- Petritsch says nothing less than 100 percent of Mrakovica-Sarajevo agreement will be acceptable
- Bond and Lagumdzija discuss implementation of the Sarajevo agreement on constitutional reform
- Lagumdzija meets with Garagorri
- Party for BiH, SDP and NHI representatives in the RS Constitutional Commission claim adopted amendments to the Entity Constitution illegal
- LDS believes Petritsch should immediately ensure implementation of the Sarajevo Agreement
- Party to BiH threatens to withdraw its signature from the Sarajevo agreement
- Professor at the Banja Luka Law School comments on constitutional changes – No reasons to change adopted amendments
- SDS, DNS comment on constitutional amendments
- BiH Federation Government adopts draft law on agencies for guarding people and properties
- Dnevni Avaz: the BiH Federation Government in deep crisis
- HDZ BiH Central Board to hold session on Friday – Jelavic leaves the office, new leadership to be elected?
- RS Tax Administration: the companies paying tax debts in instalments
- Nezavisne Novine: Slavko Roguljic comments on sealing of his business premises by the RS Tax Administration
- Message sent from the inter-religious conference in Trebinje – Forgiveness and repentance
- RS Government Bureau for cooperation with ICTY sends two cases to The Hague
- Serb Sarajevo prosecutor presses war crimes charges against 416 Bosniaks
- After ten years of wondering on Banja Luka streets: Bahrija soon in her house!
- The High Representative visits religious facilities reconstruction sites in Herzegovina, meets with Stolac Mayor
- Vecernji List: Mostar Bishop’s Ordinariate issues a press release to explain why Petritsch’s invitation was rejected
- Ashdown meets with Silajdzic
- Oslobodjenje: Bond’s statement
- Jutarnji List: Nobody is happy in BiH
Constitutional reforms
Petritsch says nothing less than 100 percent of Mrakovica-Sarajevo agreement will be acceptable
The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, told journalists during his Monday’s visit to Stolac that his experts were still assessing the substance of the amendments to the Republika Srpska Constitution adopted by the RS National Assembly last week. Petritsch said he hoped he would be able to inform the Peace Implementation Council’s Steering Board on their assessments on Tuesday. “But let me repeat my principal stand: nothing less than 100 percent of Mrakovica-Sarajevo agreement will be acceptable,” Petritsch emphasized. (Oslobodjenje, Dnevni Avaz and Fena news agency carried the statement and correctly quoted the High Representative)
Bond and Lagumdzija discuss implementation of the Sarajevo agreement on constitutional reform
The BiH SDP leader, Zlatko Lagumdzija, and the US Ambassador to BiH, Clifford Bond, met in Sarajevo on Monday to, as Bond said following the meeting, exchange their views regarding the adopted amendments to the RS Constitution. “The amendments represent a partial but not complete step towards the implementation of the Sarajevo agreement,” Bond told journalists. He emphasized that a more detailed assessment of the contents of the amendments would be needed. However, Bond added it was already clear that the amendments as adopted by the RS National Assembly in certain aspects reflected changes of the content of the Sarajevo agreement. Bond referred to the re-opening (different definition) of the issue of representation of the constituent people in the RS Government in the amendments and the inclusion of certain parts not foreseen by the Sarajevo agreement such as the a possibility to dismiss the Council of Peoples. For his part, Lagumdzija said he believed the credibility of the people who had signed the Sarajevo agreement was a sufficient guarantee for its full implementation. (All Sarajevo dailies prominently report on the Bond and Lagumdzija’s press conference)
Lagumdzija meets with Garagorri
The BiH SDP leader, Zlatko Lagumdzija, met on Monday in Sarajevo with the Spanish Ambassador to BiH, Rafael Valle Garagorri, who had on behalf of the European Union signed the Sarajevo agreement on the constitutional reform. According to a press release issued by SDP and carried by Dnevni Avaz and Fena news agency, during the meeting, Lagumdzija emphasized that the amendments to the RS Constitution adopted by the RS National Assembly last week were not in compliance with the Sarajevo agreement. The Spanish Ambassador said that the talks on the implementation of the BiH Constitutional Court’s decision on the constituency of the peoples had been completed. “Now the decision and the agreement on the issue must be fully implemented, and the process must not be returned to its start. The amendments may amend the agreement in a complementary way but they cannot be in opposition to it,” Garagorri said.
