
BiH Media Round-up, 8/5/2002


BiH State-related Issues

  • PBS starts broadcasting a central news show for the entire BiH
  • The Alliance for Change calls for urgent adoption of the EU Road Map laws
  • SRNA: Most departments for CIPS implementation to be based in Banja Luka
  • NATO Secretary General says Al-Qaeda network still active in BiH
  • BiH orders probe into seven more Islamic humanitarian organizations in BiH


  • The Aluminum case causes split inside the BiH Federation Government
  • The BiH Election Commission delivers the interpretation of the Petritsch’s Decisions to SDA: Bicakcic, Mlaco, Veladzic…will have to resign
  • The HDZ participation in the elections still uncertain
  • Vecernji List: SDP to organize more aggressive pre-election campaign in Herzegovine
  • Dnevni List: Construction of HNK and Catholic Church in Mostar’s Central Zone suspended
  • Dnevni List: Serb returnees warn of discrimination in Drvar

Republika Srpska

  • RS Prime Minister comments on PBS/RTRS

International Community

  • The last meeting of Petritsch with the PIC Steering Board: First decisions on the judicial reform to be made this week
  • The High Representative to address OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on Thursday
  • UN recommends Danish Police Commander Sven Frederiksen to be appointed new IPTF Commissioner
  • Solana meets with Ashdown




BiH State-related Issues

PBS starts broadcasting a central news show for the entire BiH

BH Television 1 (BHTV 1), which has been established within the framework of the BiH Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), started broadcasting its first news program on the frequencies of both entities’ televisions at 1900 on Tuesday, Oslobodjenje, Vecernji List and FTV 1 reported. Addressing a ceremony in the media house’s building in Sarajevo, the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, said that the launch of BH TV 1 News represented a victory not only for the staff and management of BH TV, but for all the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. “The news service of BH TV 1 furnishes Bosnia and Herzegovina with the kind of television system that is the standard in the rest of Europe – politically independent and designed to serve all citizens. BH TV 1 News will bring the day’s events to the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from Brcko to Trebinje, from Mostar to Tuzla, and it will do this with impartiality, truthfulness and integrity. These have been the guiding principles and the practical benchmarks of the work that has preceded this evening’s broadcast,” Petritsch emphasized.

The Alliance for Change calls for urgent adoption of the EU Road Map laws

Oslobodjenje reports that the Alliance for Change on Monday called on all state institutions to take more decisive steps and ensure that necessary laws specified in the EU Road Map are adopted by the end of June this year. “Our final goal is that BiH becomes a full EU member, and we must work to realize this as soon as possible,” the LDS leader and the chairman of the Alliance’s Coordination, Rasim Kadic, told journalists following the session of the Coordination in Sarajevo.

SRNA: Most departments for CIPS implementation to be based in Banja Luka

The BiH Minister for Civil Affairs and Communications, Svetozar Mihajlovic, on Tuesday said that most departments of the directorate for the implementation of the CIPS (the Citizens’ Identity Protection System) would be based in Banja Luka. “The Republika Srpska will in this way have the first joint BiH institution on its territory,” Mihajlovic told a news conference in Bijeljina. He specified that these would be departments for printing joint identity cards and driving licenses. “This move will make sure that not only the BiH Federation institutions have control over issuing identification documents,” Mihajlovic said and expressed hope that the RS would soon allocate offices for this institution. The first identification documents should be issued in September 2002.

NATO Secretary General says Al-Qaeda network still active in BiH

(Provided by OHR Banja Luka)

Glas Srpski quotes NATO Secretary General, George Robertson, as saying that the Al-quida network is still active in BiH, i.e., in the BiH Federation despite the fact that since the September 11th last year NATO has destroyed most of its cells and arrested and deported a large number of Al-quida members. Robertson pointed out that still there was no evidence that Al-quida network in BiH is completely destroyed, adding that NATO is still in the state of alert because the it has intelligence that there are still some Al-quida members in BiH who plan terrorist activities. “NATO is usually very tactful and cautious in making information on Al-quida activities available to the public in Sarajevo and other towns of the BiH Federation. It is evident that NATO plans to thoroughly investigate Al-quida’s activities. However, there are many things left to be done regarding the elimination of terrorists in BiH and some other countries”, said Robertson.

