
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 12/4/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 12 April


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Disc. on BiH Constitution underway

Public debate on con. changes

RS NA in session

Rice urged MPs to adopt const. chgs

RSNA on BL Hospital

RS was deprived of BAM 30 to 35 mil

Tihic visitsNetherlands

Oil prices increases in RS

Serious car accident

TV news broadcast on 11 April


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

No transmission

EUFOR action in Prijedor

ITA SB in session


SIPA action in Doboj

Save holders on CoM’s amendments


First indictments for terrorism in BiH

SIPA/EUFOR action in Doboj


Hearing in case of Delalic postponed

Rice on constitutional changes


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Explosion in Trebinje

ITA SB in session

Sarovic and Govedarica released

EUFOR search in Prijedor

USAID on small businesses

ITA Steering Board meeting

SIPA searches Doboj prison

Vukelic visits Mostar

Explosion in Trebinje

Joint account income still frozen

Agreement on 2 employment signed

Indictments for terrorism in BiH



[US Ambassador McElhaney] Rice confirmed that agreed changes are just first step

Dnevni Avaz

[US Ambassador McElhaney] Adopt the changes so we can move on

Dnevni List

Prosecution raises first charges for terrorism (BiH Prosecution raises charges against alleged terrorists)

Vecernji List

Elections for Parliament on October 1 2006

Slobodna Dalmacija

Pecara ready for big celebrations (football match at Siroki Brijeg)

Nezavisne Novine

Money still blocked

Glas Srpske

Toby loses suit?


Bomb clash with police and judges

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related topics



Public debate on const. amendments ongoing, about 300 people attend, most against proposed const. changes





BH Radio 1 by Mustafa Karahmet – The public debate on proposed amendments to the BiH Constitution organized by the BiH Parliamentary Constitutional-Legal Commission is underway in Sarajevo. About 300 people attend debate, and according to report until now most of them criticized the amendments. Chair of the RS Council of Peoples Remzija Kadric stated that amendment, which foresees an option for the authorities of the State to be returned to entities, only further strengthens entities especially the RS. Kadric added he doesn’t believe the second phase of the constitutional changes would ever happen. Ivan Madunic, MP in the FBiH Parliament, also expressed disbelief the second phase would be take place. The only positive stance [until now] came from economic expert and former BiH Treasury Minister, Anto Domazet, who said that these amendments would provide economic progress trough establishment of new Ministries in the Council of Ministers.

RS Finance Minister: RS has been deprived of BAM 30 to 35 million due to blocked allocation of revenues

RTRS – At today’s press conference in Banja Luka, Aleksandar Dzombic,RS Finance Minister, has stated that owing to blockade of distribution of resources from ITA single account, the RS has so far been deprived of BAM 30 to 35 million. He has denied some claims that he left Tuesday’s session of ITA Steering Board in anger, adding that ITA SB Chairperson, Joly Dixon, is the person who terminated the session and declared consensus was reached, which – according to Dzombic – is not true. According to him, the major problem is that the other members of the ITA SB have no sincere intentions to establish whether RS was damaged during allocation of resources in 2005. He has also stated: “Hence, if majority ITA SB members had stated the rebalanced distribution of resources would not be possible, it would mean nobody thinks about possible paying of resources or to say RS had faced deficit.”

RS MoI deploys team to Trebinje to resolve latest criminal acts

BH Radio 1, RTRS  – Stanislav Cadjo, RS Interior Minister, sent a team of operative officers to Trebinje today to assist in resolving criminal acts which have taken place in this city lately. The special team of the RS MoI, Crime and Investigation Department, and Trebinje police will increase activities with an aim to resolve serious criminal acts, RS MoI press statement reads.


Political developments

Elections in BiH to be held on 1 October; Changes to Election Law took effect: passive registration, reduced pre-election campaign