Party for BiH, SDP and NHI representatives in the RS Constitutional Commission claim adopted amendments to the Entity Constitution illegal
Dnevni Avaz and Fena news agency report that the members of the RS National Assembly’s Commission for Constitutional Issues from BiH SDP, Party for BiH and NHI requested the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, to immediately annul the amendments to the Entity Constitution as adopted by the RS National Assembly last week. They assessed that the amendments had been passed in a illegal and illegitimate way (with votes of the Serb representatives only), which is not in compliance with the decision of the BiH Constitutional Court on the constituency of the peoples, as well as the agreement on the issue signed on March 27 in the OHR building in Sarajevo. The members therefore concluded that the amendments were jeopardizing vital national interests of Bosniaks, Croats and others in the RS.
LDS believes Petritsch should immediately ensure implementation of the Sarajevo Agreement
According to Oslobodjenje, the LDS on Monday expressed his deepest concern after the Republika Srpska National Assembly had last week decided to adopt the amendments to the Entity Constitution in a version, which was different form the agreement signed in on March 27 in Sarajevo. The LDS Vice-president, Strajo Krsmanovic, told journalists in Sarajevo that the party therefore expected the High Representative, the US Ambassador to BiH, Clifford Bond and his Spanish colleague, Rafael Valle Garagorri, to react immediately and ensure full implementation of the agreement the both BiH entities.
Party to BiH threatens to withdraw its signature from the Sarajevo agreement
Oslobodjenje and Dnevni Avaz report that the Party for BiH President, Safet Halilovic, told a meeting of the Party’s cantonal branch in Tuzla late on Monday that the Party for BiH would withdraw its signature from the Sarajevo agreement in order not to be subject of manipulation any more, since the High Representative had not annul illegally adopted amendments to the RS Constitution. Halilovic emphasized that the amendments as adopted by the RS National Assembly were neither in compliance with the BiH Constitutional Court’s decision on the constituency of the peoples nor with the Sarajevo agreement. The Monday’s Party for BiH meeting in Tuzla was also attended by its senior officials, Beriz Belkic, Sahbaz Dzihanovic, Izet Zigic, Mustafa Pamuk and Gavrilo Grahovac.
Professor at the Banja Luka Law School comments on constitutional changes – No reasons to change adopted amendments
(Provided by OHR Banja Luka)
Glas Srpski quotes professor at the Banja Luka University Law School, Mile Dmicic, as saying that adoption of the constitutional amendments means that the RS National Assembly independently implemented the BiH Constitutional Court ruling on constituent status of all peoples in BiH in a procedure foreseen by the Constitution. “The amendments primarily secure basic values, democratic symbols and genuine structure of legal and constitutional model of the RS, based on European, democratic standards. Therefore, I see no reason why the High Representative would request that the amendments be changed”, said Dmicic. “The constitutional amendments ensure basic human rights: freedom, equality, national equality, protection of vital national interests, rule of law, parliamentary democracy, multi-party system and basic principles of democratic state, that is, constitutionality and legality. Furthermore, the constitutional amendments make sure that none of the RS citizens will be a subject to discriminatory procedures/treatment arbitrary will of some other individual”, said Dmicic. He said that the talk of the Federation politicians that the BiH Constitutional Court ruling on constituent status of all peoples in BiH is not implemented is recognizable. According to him, this talk is aimed at expending and strengthening of the state competencies and at “unitarization” of BiH.
