Ambassador Jacques Andrieu
Deputy High Representative
Head of Regional Office of the High Representative (South) in Mostar
Joined the OHR in September 2003
1997-2003 – Prefect at French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in charge of local authorities’ external relations
1993-1997 – Prefect at Meurthe-et-Moselle (an appointed representative, the prefect is the most senior civil servant at the local level, where he is responsible for coordinating state policy and agencies, including security and safety matters)
1990-1993 – Prefect at Pyrénées-Atlantiques
1988-1990 – Prefect at Vosges
1976-1988 – Deputy Prefect at
- Moselle (1985-87)
- Loiret (1982-85)
- Doubs (1980-82)
- Franche-Comté (1979-80)
- Allier (1976-79)
1974-1976 – Chief of mission of State agency DATAR (Delegation for management of territory and regional actions) / Chargé de mission à la Délégation a l’aménegament du territoire et à l’action régionale (DATAR)
1973 – 1974 – Chief of Cabinet of the State Minister for territory, infrastructure and transport / Chef de cabinet du ministre de l’aménagement du territoire, de l’équipement, et des transports
1969 – 1973 – Director of cabinet of Prefect of l’Ain and Deputy Prefect of Gex / Directeur de cabinet du préfet de l’Ain puis Sous-préfet de Gex
1966 – Military service as cooperation officer at the French Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan
Academic titles
1967-1969 State College for Public Administration (ENA, Ecole Nationale d’Administration)
1960-1965 Institute for Political Studies of Paris / Institut d’Etudes Politiques
Officier de l’ordre national de la Légion d’honneur
Officier de l’ordre national du Mérite
Ambassador Andrieu was born on 17 April 1942.
He is married and has two sons.