BHT1 – General elections in BiH would be held on Sunday, 1 October this year. They would officially be called on 4 May, the Chair of the Central Election Commission Branko Petric told the press conference held on Tuesday. The elections would be held on the basis of an amended election law, which took effect on Wednesday, under which the BiH Election Commission has changed its name to Central Election Commission [CEC]. Beric said that one of the novelties in the election process is moving to the system of passive registration of voters, which means that all citizens in possession of CIPS IDs, i.e. every citizen who has the right to vote, would be automatically registered voter. CEC member Lidija Korac reminded that the rights of refugees and displaced persons have not changed with a project of passive registration. PINK– Korac explained that DPs would have a right to vote in municipalities where they resided in 1991 or where they reside for more than six months before the elections. According to the amended BiH Election Law, period of election campaign is reduced from 60 to 30 days. RTRS – Law also disables one to hold more than one public position or at the most one directly and one indirectly elected position. Upcoming elections would cost 8-9 million KM. Hayat, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Voting with the ID, passport or driving licence’ by L.S., Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘All from CIPS register on the voting list ’by Fena, Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘Elections for Parliament on October 1 2006’, by Eldina Medunjanin, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 19 ‘Election campaign will last only 30 days’, by D. Pasic, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Elections will cost 3,5 million KMs’, by D. P. Mandic, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘General elections on 1 October’ by N.Krsman  – also covered.

US State Secretary Rice congratulates agreement on const. changes, urges BiH politicians to pass amendments in the Parliament


BHT1– United States’ State Secretary, Condoleezza Rice congratulated the BiH officials for reaching an agreement on the first phase of reforming the BiH Constitution on March 18 this year, was announced on Tuesday by the Cabinet of BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic. “The reforms represent significant progress towards establishing a more functional and efficient State government, which will allow BiH to become a member state of NATO and the EU”, said Rice in her letter. Rice also invited BiH politicians to preserve their determination in passing of necessary amendments in the BiH parliament, stressing: “I also welcome your dedication to these reforms, which represent only the first steps in the long-term process of establishing a government that is capable of ensuring a prosperous future for the citizens of BiH, fully integrated in the Euro-Atlantic institutions”. FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Rice confirmed that agreed changes are just first step’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘USA would still support this key project for BiH’ by Onasa, Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Rice congratulated on constitutional agreement’, Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Rice congratulated BiH officials’ by ra, Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Rice: Constitutional changes should be adopted’ by N.N.  also covered.

US Ambassador McElhaney: ‘Adopt the const. changes so we can move on’


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Adopt the changes so we can move on’, pg 5 ‘Amendments to the Constitution will be adopted by end of month’ by Sead Numanovic – Commenting the letter of US State Secretary Condoleezza Rice who urged BiH politicians to support amendments to the BiH Constitution, US Ambassador Douglas McElhaney in an interview to DA once again expressed his satisfaction with the changes agreed. He noted that those criticising the changes must aware that maximum was reached for the time being: “Less than a year ago these issues were not to discussed at all, and now we have the agreement! … We are firmly convinced that the changes to the Constitution would be adopted. But the changes are not over! … I am convinced that the first phase of the const. changes will be adopted, and then we go for the second one. ” Stressing the significance of the constitutional changes, US Ambassador reminded that they are supported by the USA, EU, UK and Turkey. Asked to comment the stance of BiH Bishops, McElhaney said that after he spoke with the Cardinal Vinko Puljic, Cardinal said that it is not up to him to deal with politics.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: Letter of US State Secretary Rice is encouragement, but not a guarantee for const. reform


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘First step’ op-ed by Senka Kurtovic – Commenting the letter of US State Secretary Condoleezza Rice who invited BiH politicians to support amendments to the BiH Constitution, editorial reads that this is the best answer to everyone who doubted that constitutional changes are disaster. Author further notes: “It is also implied in the statement of the RS President Dragan Cavic that after the eventual second step in constitutional changes, there will be the third step as well and that would be the mobilisation,” adding that Rice’s letter is an encouragement, but not a guarantee. Editorial concludes: “This [first] step is not an easy one, nor the simple one. And the second phase is yet to be reached.”

CoE Monitoring Committee discuss constitutional changes in BiH; invites BiH politicians to support chances in the Parliament


BHT1 – On Tuesday, the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly’s Monitoring Committee discussed, among other things, the situation in BiH in the context of constitutional reform. Elmir Jahic, head of the BiH Parliament delegation attending the spring session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg on April 10-13, stated that the Monitoring Committee issued a statement on constitutional reform in BiH requesting political parties and their representatives in the Parliament to support amendments. “Furthermore, the Monitoring Committee wishes to encourage citizens and politicians in BiH to start talks on the second phase of constitutional reform following the October general election, that this phase addresses the issue of ethnic representation mechanisms and that this process evolves into representation on citizen basis”, Jahic said. Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘To abolish entity vote after October elections’ by Az.K., Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘CoE Monitoring Committee: abolish the entity vote’ by H.O., Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Council of Europe supported constitutional amendments’ by A. Beus, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Europe commends and warns’ by BETA, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘They ask from BiH parties to support constitutional amendments’ by Agencies– also covered.