SDS, DNS comment on constitutional amendments
(Provided by OHR Banja Luka)
Glas Srpski reports that members of the SDS Main Board, Dragomir Vasic and Milan Bogicevic, told a news conference in Zvornik on Monday that the High Representative would not impose constitutional amendments. Vasic said it would be a huge mistake and that Petritsch was not ready for that. “The quality of the constitutional amendments, passed by the RS National Assembly, is such that they could be passed in any European, democratic country. And finally, shouldn’t the RS NA be a body, competent to pass constitutional amendments”, said Vasic. Glas Srpski quotes DNS vice-president, Jovan Mitrovic, as saying that starting from the first meeting in Mrakovica to the last one in Sarajevo, all these multi-party meetings were nothing but a farce. “The Democratic National Alliance condemns this farce and that is why we are shall keep insisting on the referendum as the most democratic form of expressing views of people. Fortunately, the RS NA session happened and if anyone changes anything in the constitutional amendments, the DNS will request that all leading RS politicians resign”, said Mitrovic.
BiH Federation Government adopts draft law on agencies for guarding people and properties
According to Jutarnje Novine, at its session in Sarajevo on Monday, the BiH Federation Government adopted the draft law on agencies dealing with providing protection to people and their properties. The law stipulating this controversial sector will be sent into the urgent parliamentary procedure. It foresees that the agencies’ employees will be allowed to carry sort of the weapons, which is necessary for their own protection.
Dnevni Avaz: the BiH Federation Government in deep crisis
Only 15 minutes after the beginning, the Party for BiH ministers left Monday’s session of the BiH Federation Government. They have frozen their participation in the work of the Government until a case is solved of a pay-out of a deposit over 1,7 million KM from the budget to the AM Sped company, which had been done by the Federation Finance Minister, Nikola Grabovac, without consent of his deputy, Sefika Hafizovic.
HDZ BiH Central Board to hold session on Friday – Jelavic leaves the office, new leadership to be elected?
(Provided by OHR Mostar)
All Croat(ian) dailies carry stories with regards to Jelavic’s resignation to the position of the HDZ BiH President, all of them being speculative about who is going to replace Jelavic. The dailies mention many possible candidates, but one name is in the most papers’ opinion is the most likely candidate to succeed Jelavic – Barisa Colak. Jutarnji List reads that Ante Jelavic’s resignation will be discussed by the party’s Central Board saying that the information has been confirmed by the HDZ Presidency. JL adds that the Central Board has the authority to elect a replacement for the President for a period no longer than six months speculating that, if Jelavic’s resignation is accepted, an emergency Convention of the HDZ BiH would be convened for mid-May.
Vecernji List carries an interview with Barisa Colak,a member of HDZ BiH Presidency, in which he resolutely dismissed any possibility that he was to assume the leader’s position within the party. “No chance. Beside that, at that meeting (referring to a session of HDZ Presidency on last Friday) my or anyone else’s name was not mentioned. We did not get to that phase, to talk about the names. The only two issues we discussed were constitutional changes and our position after the changes to the election law and law on registration of legal entities taken by Petritsch”, says Colak adding that he would not assume the position of the HDZ BiH President not because it is a difficult position but because nothing would depend on him and on team that he would be in charge of. “What’s the point of politics and political struggle, even of human rights, if someone can wipe you off the scene”, says Barisa Colak. Colak said that the HDZ Presidency would sit on Friday at which it would discuss the situation and send its stance to the Central Board of the party. The Central Board should take a decision as to what to do next. “Will certain things be done at the Central Board or at emergency Convention, it is hard to predict now”, concludes Colak.
With regards to the constitutional changes, Colak says that the HDZ did not want to sign the Agreement because the material offered did not secure minimum of equal position to Croats in the entities. When asked whether the Constitutional Court could deem that its Decision was not consistently implemented and return the process to the beginning, Colak said that there are two mechanisms to return things to the beginning or to do an honest job. “One is a strong and powerful IC which could consistently implement the Decision. On the other hand, with the Decision, the issue has been solved and it should not be discussed anymore in a normal and civilized state, it only has to be implemented (…) Of course when constitutional change have been implemented, the Constitutional Court can again assess certain provisions of the Constitution. When asked whether the SDA would join the Alliance and vote for the amendments in the (Federation) Parliament, Colak said that his previous experience tells him that the SDA will not insist on its stance fearing that the SDA would vote in favor of the amendments.