BiH orders probe into seven more Islamic humanitarian organizations in BiH

(Provided by OHR Banja Luka)

Glas Srpski reports on its front page that the Coordination Anti-Terrorist Team requested from the BiH Federation Prime Minister, Alija Behmen, and the Finance Minister, Nikola Grabovac, to issue orders for investigation into operations of seven more humanitarian organizations and associations in BiH. The daily went on to list of the organizations: the High Saudi Committee for Assistance to BiH, Human Appeal International, Human Relief International, International Relief Organization (IGASA), NEDWE organization, Active Islamic Youth and Dzematu-l-Furqan.



The Aluminum case causes split inside the BiH Federation Government

According to Dnevni Avaz front-page story, a several hours long discussion at the session of the BiH Federation Government about a document related to the international arbitration for the Aluminum Factory in Mostar failed to result in giving the Prime Minister, Alija Behmen, an approval to sign the document. The Government concluded to ask the international law experts for opinion about the paper, which had already been signed by the World Bank Director in BiH, Joseph Ingram, and the PDHR, Donald Hays. 

The BiH Election Commission delivers interpretation of Petritsch’s Decisions to SDA: Bicakcic, Mlaco, Veladzic…will have to resign

According to Oslobodjenje, as requested, the BiH Election Commission on Tuesday delivered to the SDA BiH an interpretation of the High Representative’s Decision banning removed politicians from participating in the next general elections, but not the list of the SDA members whom this Decision referred to. The party leadership has therefore again requested the Commission to send it the list. However, it can be already concluded from the Commission’s interpretation that Edhem Bicakcic, Ahmed Smajic, Dzevad Mlaco, Jusuf Zahiragic, Mirsad Veladzic and Kemal Brodlija are among  the SDA members, who will not be allowed to take part in the election, a source close to SDA told the newspaper.

The HDZ participation in the elections still uncertain

Oslobodjenje and Fena report that it is still uncertain whether the HDZ BiH will take part in the next general elections in BiH. “The decision on the issue will be made at the session of the HDZ Central Board scheduled for May 10 in Mostar,” Niko Lozancic, a member of the HDZ Presidency, told Fena.

Vecernji List: SDP to organize more aggressive pre-election campaign in Herzegovina

(Provided by OHR Mostar)

The article says that unlike in previous years, this year SDP is planning to organize a more aggressive pre-election campaign in the cities and Municipalities, where the political authority of national parties still dominates. The article says that SDP is planning to organize a few mass pre-election rallies in the cities and Municipalities of the Cantons with a Croat majority. Although SDP did not want to confirm it officially, the lecture that Zlatko Lagumdzija, the SDP President, will hold at the public forum which will take place in the “Croat Home” ‘Herceg Stjepan Kosaca’ is just an introduction to the beginning of the strongest SDP pre-election campaign so far. Svetozar Pudaric, the SDP Secretary International, reminds that Mostar as the place for Lagumdzija’s lecture was not chosen by chance, and he added that it would not be held as a part of the pre-election campaign. Pudaric says that there are three SDP Municipal organizations in West Herzegovina (Ljubuski, Grude and Posusje) and a SDP Commission in Siroki Brijeg and added that they are planning to organize a pre-election rally in one of these places. Asked whether there is a fear of possible incidents, Pudaric stressed that each citizen in BiH has a right to vote for anyone.         


Republika Srpska

RS Prime Minister comments on PBS/RTRS

(Provided by OHR Banja Luka)

The RS Premier, Mladen Ivanic, told RTRS Radio yesterday that the RS Government was planning to adopt a new law on ministries by the end of May. According to the new law, the number of the ministries will be reduced from 21 to 16. Ivanic, however, added that he would stand up to attempts to transfer the judicial authorities to a new body, which would be established at the level of BiH. Upon his return from Sarajevo, where he attended the meeting between Petritsch and the PIC Steering Board, Ivanic stated that he had clearly pointed out the position of the RS Government that the judicial reform was acceptable, and that it would support it, but only if it was aimed to improve the efficiency of the judiciary. Ivanic also objected the present concept on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), pointing out that the PBS could not develop to the detriment of the RTRS. Ivanic pointed out that the RTRS must not be part of the PBS, but an independent service of the RS. “The position of the Government is that a separate (broadcasting) service, a separate institution called PBS, which is to be seen on the entire territory of BiH, should be formed. However, this service can by no means develop to the detriment of the RTRS – meaning, the RTRS program must not be reduced in order to increase the PBS program. I said that I was surprised at the inefficiency in sending a response to a request (the Government) sent nine days ago. The request concerned the issue of the OHR stance on the Law on RTRS, which we had proposed. This law fully incorporates provisions, which for some time the OHR regarded as contentious. I said that if such a policy of not responding to our requests should continue, the RS Government would interpret it as an attempt to make the RTRS dependent upon the PBS, which we would never allow and in which case we would use all means to block all laws on the PBS”, said Ivanic.