RS President, RS PM hold separate mtgs with Russian Ambassador to BiH Shuvalov: Russia supports the Dayton Agreement


Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Russia supports constitutional changes’ by N.N. – RS President Dragan Cavic, and RS Premier, Milorad Dodik, held separate meetings with Russian Ambassador to BiH Konstantin Shuvalov in Banja Luka Tuesday. Cavic informed Shuvalov about the content of the amendments and the political situation. Shuvalov said that Russia supports the Dayton Agreement, as well as changes to the BiH Constitution as an integral part of the Dayton Agreement, only based on full consensus in BiH between the democratically elected political representatives of all peoples in BiH. Dodik and Shuvalov ascertained that the development of democratic relations in BiH and the country’s progress require the transfer of competencies from the international community to the domestic authorities that are prepared to accept the responsibility for future development. Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Support to constitutional changes’ – Shuvalov and Cavic.

SBiH, NHI strongly oppose entity vote, PDP claims this principle was never misused


BHT1 current affairs program ‘Posteno govoreci’ by Duska Jurisic– Commenting proposed amendments to BiH Constitution, Chair of SBiH Presidency Safet Halilovic criticized the fact that proposals did not address important issues, such as education, science, culture, pension insurance or health care. Halilovic’s strongest criticism was focused at the perseverance of the entity vote in the BiH House of Representatives. Noting that almost all major reforms were imposed by the High Representative, Halilovic said he fear entity vote would paralyze BiH institutions after OHR leaves. PDP leader Mladen Ivanic on the other hand fully supported the proposed amendments and rejected all criticism against entity vote underlying this principles was never misused. He also admitted there might be some pressure from the international community regarding the adoption of the changes, but stressed the BiH institutions need to adopt them on their own. NHI leader Kresimir Zubak acknowledges great effort made to reach the agreement, however stressed that the main goal – which was to decrease the administration – was not reached, as a number of MPs in the BiH Parliament has increased while number of MPs in entity’ Parliaments remained same. He also deems the entity vote is “nonsense” arguing BiH House of Peoples has sufficient authorities to protect vital national interests.

BiH Parliament’s Const. Comm. to discuss amendments on April 18: DA claims that five out of nine members are against amendments


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Five out of nine members of the Commission against the amendments?’ by Husein Orahovac – BiH Parliament’s Constitutionally-Legal Commission should discuss amendments to BiH Constitution on April 18, but it is possible [as daily comments] that situation to become complicated, as allegedly five out of nine members of the Commission declared against amendments, while Tihomir Gligoric is indecisive. Chair of the Commission Mirsad Ceman told DA that if the Commission declares against amendments then it has to submit “negative report” to the House of Representatives. Members of the Commission Petar Kunic and Beriz Belkic [SBiH] confirmed for DA that they are not going to support the amendments, while Gligoric said that he would take a stance on the session. SDU’s Nijaz Durakovic [also member of the Commission] said that there is no need to prejudioce issues, stressing that session is not far. Another two members of the Commission, Martin Raguz and Filip Andric would also be against the amendments. Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Both for and against’ by A.O. – Announcing the public debate on the const. changes which is taking place on today [Wednesday], Ceman told daily he would support the amendments. Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Changes to Constitution will not be supported by five members’ by Agencies also carries Ceman.

HSS Presidency against proposed const. changes


Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Do not support constitutional changes’, by NINA – The Presidency of HSS (Croat Peasants Party) discussed proposed constitutional amendments, and concluded that the amendments will not guarantee the equality to the Croats, in the same time calling on the Croat MPs not to vote for the changes.

Ministers of education from all levels of authorities in BiH meet to discuss education reform: it must be completed if BiH is to sign SAA


BHT1– Attendants of the session of Ministers of Education from all levels of authorities in BiH held on Tuesday in Sarajevo concluded that if BiH wants to sign the the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU it needs to meet 17 obligations related to education reform, including the field of the higher education. Esma Hadzagic from BIH Ministry for Civil Affairs expressed her disbelief in possibility that the obligations would be completed within the set deadline of June 2006. In the next seven days, the BIH Civil Affairs Ministry must receive approval of 13 ministries to send the framework law on the higher education in the parliamentary procedure. FBiH Education Minister, Zijad Pasic, deems all participants have unanimously supported the Ministry in completing this obligation. Ostoja Kremenovic from RS Ministry of Education underlined importance of adopting law on higher education in BIH.  “It is not just the issue of EU Integrations but also the issue of providing better education to our students” added Kremenovic. PINK, Hayat, Dnevni List 3 ‘Ministers demand changes to Law on strike’ by I. Glibusic, Nezavisne Novine pg 10 ‘Law on education in BiH to be forwarded to adoption procedure’ by D.Muminovic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Four laws until July’ by D.Momic– also covered.