Republika Srpska
RS Tax Administration: the companies paying tax debts in instalments
(Provided by OHR Banja Luka)
Both Banja Luka dailies report that employees of 4 enterprises (Ambalazerka, Sinekop, Agrosinekop and Bomi frist), owned by Slavko Roguljic, who has to pay 5,2 million KM to the RS Tax Administration, blocked the entrances of the enterprises thus preventing the RS Tax Administration inspectors from carrying out lawful sequestration. Head of the RS Tax Administration, Milica Bisic, told press that the police did not have to react because, in the meantime, the proposal on payment of the taxes by instalments has been drafted. She confirmed that “Ambalazerka” , “Bomi frist” and “Sinekop” have paid 300,000 KM. “They promised they would pay another 200,000 KM, but so far we do not have the information whether they have done it yet”, said Bisic. She also told press that the owner of the private enterprise “Agroimpeks”, Nikola Vukelic, gave guarantees that the Roguljic’s debt will be paid. Vukelic mortgaged his 10 million KM worth property as a guarantee that Roguljic will pay his debt by instalments. Bisic said that if everything goes smoothly, Roguljic will be allowed to pay the debt by 24 instalments, and added that the goods in three Roguljic’s enterprises have been registered and sequestrated, but not confiscated. “If Roguljic does not sign the agreement on tax payment, then his goods will be confiscated”, said Bisic. As for Petar Dusanic, who owes 1,031 000 KM to the RS Tax Administration and is an owner of the Dusanic Company, Bisic said that Mr. Dusanic has already paid 268,000 KM and for the rest of the debt, which will be paid in five instalments, he provided guarantees from the Nova banjalucka banka. Yesterday’s edition of Nezavisne novine quoted owner of the Peti neplan enterprise, Zeljko Romanic, as saying that he provided financial assistance to some political parties, among which is the Ivanic’s PDP. Today’s edition of Glas srpski quotes PDP spokesman, Igor Crnadak, as saying that he does not have any information that Zeljko Romanic provided financial assistance to the PDP. “If there was any assistance, then it only demonstrates that everybody is equal before the law and that businessmen cannot be tax exempted just because they financed some political parties”, said Crnadak. Glas srpski also reports that the RS War veterans’ organizations commends and fully supports the RS Tax Administration’s operation. Also, Banja Luka-based Alternativna Televizija (ATV) conducted a poll in which all interviewed people wholeheartedly supported the RS Tax Administration.
Nezavisne Novine: Slavko Roguljic comments on sealing of his business premises by the RS Tax Administration
(Provided by OHR Banja Luka)
Slavko Roguljic, businessman from Trn, Laktasi municipality, whose business premises were sealed few days ago by the RS Tax Administration, hopes that he would reach an agreement with the Tax Administration on delayed payment of his tax debt. “I never run away from my obligations and I would not start now either. We should sit together, try to reach a compromise, to make a deal. I stayed here in the most difficult moments for the RS. I even stayed here in 1992, when some internationals were asking me to move my business to some western countries. I stay here now, as I hope that a positive solution for the problem would be found. Slavko Roguljic and his family have a place to go to, and they have a place where they can continue with their business. The problem, however, lies in the fact that people working in Slavko Roguljic’s companies would become jobless and would loose the salaries with which they support their families.” – said the owner of Ambalazerka Company, Slavko Roguljic. He also reminded that he established Ambalazerka Company back in 1988, and that it started to work in 1989. Back in 1987, he had a company registered in Austria (Knittelfeld) and later on, he established companies in Serbia (Belgrade), Montenegro (Bar) and Croatia (Zagreb). Companies owned by Roguljic family in other countries are involved in same type of business as Ambalazerka from Trn and they have been working all the time since established. “When the war broke out in BiH, our business partners from Austria called us to move there, to take our capital to Austria and continue with our business there. All conditions for that were provided. However, I could not turn my back on my own people in RS. I wanted to stay here and help as much as I could. I have been helping to all my employees who had to go to the war, I’ve been helping the refugees, I’ve been helping everybody. When the war was over, all my employees had their jobs waiting for them. I employed refugees, invalids, family members of the fallen soldiers.” – Roguljic says. He also recalls numerous humanitarian actions in which he