
BiH Media Round-up, 5/2/2002


BiH State-related Issues

  • BiH Presidency: Zivko Radisic does not have a right to veto 2002 proposed budget

Constitutional Reform

  • Roundtable Discussion on Constitutionality of Peoples and future of BiH
  • Ante Jelavic: Petritsch will trigger the creation of the third federal unit in BiH
  • SNSD negotiating constitutional changes with Federation political parties
  • Principal Deputy High Representative: Constitutional changes must be agreed upon


  • Reorganisation of the Federation Army to be completed by April 1

Republika Srpska

  • RS Prime Minister Mladen Ivanic Visiting in Washington
  • President of SNSD Milorad Dodik Visiting the States

International Community

  • Wolfgang Petritsch advocates Mostar becoming the capital of the Federation
  • PDHR Donald Hays Met with the RS President and RS National Assembly Speaker
  • Jacques Paul Klein: Dayton is a bad agreement which only purpose was to end the war
  • Manfred Dauster, head of the OHR Anti-corruption Dept: Judges in BiH need assistance


  • Dnevni List : Masochism in Croats
  • Dnevni List : Mostar, an abnormally normal city
  • Vecernji List : Transitory Councils- a first step towards the third entity
  • Vecernji List : Domestic students and international teachers
  • Slobodna Dalmacija : Good by Herzegovina-I am going to Sarajevo!




BiH State-related Issues

BiH Presidency: Zivko Radisic does not have a right to veto 2002 proposed budget

Oslobodjenje reports, quoting anonymous sources, that Bosniak and Croat members of the BIH Presidency, Beriz Belkic and Jozo Krizanovic, will deny on Tuesday (today) the right of their Serb colleague to veto the proposed state budget for 2002 claiming the vital national interest clause. According to the daily, the two believe that Zivko Radisic does not have a constitutional basis to veto the controversial proposal and stress that he also failed to submit the decision to start the mechanism of protection of the RS vital national interests to his working colleagues, as is envisaged in the rules and regulations of the BiH Presidency. Although Belkic refused to comment the agenda of today’s meeting, he did say that BiH Constitution does not leave the possibility of vetoing the proposed state budget.


Constitutional Reform

Roundtable Discussion on Constitutionality of Peoples and future of BiH

The roundtable discussion “Constitutionality of Peoples and Future of BiH” started on Monday in Sarajevo in the organization of the German Foundation Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and Organizational and Program Board of the project “BiH – Possibilities and Perspectives of Development.” Representatives of BiH and both entities, as well as the representatives of political parties and international organizations in BiH, will discuss the issue of the implementation of the decision of the BiH Constitutional Court on the constituent status of all three peoples in the entire BiH and results achieved in the preparation of the constitutional amendments by the constitutional commissions of the parliaments of the two entities.

Ante Jelavic: Petritsch will trigger the creation of the third federal unit in BiH

In a statement for the press, the unrecognized (by the International Community) president of the HDZ, Ante Jelavic, said that the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, will be the “most deserving person for the establishment of the Croatian federal unit in BiH.” “Petritsch has failed to use this historical opportunity and implement the decision of the Constitutional Court on constituent peoples and thus harmonize the entity constitutions with the Constitution of the state, thereby creating prerequisites for building a self-sustainable, multiethnic and multicultural Bosnia and Herzegovina,” said Jelavic, adding that “cosmetic changes” proposed by the entity Constitutional Commissions simply cement the status quo and reduce Croats to the level of a national minority. “This way, Petritsch has given a full legitimacy to the Croats in BiH to establish the third federal unit in order to protect their interests and their existence. No intimidation by Petritsch and his successors…shell be able to stop this process,” Jelavic concluded in his statement for the press. (Fena news agency report was also carried by Oslobodjenje and Dnevni Avaz)

SNSD negotiating constitutional changes with Federation political parties

Fena reports that a senior officials in the RS SNSD (Party of Independent Social Democrats), Stanislav Cadjo, confirmed on Monday that representatives of this party have been, for the past five months, secretly meeting with representatives of other political parties and NGOs in order to discuss the ongoing constitutional changes in BiH. In a statement for the Banja Luka’s Alternative Television, Cadjo said that these meetings have been taking place in Sarajevo, Tuzla and Laktasi, but refused to say with which parties the SNSD has been negotiating.