RS NA Speaker says Draft RS Law on higher education to be adopted by June


Glas Srpske pg 4 ‘Law before autumn’ by M.FIlipovic – RS National Assembly (RSNA) Board for Education, science, culture and information Tuesday held special discussion in Banja Luka. University Professors and students were present. RSNA Speaker Igor Radojicic said that RS Law on Higher Education should be adopted in June, adding that RS Government will prepare RS Draft Law on Education in May.

Head of EC delegation to BiH: reforms in BiH are directed against anybody, especially entities


Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Reforms in BiH are not directed against entities’ by D.Kovacevic – Participating at Public debate in Prijedor Tuesday entitled “European integration and BiH”, organised by EC, Michael Humpjreys, Head of EC delegation to BiH, rejected insinuations that reforms in BiH are directed against anybody, especially entities, adding: “European Union only asks that an efficient and functional state is established in BiH with such institutions, that are adjusted to needs of citizens and community of European peoples.” Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Speed of association with the EU solely depends of domestic politicians’ by Onasa also reported.

It is still uncertain when session of BiH HoR on a confidence vote in BiH CoM will be held / BiH CoM waiting for session relaxed


EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Gloigoric makes accusations’ by Rajna Radosavljevic Tihomir Gligoric, SP RS delegate who launched an initiative for a cast of a confidence vote in BiH COM has announced he would demand withdrawal of this initiative from the agenda of the BiH HoR’s session scheduled for Thursday, since 7 delegates, who would vote for a confidence vote, will not attend it. Gligoric accused the BiH HoR’s Collegium, led by Martin Raguz, of having deliberately scheduled the session at the time of CoE’s session in order to ensure a confidence vote in BiH COM failed, adding session should have been scheduled on 8 April. Raguz denied these accusations, adding: “If Gliogoric’ demand for withdrawal of initiative is accepted, I will not have anything against it.” Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘No majority for removal of CoM’ by V.P. Adnan Terzic, BiH COM Chair, is convinced a no-confidence-vote will be cast in his Cabinet, regardless of whether voting on this would be held at Thursday’s or some other session, adding: “I am waiting for session totally relaxed. I am convinced there is no enough delegates to vote for overthrowing of CoM.”  Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Government does not enjoys support, but it stays in power’ by A.T. – also reported.

SD: Destiny of HDZ BiH depends foremost on legal proceedings against its president Covic


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 17, mentioned on front ‘HDZ ‘falling’ with Covic’, by Zlatko Tulic – commenting on the establishment of ‘HDZ 1990’, which was formed by expelled members of HDZ BiH (Bozo Ljubic, Martin Raguz etc.), the author reckons the establishment of the party will change the political picture in the FBIH since many HDZ BiH MPs defected to the HDZ 1990. Member of HDZ 1990 Presidency, Josip Merdzo (also a former HDZ BiH member), confirmed for SD that many people have started to join the new party. As a conclusion, Tulic notes the only thing that keeps the HDZ BiH together are promises made to their senior members that they would be awarded with some ambassadorial positions (for their loyalty), however the crucial moment for the destiny of HDZ BiH, according to Tulic, is how the legal proceedings against the HDZ BiH leader, Dragan Covic, will end.

SDS Presidency in session: party to take party in elections


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Obstacles for participation in elections removed’ by V.P. – At Tuesday’s session in Banja Luka, the SDS Presidency in Banja Luka concluded that all obstacles in regard to finances and hence participation of this part at the upcoming elections were removed. SDS Presidency members discussed the financial situation in the party resulting from decision of Toby Robinson, Provisional Administrator of Privredna Banka East Sarajevo to block SDS account and claim BAM 1.9. million as SDS debt towards PB ES. 

