In a statement on police reform, the High Representative/EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, today said:
“Last Monday I announced that few more days would be given to political leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina to reach an agreement on Police Reform. This was based on the positive developments which resulted in signature of a paper by leaders of SBiH and SNSD at the end of last week, the need for them to clarify the detail and seek the views of other political parties.
In regard to the paper reflecting the views of SBiH and SNSD, I need to inform you that regrettably one of the parties has not clarified the contents of the paper, which raises questions about the seriousness of their approach. I have no choice but to confirm my initial assessment of their paper – in its current version, it fails to fulfill the 3 EU principles.
My ”Draft Protocol on Meeting the Police Reform Requirements Necessary for Initialing and Signing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement” remains on the table. It fulfils the 3 EU principles, it is fair, and it already has the support of many. It provides a solid basis for agreement. But as I said, I am ready to accept any other document, provided that it fulfils the 3 EU principles and gathers the necessary cross-party political support.
The situation is very simple. Time is running out for the political leaders to meet their obligations to the citizens of this country. They know what is required. I have made it clear, Brussels has made it clear.
I will meet the political leaders individually in the first half of next week. I hope they can inform me that they have reached an agreement.
As High Representative and EU Special Representative there are limits to what I can do for you when it comes to meeting the requirements of EU membership. However, I am willing to help those who are ready to help themselves. If there is genuine political will on all sides to work and reach an agreement, I am happy to facilitate this.”