International Community

The last meeting of Petritsch with the PIC Steering Board: First decisions on the judicial reform to be made this week

All BiH Media prominently report that the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, met for the last time during his mandate with the Peace Implementation Council’s Steering Board at the level of Political Directors in Sarajevo on Monday and Tuesday. The meeting was also attended by the members of the IC Cabinet, members of the BiH Council of Ministers, and the two Entity Prime Ministers. The participants discussed the most pressing issues such as Judicial Reform, Civil Service Reform, the necessary follow-up to the Entity Constitutional Amendments as well as anti-terrorism legislation, the State Budget and preparations for the upcoming general elections. “It is quite clear that there is an urgent need for starting an energetic reform of the judicial system in BiH, which will primarily include the establishment of the High Judicial Council, and the Bureau for Training of Judges and Prosecutors, the reform of Criminal Code and Code on Criminal Procedures, as well as the formation of the BiH State Court,” Petritsch told journalists following the meeting. According to Oslobodjenje, it was announced that the first High Representative’s Decisions related to the judicial reform were expected to be made this week. Click here to see the Communique.

The High Representative to address OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on Thursday

Oslobodjenje and Fena news agency quote the OHR Spokesman, Mario Brkic, as announcing at a press conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday that the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, will address the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on Thursday.  “It will be his final address as the High Representative to the Council. He will provide an overview of the three years of his mandate, highlighting the major achievements and the overall progress sustained in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Brkic said. According to Brkic, from Vienna, the High Representative will travel on to Ljubljana, where he will attend a World Congress of the International Press Institute (IPI), which will be held from May 9 to May 12. “The High Representative will address the Congress as a member of the panel which will discuss the topic “What Went Wrong in the Balkans?” He will deliver the speech on Friday,” Brkic said. He added that “in this session, experts from multilateral organizations and countries involved will analyze the origins of the catastrophe in the Balkans and debate the role of the international community.” According to Brkic, other distinguished participants of IPI Congress include Javier Solana, and Presidents of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Slovenia and Montenegro.

UN recommends Danish Police Commander Sven Frederiksen to be appointed new IPTF Commissioner

Oslobodjenje and Fena news agency report that the UN headquarters in New York recommended the Danish Police Commander, Sven Frederiksen, to be appointed new IPTF Commissioner in BiH. “Frederiksen is due to take over from the present IPTF Commissioner, Vincent Coeurderoy, at the end of his mandate later this month, commencing early June,” the UN/IPTF Spokesman, Alun Roberts, told journalists in Sarajevo on Tuesday. “Mr. Frederiksen will continue as the IPTF Commissioner and is likely to be the first European Union Commissioner at the successor mission to UNMIBH, which takes over by the UN commencing in January of next year,” Roberts added.

Solana meets with Ashdown

Nezavisne novine quotes future High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, as saying after the meeting with the EU representative for foreign policy and security, Javier Solana, that fight against corruption and organized crime will be his top priority in BiH. Ashdown said that the next step, that was, the Europeanization of BiH, would depend on the quality of European presence in the country. Commenting on war crimes related-issues, Ashdown said that Radovan Karadzic would certainly end up in The Hague where he belonged, but that he could not say when would it happen. (Oslobodjenje carried the SENSE news agency report on the meeting)



  • Petritsch’s last meeting with PIC Steering Board members: First decision on judicial reform to be made this week

Dnevni Avaz

  • Aluminum causes split inside the Federation Government

Jutarnje Novine

  • Polihem workers request prolongation of the bankruptcy procedure: Police guard the factory

Dnevni List

  • Bosniak Councilors are against construction of Croat People’s Theater and Catholic Church in Mostar: Construction of Croat people’s Theater and Catholic Church has been suspended
  • Pogorelica Camp: Professors of Persian language in Al-Qaida service
  • Safet Orucevic, a former Mayor of Mostar was announcing in 1996: ‘Bosnian storm’ follows two years after Dayton

Vecernji List

  • Preparations for elections: SDP storms Herzegovina!
  • Last night for whole BiH: First news were aired
  • Serbs from Drvar protested yesterday: They demand special status for Drvar

Glas Srpski

  • NATO Secretary General George Robertson says Al-quida still active in BiH Federation
  • Return of Serbs to BiH Federation – Ruined foundations

Nezavisne Novine

  • PBS broadcast first central news show – BiH before one TV screen
  • Democratic Initiative of Sarajevo Serb warns Serbs not to return to Sarajevo