Center for European Integration Strategies warns police reform and transformation of OBA have major priority if BiH wants to proceed towards EU


Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Police reform and OBA are keys for EU’ by A.Sekulic/D.Raduski – The Center for European Integration Strategic (CEIS) warns in its report that the successful transformation of police and intelligence service in BiH (OBA) has a major priority if the state wants to proceed to develop and acquire good ties with EU. The report stresses that there is no indication Police Reform Directorate ( PRD ) will manage to resolve the issue of implementation plan of police reform until 30 September without crucial stimulus of major international factors in BiH. Report notes OBA staff does not possess necessary knowledge neither technical resources to act as modern intelligence agencies. According to inset ‘Police reform is a penalty for RS’, police reform was launched through OHR decision as a political penalty for unwillingness of RS authority to apprehend war crime suspects.

DA: PRD Steering Board member Andan’s leave will only speed-up police reform


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Andan’s leave will only speed-up police reform’ by E.Sarac – Asked to comment if resignation of RS Police Director Dragomir Andan from the Police Reform Directorate Steering Board [PRD SB] would mean stoppage of the police reform, EUPM Spokesperson Zinaida Ilarija said that it is a matter for local authorities. Article reads that although Andan’s replacement could take two months to come in power due to procedural obstacles, it would only help the reforms speed-up. Daily learns from an unnamed source in the BiH Security Ministry that PRD SB sessions can be held even without one member, so there would be no obstacles to the police reform, “if [RS] Prime Minister Milorad Dodik does not take some of his men to the position of the Police Director, who would continue to follow Andan’s path [of obstruction of PRD work].”

Chief of OSCE Davidson: census to be scheduled when return process completed, mostly likely in 2010

Nezavisne Novine pg 10 ‘Refugee return is one of the most important tasks’ by V.P., Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Low return rate of Serbs to Croatia’ by O.V. – OSCE Head to BiH Douglas Davidson said that the IC is not satisfied with Croatia’s failure to provide conditions for returns of Serbs. Speaking of delays in scheduling census in BiH, he said delays are just because of the need to firstly complete the return process, assessing the census will most likely be held in 2010. Omer Brankovic, RS Minister for refugees and displaced persons said that meeting discussed the problems related to returnees’ employment, sustainable return and anticipated budget resources. Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘European signs’ by D.Momic – After the meeting with Anton Kasipovic, RS Education Minister, Davidson stated: “I am convinced the implementation of the Law on local self-governance will be accelerated… The most important job is adoption of the Law on Higher Education.”


Economic issues

ITA SB fails to reach decision on allocation of public revenues from single account; RS reps not giving up on their stance; Session in 2 weeks again







BHT1 – After all-day session held on Tuesday, the Steering Board of the Indirect Taxation Administration failed to reach an agreement on the coefficients for the allocation of the public revenues from the single account in 2006 as the RS Finance Minister Aleksandar Dzombic vetoed decision. Expressing regret for the current situation, the FBiH Finance Minister Dragan Vrankic stated that the RS has rejected the compromises offered. ITA SB Chair Joly Dixon commented: “unfortunately we couldn’t decide and reach the compromise regarding the coefficients…for 2005 and 2006. The allocation from the single account will not be made until the decision on the coefficient is reached”. The RS representatives did not want to give statements after the session while RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik stated on Monday that RS’ requests would not change: “I think ITA SB’s decision to block the access to the budget accounts is impermissible, illegal and immoral”. ITA Director Kemal Causevic stated that 132 million KM are deposited to the single account. ITA SB should reach the agreement on allocation of revenue at the session to be held in next two weeks. RTRS – Dzombic rejected to comment ITA Steering Board meeting, adding he would talk to press following the talks with the RS Prime Minister. Vrankic hopes that Dixon would use his power and enable use of resources from single account. FTV, Hayat,Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Basic: RS representatives want completely illegal solutions’, mentioned on cover ‘State and Federation are hostages of RS’ by T. Lazovic, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pg 3 ‘Money still blocked’ by R.Cengic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Got stuck on coefficients’ by D.V.M.– also reported.

