
OBN News Review, 27 November 2000



  • OSCE announced final election results
  • George Bush was proclaimed as the election winner in Florida
  • OSCE foreign ministers met in Vienna
  • RS health workers and railway employees started a strike


According to final election results, there is no absolute winner after the general election in B&H. SDA, SDP and HDZ won the majority of votes in the Federation of B&H, and SDS won at the RS, Svjetlana Celic reported.


The US election drama is ending. The authorities of Florida proclaimed the Republican, George Bush as the election winner. Bush addressed the nation as the new President last night. Reported by Kemal Kurspahic.


Vienna: Yugoslavia was accepted as the new OSCE member at the OSCE Ministerial Session.

About 2000 Albanians moved from Presevo to Bujanovac and Medvedja, due to tensions after clashes between the Serbian police and Albanians last week.

Pristina: UNHCR registered about 2000 displaced persons.

Middle East: Israeli Commandos killed 5 Palestinians in the West Bank.

119 people died in floods in Sumatra. Rescue teams believe that several hundreds of people are still missing, after four days of tropical rains. Gordana Frimel reported on world events.

Banja Luka

RS health workers started a strike again, due to non-implementation of the agreement signed by the Striking Board, RS Government and the Public Fund of Health Protection. Reported by Biljana Arsic.

Banja Luka

RS pensioners are in a very difficult situation. The Executive Board of the Pensioners’ Association organised a session in Banja Luka. Pensioners will continue their protests, demanding fulfilment of their requests.


A two-day seminar on topic “Financing of local self-management and management in public services” was organised in Mostar, within the Stability Pact. Representatives of towns and municipalities from the Federation and the RS attended the seminar.


There are numerous problems with refugee return in Mostar. Many refugees are waiting their problems to be solved, in order to return to their homes. Reported by Ivan Pavkovic.


The Chairman of the International Co-operative Association, Roberto Rodrigues and the General Manager of the Association for Europe, Gabriele Sozanski visited the Craftsmen Co-operative in Kresevo today. They discussed possibility of reception of the Kresevo Co-operative into the International Association.

Banja Luka

The cow disease causes panics in the world again. No one in the RS Ministry of Agriculture wanted to talk to OBN correspondents on this issue. According to salesmen in shops, all meat was tested by veterinarians.


Premiere of the performance “Stihozbornica” will take place tomorrow in “Dom policije” in Sarajevo, Meliha Hasanbegovic reported.


Reports on local handball and international football were presented.