruction of the house (former RTV BiH).” |