DA: ITA SB Chair Dixon to bring decision on coefficients today?; EC says RS side was only reluctant to find compromise


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Basic: RS representatives want completely illegal solutions’, mentioned on cover ‘State and Federation are hostages of RS’ by T. Lazovic – Chair of the ITA Steering Board, Joly Dixon, interrupted the session of the Board on Tuesday and [allegedly] announced he would bring the decision today [Wednesday]. The member of the Board, Haris Basic, told DA that RS side was obstructing the decision-making process as they want to keep extending temporary decisions on allocation of the public revenues from the single account which is based on last years coefficients, under which RS receives more. He explains the RS reps were not ready for concessions: “They were offered with a proposal to bring decision for allocation of money in April in line with the last years coefficient, under condition to start with the calculations according to the current law as of May, but even that did not suit them.” Postponing permanent decisions, says Basic, means also possible problems with the payment of the external debt. The session was also attended by the Deputy Head of EC delegation Renzo Daviddi and Principal Deputy HR Larry Butler. “Only members of Board from the RS have not expressed an intention to discuss or to agree on any other option but the one they have proposed. All other reps were ready to analyze all possibilities,” told Daviddi to DA. Inset ‘Daviddi: RS members have not show will to talk’ – Daviddi added: “Dixon would have our support if he decides to temporary de-block payments from the single account to enable budgetary users to receive hundreds of KM waiting.” Inset ‘Dzombic: No compromise reached’ – Dzombic told Fena news agency that no consensus was reached.

RS President Cavic on ITA SB: I cannot accept any international power to be above compromise; RS arguments are righteous


BHT 1 – Commenting the allocation of the public revenues from the single account, the RS President Dragan Cavic commented that the permanent process of taking away from the RS budgetary resources endangers functioning of the entity institutions. “I can not accept that any international power or any power could be above consensus and declare consensus. I believe that RS Government’s action is right and that RS Government has arguments that all ITA Steering Board members and international community members should accept. I am absolutely against declaring of consensus if there is no consensus. That would be position abuse”, said Cavic. Nezavisne Novine pg inset ‘Cavic supported RS Government’ – also reported.

BH Foreign Minister Ivanic: HR has made a mistake by extended ITA SB’ President mandate


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 inset ‘Ivanic: Local authorities should run ITA’ – Mladen Ivanic, BH Foreign Minister, has assessed that the current relations within ITA SB have a bad influence upon economic and political stability of BiH, adding that the sole solution to this crisis would be if domestic institutions fully took management over ITA SB. According to him, the greatest responsibility for distribution of revenues at ITA rests with Joly Dixon, who gave legitimacy to such a practice and who has brought his own dignity into question by implementing subjectivism in allocation of resources. Ivanic also said that HR has made a mistake by having extended Dixon ’s mandate without an attempt to have Dixon ’s work discussed at the sessions of BiH institutions, especially BiH CoM.

OHR: Schwarz-Schilling rejects he exceeded his authority in reappointment of Joly Dixon


BHT1, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Dixon’s mandate extended in line with the HR’s authorities’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘HR did not exceed his powers’ – OHR spokesperson Oleg Milisic stated on Tuesday that the HR Christian Schwarz-Schilling has extended Joly Dixon’s mandate in the position of the ITA Steering Board Chair in line with his authorities. Milisic referred to a number of comments from politicians in the RS regarding the HR’s reappointment of Dixon according to which CSS was exceeding his authority. Milisic stressed that the “ITA Governing Board is charged with providing impartial supervision of a system that affects the material wellbeing of every man, woman and child in BiH”. By its very nature it must resist the partisan pressures of day-to-day political interest.

OHR invited BiH Finance Ministry to revise the proposed Law on duties and rights of MPs in BiH Parliament


FTV, BHT1, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Benefits to deputies will additionally burden on tax payers’ by Onasa, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Unfair burden to tax payers’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘No overstepping’, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Proposal may have negative influence on budget’ by SRNA – OHR called on the BiH Finance Ministry to review the proposed draft to determine the financial implications were this law to be adopted, OHR spokesperson Oleg Milisic told a press conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday. Milisic reminded that last week OHR welcomed the public debate that had been sparked by the Draft Law on Rights and Obligations of the Delegates of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, currently in Committee the BiH Parliament, and due to be considered in last quarter of the month.

DA: FBiH Govt to discuss on Thu social programmes for alleviation of VAT impact?


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘FBiH Government to discuss social programmes tomorrow?’ by M.Kukan – DA speculates that the FBiH Government at the session on Thursday could bring decision on payment of assistance for the most vulnerable group of citizens. In the budget for 2006, FBiH Government anticipated 25 million KM for alleviation of negative consequences of VAT introduction. Payment was delayed because of the delayed budget adoption and blockage of allocation of public revenues. FBiH Welfare Minister Radovan Vignjevic confirmed for DA that he would propose the Government to authorize allocation of 18 million KM for pensioners.