participated, his own action as well, when he – as he said “modestly” helped the refugees from Croatia in 1995. The greatest concern of Ambalazerka owner, in this situation when his companies are closed, are his employees who would loose their jobs if a compromise is not reached. “I am concerned with the fact that my employees are embittered and that they too, found themselves in the focus of attention over the tax collection. From the beginning of the events, I’ve been asking my employees to behave correctly, not to disturb the tax collectors in doing their job, not to enter any conflicts with them. I have assembled them all and told them to let this go smoothly, even though I knew that it would be difficult for them to remain calm watching all this happening.” – Roguljic said. He is aware of the Tax Administration efforts to carry out its duties, according to the law, even to do forceful collection of debts, but also aware of the fact that not everybody is flexible as he is. “To be honest, I was afraid that somebody might use this that is happening to me and harm Mrs. Milica Bisic. I would be blamed if anything happened. Thus, I have requested, in written form, the Public Security Center in Laktasi to provide security to Mrs. Bisic and prevent any unpleasant developments.” – Roguljic stated for Nezavisne novine. He added: “My employees are aware that my family would be blamed if even a smallest incident takes place. You have seen how thrilled they were when they were told that a compromise was on sight.”
Slavko Roguljic underlined that the move of the RS Tax Administration was not problematic for his family but was very disturbing for his employees: “My children are taken care off. My daughter Mirela lives in Holland with her husband and they have their own business there. My son Bojan is a cadet at the West Point Academy in the United States, and he also has his own property.”
Message sent from the inter-religious conference in Trebinje – Forgiveness and repentance
(Provided by OHR Banja Luka)
Glas Srpski reports that religious dignitaries and representatives of the four major religions in BiH, yesterday issued a press release in which they called on all peoples who live in BiH to truly repent terrible things they had done to each other and ask each other for forgiveness. The press release states that the religious leaders also support any sort of religious dialogue and inter-Christianity ecumenism, because these things ensure better connections between different religions. The religious leaders also advocate better cooperation between religious dignitaries and priests at all levels. “Cooperation between different churches is especially important given that members of their congregations have great confidence in their religious leaders and will follow examples of their shepherds”, states the press release.
RS Government Bureau for cooperation with ICTY sends two cases to The Hague
(Provided by OHR Banja Luka)
Both Banja Luka dailies quote Head of the RS Government’s Bureau for Cooperation with the ICTY, Dejan Miletic, as saying that the Bureau forwarded two cases charging one Croat and one Bosniak with war crimes committed against Serbs in the Doboj region. Miletic also said that another two cases would be forwarded today to the ICTY. The first case is, in fact, the evidence collected by the Srpsko Sarajevo District Public Prosecutor’s Office and it charges 13 Bosniak with war crimes committed against Serb civilians. The second case is the material collected by the Banja Luka Public Prosecutor’s Office, but Miletic did not provide details about number of persons involved in this case.
Serb Sarajevo prosecutor presses war crimes charges against 416 Bosniaks
(Provided by OHR Banja Luka)
Tanjug reports that District Prosecutor of Serb Sarajevo, Rajko Bojat, has issued indictments against 416 Bosniaks, who are suspected of committing war crimes against Serb civilians in Sarajevo and in Trebinje. “These are crimes committed over Serbian civilians by members of the Army of BiH, who stormed unprotected Serbian villages and where they killed everyone, and destroyed houses to the ground. These are acts of special units and of terrorist groups, who were trained for the purpose,” said Bojat. As the most drastic example of crimes against Serbs Bojat pointed to the brutal killing of over 90 people in the area of Trnovo municipality. “They killed everyone from age seven up and old men of 90. The bodies were thrown into houses and barns set on fire,” Bojat said. He pointed out that war crimes have been committed against civilians, against wounded people and prisoners and that the criminals have to be brought to justice. Bojat said that members of the Army of BiH were awarded for their crimes by their commanders which implies a chain of command responsibility for many officers of the Army of BiH.
