25.03.2003 Free Media Help Line

Free Media Help Line Statistics

(1 January – 24 March 2003)

In the time period 1999- March 2003, the total number of 342 cases has been registered and responded to.

In the time period 1 January- 24 March 2003, thirteen cases have been filed with the FMHL.

Violation per Media Type 

Print Media


16 %



46 %



38 %







Source of Violation

Government/Public Officials


8 %

Media Outlet Official


46 %



8 %

Natural Person


22 %



8 %



8 %



0 %

Case Categories

Implicit Threat

An expression of intention to inflict harm, injury, loss or damage either to a person, property, or to others associated with a person, especially one that might diminish a person’s freedom to act voluntarily; can be oral or written. An explicit threat contains specific indication of the nature of harm; an implicit threat suggests but does not specify the nature of the intended harm.


23 %

Explicit Threat

See Implicit Threat


0  %


Systematic or specific acts intended to aggravate, to induce fear or a sense of powerlessness, in order to impede the work of a journalist(s). Can be repeated and/or persistent. Not including the infliction of physical harm to persons or places.


0 %

Defamation Suits

Where journalists are the subject of the Act on Protection Against Defamation lawsuits, and where cases of defamation proceedings are suspected of abuse of legal process and/or political pressures on judiciary.


0 %

Misuse of Journalist Identity

Where a person falsely uses the identity of a journalist in order to publish an article, participate in press conferences or gain access to certain locations.


0  %

Physical Attack

Physical assault with intention to cause death or bodily harm.


8 %

Interf. w/ Editorial Policy

Particularly relevant for public media outlets. Any exercise of power by relevant authorities intended to determine the editorial policy of a media outlet. Specifically, pressure that goes beyond criticism and requiring a particular position or response.


0 %

Labor Dispute

Any dispute between the employer and the employee pertaining to violation of rights and obligations pursuant to the employer-employee relationship previously regulated by the law.


46 %

Damage to Property

Attack on property of journalist or media outlet with intent to cause damage or interfere with the work of a journalist or media outlet.


8 %

Denial of Rights under Law

An obstruction or denial of a journalist’s exercise of his or her legal rights, according to national or international law.


0 %

Denial of Services

Any systematic denial of contracted service(s) by government-owned or -controlled businesses (eg. water supply company, electricity, gas and so on) or by businesses indirectly controlled by government or political authorities, which are meant to influence the process of obtaining and/or reporting information.


0 %

Interf. w/ Working Condit.

The terms or conditions of individual or collective employment are violated with the underlying intention of infringing on the right to freedom of expression or affecting editorial policy.


0 %

Missapp/Man. Of Law

An active exercise of power by political or governmental authorities using legal or regulatory means, with the intention to silence and/or determine a specific or general editorial policy of media.



Not Determined



15 %