PDHR Butler with BiH bankers: BiH Central Bank should conduct supervision of banking sector

Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Security of clients is crucial’, by dr – Representatives of Association of banks of BiH and Principal Deputy High Representative, Larry Butler, agreed that the banking sector in BiH is the most organized part of the BiH economy. VL notes that bankers are of opinion that the supervision of the banking sector should be put in hands of the BiH Central Bank in order to up the security of banks’ clients in BiH. (NB: VL does not state where the meeting took place)


Crime and security issues

EUFOR, SIPA inspect Prijedor bus stop: one automatic rifle confiscated



RTRS – The EUFOR troops on Tuesday carried out the inspection of “Autotransport” transportation company and Prijedor bus station, which resulted in disclosure of an automatic rifle in company’s premises which belongs to one of the workers. EUFOR also controlled the reservoirs with fuel used by the buses and searched for possible hidden arms. They confirmed almost all buses use regular oil. In cooperation with local police, market and traffic inspections, EUFOR also controlled trucks on the road Prijedor- Novi Grad. RTRS, PINK, BHT1, Hayat, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Soldiers looking for hidden weapons’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘EUFOR continues raids in RS’, by Branka Stevandic, Dnevni Avaz pg 7 ‘Automatic rifle found’ by M.Z., Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘They searched everything’ by P.Spadic, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘They searched heating-oil in reservoirs’ by G.Maunaga/D.Kovacevic/S.Karic  – also covered.

SIPA, EUFOR raid premises of Doboj District Penitentiary; no details revealed; Daily speculates investigated were cells of PBES suspects Bjelica, Sarovic, Govedarica


Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Raided rooms of Mirko Sarovic’ by M.Begic – Members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency [SIPA] and EUFOR carried out an unannounced raid at the Doboj District Penitentiary on Tuesday which lasted for hours.  According to Doboj Public Security Centre spokeswoman Ljerka Stanimirovic, the local police have been notified of the operation, but did not take part in it. Oslobodjenje learns that the subject of the inspections were facilities of the prison, and most probably the control was also conducted in the rooms occupied by inmates Mirko Sarovic and Milan Cicko Bjelica, suspects in the case of embezzlements related to the Privredna Bank East Sarajevo. Daily also learns that Sarovic, former RS President, was in earlier inspections caught in possession of mobile phone and that the kitchen was preparing the special food for him. Daily also speculations that this time, the inspection would reveal whether all detainees were there as there were rumors that Sarovic occasionally would be let to go and visit his home. RTRS – Media were not informed whether SIPA or EUFOR confiscated any documents. Admir Katica, SIPA Spokesperson said that this inspection was regular operational activity carried out at the request of BiH Prosecution. Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Cells of Bjelica, Sarovic and Govedarica searched’ by A.Sisic – Daily also learns from sources close to Tuesday’s action at Doboj prison that SIPA searched the cells where Sarovic, Bjelica and Milorad Govedarica were detained. Daily also learns that BH Prosecution is not satisfied with the treatment of detainees at Doboj Prison, since it is of the view they enjoy favourable treatment they should not have. PINK, BHT1, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Reasons remained behind the bars’ by H.C. – also covered.

Explosive set under car of Trebinje judge’s son; Municipality demands RS MoI to solve cases


RTRS – An explosive device was set under the car of Srdjan Simovic, son of LJiljana Simovic, judge of Trebinje District Court. Burglaries recently broke into Simovic’s house and judge believes all this was related to her job. Media reminded of explosive planted under the car of the Trebinje Crime PoliceInspector Slavko Drapic two days ago. TrebinjeMunicipality demanded form the RS Interior Ministry to solve these cases. RS Interior Minister Stanislav Cadjo condemned attack on both Drapic and Simovic. “MoI stands behind any MoI individual and will stand for protection of all citizens. We will be energetic and decisive and will act in accordance with Law”, said Cadjo. EUPM also offered its help to RS MoI. BHT1, Hayat, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 32 ‘Bomb exploded below the opel astra of Trebinje’s Court Judge’s son’ by Ir.Ma., Dnevni List pg 20 ‘Judge’s son target of outlaws’ by A. Vrebac, Vecernji List pg 31 ‘Explosion in judge’s front yard ’ by rs, bs, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 19 Explosive planted under judge’s car’ by T. Bojanic, EuroBlic cover pg splash, RSpg 1 ‘Bomb clash with police and judges’ by EuroBlic team – also covered.