Principal Deputy High Representative: Constitutional changes must be agreed upon

Fena news agency reports that the Principal Deputy High Representative, Donald Hays, said last night in Banja Luka that the elected leadership of both entities must reach an agreement about constitutional changes, adding that the OHR would be very disappointed if a there were no compromise on this issue. “Constitutional reforms are fundamental reforms in the case of BiH,” said Hays. Asked to comment about the insistence of Bosniak parties that the division of power in the RS is determined on the basis of the 1991 population census, Hays said “I am glad that you asked that question although it was not the subject we discussed privately. The OHR, the High Representative and his staff, believe that the reform of the Constitution is fundamental to the ownership of this country and the requirements of elected officials. OHR was very instrumental in setting up the Constitutional Commissions to foster a fruitful debate. We support the debates that have been taking place outside of Sarajevo between the parties, but we feel strongly that is the debate that is properly placed on the shoulders of elected officials and it should be resolved by them. I can assure you that we would not ask Bosnia to come and tell us how to reform our constitution.”



Reorganisation of the Federation Army to be completed by April 1

The Federation Defence Minister announced on Monday that the reduction of the Federation Army would be completed by April 1, but pointed out that parts of the ruling structures constantly objected to the process. During talks with a consultant of a special British parliamentary team for defence, Sir Neville Trotter Minister Mijo Anic said that the expected reorganization must no longer be postponed. According to plans for the reduction of the armies of BiH’s two entities, the military of the Federation has to be cut from 23,000 to 13,000 soldiers, and that of the RS from 10,000 to 6,600. The chief commander of SFOR, Gen John Sylvester, said last week that BiH’s economy could not afford to finance more than 10,500 soldiers. Minister Anic agreed, and was quoted in the Vecernji list daily of Monday as saying, he would propose concrete measures for the implementation of that plan very soon. According to some estimates, the Federation government would have to secure some 65 million euros to provide for 10,000 military staff that will become redundant by year’s end.

The cuts in entity armies was also one of the topics discussed by the Principal Deputy High Representative, Donald Hays, and the RS President, Mirko Sarovic, in Banja Luka.


Republika Srpska

RS Prime Minister Mladen Ivanic Visiting in Washington

Glas Srpski reports that the RS Prime Minister Mladen Ivanic is to leave on Tuesday for the United States. According to the plan for this several-days long visit Ivanic should attend traditional breakfast with the US President George Bush, on February 7th.

During the visit, the Prime Minister will also have several important meetings with high officials in National Security Council, State Department, International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

President of SNSD Milorad Dodik Visiting the States

Nezavisne novine reports that Milorad Dodik, the president of Party of Independent Social-Democrats is visiting the USA. Dodik has already met with representatives of the National Security Council and discussed current political and economic situation in the RS and BIH, as well as the forthcoming elections. It was concluded, the daily writes, that the elections should take place at the scheduled time, October 5th this year, as well as that strengthening of moderate political forces was crucial for stabilization of political situation in the RS and BiH.

Dodik met with President of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and former Secretary of the State Madeleine Albright. Cooperation of the parties and preparations of Alliance of Independent Social-Democrats for the forthcoming elections were discussed.


International Community

Wolfgang Petritsch advocates Mostar becoming the capital of the Federation

NINA news agency reported that the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, has for the first time publicly advocated Mostar’s becoming the capital of the BiH Federation. The agency also quotes an OHR statement for the press, saying the southern town has potential to become a regional centre and in time the possible capital of the Federation. Petritsch has called on the Bosniak and Croat sides to intensify cooperation in view of achieving that goal, claiming it will not be possible to reconstruct Mostar if it remains divided. While visiting the town last week, Petritsch said BiH should have three centres – Sarajevo, Mostar and Banja Luka. He added Mostar was still not equal to the other two towns.

In a statement for the Radio Mostar East, OHR spokesperson Alexandra Stiglmayer said that the OHR has been supporting this idea from the very start, but stressed that it fully depends on the developments within Mostar. “Mostar will not become the capital of the Federation until all city structures have been unified and the city functions as one. It is a long process and solely depends on the authorities and residents of Mostar”, said Stiglmayer.

PDHR Donald Hays Met with the RS President and RS National Assembly Speaker

Glas srpski writes that the RS President Mirko Sarovic and the RS National Assembly Speaker Dragan Kalinic, in separate meetings, held on Monday talks with Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays in Banja Luka. The daily also carries a press release issued by the cabinet of the RS President saying that the special attention during the meeting was devoted to the financing of armies in the RS and Federation, constitutional changes and reforms in the educational system and judiciary. “It was jointly concluded that the financing of army has to be in accordance with economic capabilities including the need for reduction of number of soldiers in the RS Army as well as in the Federation” the press release reads.

RS President Sarovic expressed hope that the constitutional changes would be finalized in the timeframe foreseen and in agreement with all political subjects. Dragan Kalinic stated, after the meeting with the PDHR, that there was a need for a partnerhip with the OHR and that there should be more room left for a constructive dialogue on vital issues.