After ten years of wondering on Banja Luka streets: Bahrija soon in her house!
(Provided by OHR Banja Luka)
All floaters who have been officially registered with the RS Ministry for Refugees and displaced persons, or with Merhamet, Caritas or OHR have been reinstalled into their property. The request of Bahrija Dedic, who was not registered as a floater, is from June 1999 and through the regular procedure, it would be solved as soon as possible. She is entitled to repossess her apartment and these days we would do everything we can to enable her to repossess her apartment – said Drago Vuleta, the Assistant to the RS Minister for Refugees and displaced persons, for Nezavisne novine. Nezavisne novine reminded that it publicized a story on 71 year old Bahrija Dedic, who was forced to leave her apartment in Husinskih rudara street 109, ten years ago. Back then, she became a floater and ever since, she had no permanent address or a shelter. She slept under bridges, in destroyed houses and in barns and, at this moment she lives in a shed, in more then poor conditions. Bahrija Dedic claims that the current occupant of her two room apartment is Vinko Knezevic, from Piskavica had physically and verbally assaulted her and that once, he took away from her 250 DM her daughter sent. More then three years ago, Bahrija Dedic submitted a claim for repossession of her apartment to the Banja Luka OMI. Vinko Knezevic, current occupant of Bahrija Dedic’s apartment denies her claims that he beaten her up and took money away from her. Knezevic said that, in second half on 1993 he was allocated an apartment in the Budzak suburb of Banja Luka by the Banja Luka municipal assembly. Knezevic said: “When I moved to this apartment, window glasses were broken, the apartment was devastated.” He added that he did not expel Dedic from the apartment and added that Bosniacs and Croats who live in the neighborhood can confirm his claims.
(Note that Vuleta said that all floater cases (who have been registered) were solved!)
International Community
The High Representative visits religious facilities reconstruction sites in Herzegovina, meets with Stolac Mayor
Dnevni Avaz reports that the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, on Monday visited sites of the reconstruction of the religious facilities in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton: the Zitomislici Orthodox Monastery, Careva Mosque in Stolac, grave of Mosa Danon, ancient tombs (stecak) in Stolac and monastery in Potoci, near Mostar. Petritsch was accompanied with the representatives of the Serb Orthodox, Jewish and Moslem communities as the Mostar Bishop, Ratko Peric, rejected to meet with the High Representative. “Those not believing in dialogue are not BiH patriots,” Petritsch said, according to Oslobodjenje. Dnevni Avaz reports that in Stolac, Petritsch met with the town’s Mayor, Zeljko Obradovic, the Chairman of the Municipal Council, Zoran Turkovic, and their associates to discuss the implementation of property laws where certain progress had been made. “Investments and revival of economy will not have chance in Stolac unless the principles of tolerance are re-established in the tow n,” Petritsch emphasized. (Oslobodjenje just carried Fena news agency’s report on the HR’s visit to Stolac)
Vecernji List: Mostar Bishop’s Ordinariate issues a press release to explain why Petritsch’s invitation was rejected
(Provided by OHR Mostar)
Vecernji List carries a PR signed by the Vice Chancellor of the Mostar Ordinariate Drazen Kutlesa and addressed to the High Representative, which says that the Bishop’s office is surprised seeing the invitation for several reasons.
“Firstly, last year, you publicly insulted the local bishop in your statements (…) when you said that you were not only ‘disappointed’ with the behaviour of the organisers of the Sabor, but also ‘with the behavior of one part of the Church, especially with the speech of Mostar Bishop Ratko Peric’. (…) Is it possible that your colleague Dr. Azimov has not passed on to you the opinion of Vicar General Msgr. Luka Pavlovic that in the place of the mosque in Stolac, to where you have invited the Bishop or his representative, a crime was committed in the 16th century when ‘on the foundations of a Christian temple’ Selim’s Mosque was built; that in 1993 a crime was committed by the destruction of the mosque as a cult building; and that again is being committed by the reconstruction of the mosque on the site of a Christian temple? (…) During your rule, on behalf of the International Community, your Office has done several systematic injustices to the Croat people. (…) We don’t want to give reason to Catholic believers, members of the Croat people, that they interpret the socialising with you by any member of this Ordinariate with in the mentioned places as the Church’s approval of your humiliations and injustice that you have done to our people. Let God be merciful in your life.”