VN interview with RS MoI Cadjo: It is high time end was out to cases of murder and assaults


Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘It is high time’ by Slobodan Pesic – In a brief interview to daily, Stanislav Cadjo, RS MOI, says that it takes more determination, personal engagement and work to clash corrupt individuals and groups, adding they are trying to prepare in both, personnel and organisation regard to accomplish this. According to him, it is high time the end was put on unresolved cases of murder, assaults and other akin. In regard to cooperation with the ICTY, he ntoes “RS MOI neither has nor should have choice. The choice between the future and destiny of one state and people, and any individual and his destiny is clear.”

BiH Prosecution has taken over around 10 investigations into unresolved murder cases in RS


Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘BiH Prosecution took over investigations on murders in RS’ by A.Sisic – Daily learns from sources close to the BiH Prosecutor’s Office (PO) that the PO has taken over around 10 investigations into unresolved murder cases in RS over the last years, including several unresolved murder cases with political backgrounds, and amalgamated them into one investigation. The investigation will include following murder cases: Srdjan Knezevic, Ljubisa Savic Mauzer and Zeljko Markovic, Riste Jugovic, Zeljko and Mikica Todorovic, and Zeljko’s brother Milorad Todorovic. Investigation should also include murder of Ratomir Spaic.

Sokolac District Court released Sarovic and Govedarica of charges


RTRS, Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Toby losing suit?’ by Z.Domazet, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘PB ESm suit rejected’ by A.S.-R.S., EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Suit against Sarovic and Govedarica rejected’ by D.S.  – Basic Court in Sokolac rejected charges that Provisional Management of “Privredna Bank East Sarajevo” brought against Mirko Sarovic and Milorad Govedarica. By these charges, Sarovic and Govedarica were supposed to pay 2,3 million KM for non-material damage to “Privredna Bank Srpsko Sarajevo”. According to verdict, Temporary Management of “Privredna Bank Srpsko Sarajevo” did not prove that Sarovic consciously made damage.

DL: BiH Prosecution raises terrorism charges; suspects charges with planning terrorist attacks


Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 5 ‘Prosecution raises first charges for terrorism’, by Danijela Kozina – reports that the BiH Prosecution has raised charges against Mirsad Bektasevic, Cesur Abdulkadir and Bajro Ikanovic, who were arrested in Sarajevo in late 2005 under suspicion that they were planning terrorist attacks. DL reminds that when the troika got arrested, rumours had it that they were in possession of explosives and instructions how to make bombs as well as some photos of targets in the US, including the White House. Following the Sarajevo arrests, several arrests took place in Denmark, which were allegedly in connection. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘BiH Prosecution raises three charges for terrorism’ by Srna – also carries.

BiH Prosecution investigates illegalities in HNC MoI: Unsolved homicides also part of investigations


Dnevni List, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘Suspected of unsolved murders’, by Erna Mackic – notes that the current Chief of operational centre in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) MoI, Zdravko Zilic, and former HNC Interior Minister, Goran Bilic, were questioned by the BiH Prosecution on Tuesday in relation to the ongoing investigation about alleged illegalities committed in the HNC MoI (illegal procurement of cars, financial operations etc). Zilic’s lawyer, Davor Silic, commented that his client was questioned in relation toward several unsolved homicides that happened since 1993, including three homicides, for which perpetrators were identified and which are connected to the incriminated allegations.

DL criticizes Bosniak authorities for failing to form commission on missing Sarajevo Serbs; DA says number of victims must true


Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Sarajevo facing the truth’, by Sanja Bjelica – the author is criticizing the FBIH authorities, foremost the Bosniak part, for not setting up a commission that would investigate into alleged sufferings of the Sarajevo Serbs during the war. Bjelica notes it is sad that those, referring to Bosniak authorities, which are so vocal when it comes to victims of one people, are not ready to face the truth since crimes were committed by all three sides in BiH. Nevertheless, the author reckons it is high time the State commission for missing persons started dealing with such problems. Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Obvious continuation of Andan’s lies’ by E.Sarac – Commenting the same issue and related Monday’s peaceful protests in Sarajevo, editorial reads that while the truth about the missing ones must be found it is also necessary for the RS Office for Missing Persons has to come up with real information.