
Meeting of the Commission for implementation of the Sarajevo Protocol, 27 March 1997


Meeting of the Commission for implementation of the Sarajevo Protocol

The Commission for the Implementation of the Sarajevo Protocol has concluded its work successfully, and agreed on the enclosed texts of (1) draft Amendment to the Constitution of the Federation, (2) draft Amendment to the Constitution of Sarajevo Canton, (3) Statute of the City Sarajevo (4) Side Agreement on the Implementation of Sarajevo Protocol with its two annexes.

We endorse the enclosed texts, and commit ourselves to their full implementation within the deadlines set in the enclosed Side Agreement.

Sarajevo, 27 March 1997

For SDA: Edhem Bicakcic
Midhat Haracic
For SDP: Zlatko Lagumdzija
Mustafa Beganovic
For HDZ: Bozo Rajic
Anto Zelic
For UBSD: Slavisa Sucur
Nermin Pecanac
For SBiH: Raib Salihefendic
Beriz Belkic

Witnessed by: Michael Steiner, Principal Deputy High Representative

Office of the High Representative