Ashdown meets with Silajdzic
Dnevni Avaz reports that future High Representative of the international community to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, met in London on Monday with the Party for BiH founder Haris Silajdzic behind closed doors. They did not want to comment on the agenda of their meeting.
Oslobodjenje: Bond’s statement
“The US Ambassador to BiH, Clifford Bond, says there is no reason that Republika Srpska changes its name,” Mirko Sagolj wrote at the beginning of his In Focus editorial. This statement, although not the only one, must be, according to Sagolj, taken very seriously bearing in mind a fact that his country largely determines policy of the international community in BiH. “The RS is a result of the aggression and genocide and, as such, it could not survive under any civilized and democratic standards. Its, as well as the BiH Federation’s name was imposed by the Dayton agreement, because for the international community that was the easiest way to end war in BiH. It has become clear that such, Dayton’s BiH is not achievable, and that is why the Sarajevo agreement (on constitutional reforms) has been reached. However, amendments adopted by the RS National Assembly (in passage of which non-Serb parliamentarians were outvoted) are essentially different from the spirit of the (Sarajevo) agreement,” Sagolj emphasized. “Maybe this phase in the constitutional reforms is not adequate time for changing the names of the entities and even their abolishment. But, if the aim of the international community is to help BiH’s reintegration, it should at least start announcing the next phase of the constitutional reforms rather than encourage unsustainable solutions, or it should start living with a fact that BiH will be partitioned. SDS and HDZ have again stepped on that road, as SDA has been following them in its own way,” Sagolj concluded.
Jutarnji List: Nobody is happy in BiH
Written by Zdenko Duka (Provided by OHR Mostar)
Jutarnji List carries an editorial about the ongoing constitutional reforms in BiH in which the author says that the changes will not satisfy majority of citizens, not even majority of one people. The author says that BiH is the only European country with an imposed authority and wonders whether BiH peoples would be able to live together when foreigners leave the country. With regards to the Constitutional Court’s Decision, Duka says that the OHR and Wolfgang Petritsch, who decided to undertake a constitutional reconstruction of the country, did not get the job done and did not provide symmetric structures of authority in the Federation and RS. With regards to constitutional changes in the RS, the author says that the RS Parliament annulled the Agreement with its amendments and quotes the HR who said that the Agreement must be one hundred percent implemented. “We will see how Petritsch and/or his successor plan to carry it out”, says the author. The author goes on to say that the IC appears to want to introduce civilized democracy gradually to the RS not wanting to get the Serbs angry. Finally, Duka says that Petritsch’s inconsistency gives HDZ the cue so the HDZ can again push for their third, Croat entity in BiH with a distant hope to join Croatia.
- Lagumdzija and Bond on the Sarajevo Agreement: RS will have to correct constitutional amendments
Dnevni Avaz
- A deep crisis inside the BiH Federation Government
Jutarnje Novine
- Protection for properties and peoples in the BiH Federation: guarding agencies employees can carry arms for their personal protection only
Glas Srpski
- RS Tax Administration: Debtors pay in instalments;
- Krupa na Uni: Children found a grenade launcher;
Nezavisne Novine
- Zeljko Romanic, owner of the Peti neplan enterprise fired all his employees; Slavko Roguljic very close to agreement with RS Tax Administration – Mortgage removes seal;
- Bond and Lagumdzija – The Sarajevo Agreement partially complied with;
Dnevni List
- Mijo Anic, the Federation Minister of Defense: HVO is not property of one party but of Croat people
- Due to resignation of Ante Jelavic and 7 members of HDZ Presidency, emergency HDZ Convention will take place in May: 6 candidates for Jelavic’s successor
Vecernji List
- Constitutional changes in the RS: America is pushing Serbs for make-up exam
- HR’s visit to Herzegovina: Bishop Peric refused Petritsch