Donald Hays said that he agreed that problems in the RS should be resolved in the fashion of “partnership”.

Jacques Paul Klein: Dayton is a bad agreement which only purpose was to end the war

In an interview with HRT (Croatian Television), the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Jacques Paul Klein, talked about the efforts of the International Community to create an integrated and self-sustainable state in BiH. As some of the greatest obstacles to this end, Klein noted the fact that “BiH has never in history been a state – apart from the Medieval period” – 50 years of Communism and its multiethnic and multicultural composition. In addition, he said that Dayton Peace Agreement is a very bad accord whose only purpose was to end the terrible war. “That is indubitable. With that agreement, we only placed post office, telephone companies, tax bureau, police and armies into two entities. We created a weak central government with three presidents which rotate every eight months. That means that there is no goal, no continuity, no responsibility. Dayton ended the war, and that is all we can say about it,” Klein said in an interview, which was termed quite controversial by both BiH and Croatian journalists mostly because of Klein’s pessimism about the future of BiH and claims that Alija Izetbegovic offered Herzegovina to former Croatian president, Franjo Tudjman, in order to resolve the Croat questions in BiH. (Both Oslobodjenje and Dnvni Avaz carry excerpt of this interview)

Manfred Dauster, head of the OHR Anti-corruption Dept: Judges in BiH need assistance

The systematic judicial reform, financial police reports and the investigation in Hercegovacka Banka were the main topics of Dnevni Avaz’s interview with Manfred Dauster, the head of the OHR Anti-corruption Department. Dauster stressed that judges in BiH who are investigating cases of corruption need assistance and guidance of financial experts to properly do their job. “Unfortunately, most of them are too close to the interested parties or lack adequate experience…” said Dauster, adding the experts from foeign countries may be contracted for this purpose. Commenting on the investigation in Hercegovacka Banka, Dauster said that this process may last through the next year, as this is very complex and difficult operation. “In Germany, such a case would be investigated for at least two years.” He stressed that some criminal charges have already been filed in this case, and added more would be coming.



(all editorials provided by OHR Mostar)

Dnevni List: Masochism in Croats

By Marko Tokic

In today’s edition of “On Tuesday’s from the right” Marko Tokic writes about the departure of the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, who he labels “His Highness”, saying that there is less admiration for his work coming from people who Petritsch installed to the power, them being busy preparing for the arrival of the new Infallible One. Tokic says that people who were helped by His Highness will not show sincere gratitude, it would be more of a fake gratitude, which was actually the case during Petritsch’s tenure. Tokic goes on to say that Petritsch will not be justified in the eyes of the Croats by the ones who Petrisch installed as representatives of the Croat people. “He, who trod on principles of democracy and equality of Croats in BiH, he now wants an applause and says: ‘I love you. I know what’s good for you. Third entity is the worst solution for the Croats’. His strong hug, it was so masculine that it will make us disappear. He loved us so much that I am really looking forward to a new High Representative who will love us less, who will sentence us the Croats to the worst situation possible – the third entity. To the ones behind Petritsch’s triumphant visit to Mostar I say: It would be politically wise not to curry flavour to the new High Representative, because it is not good to be loved by the High Representative – it hurts”, comments Marko Tokic, reads Dnevni List.

Dnevni List: Mostar, an abnormally normal city

By Hrvoje Maric

“My goal is: A normal Mostar”, Neven Tomic shouted almost two years ago, then the newly installed Mayor of Mostar. It has been a while since then and he still repeats like a parrot: NORMAL CITY. But who wants to make Mostar a normal city? The people that make it abnormal. In which city would Mr. Tomic become what he is now, if the party that put him up for the Mayor withdrew his mandate and the party membership? In which “normal city” would a certain Jovicic be a President of the Council, a certain international official award representatives’ mandates, a minority (in numbers) rule over majority, a paper publish stories that show a Mayor as a first class Mafia, a Mayor sends tanks on a bank, in which normal city…? The answer is short: only in abnormally-normal Mostar. It is abnormal that Mostar has stayed normal despite having a Mayor that has no political affiliation thus not having an electorate behind him. Didn’t the Zagreb Mayor, the same man who Neven Tomic spent time on Salata with (a Zagreb district), show what the party discipline is. This Mostar Mayor proclaimed us abnormal so he can “rule normally”. That’s why you should leave your stories about noble goals and creation of a normal City of Mostar. It will be normal when all the suite leave the Authority or be chased away from it, reads Dnevni List.

Vecernji List: Transitory Councils- a first step towards the third entity

At the next meeting of the leaders of leading political parties from the BiH Federation and Republika Srpska a compromise solution of constitutional changes might be offered. According to the information that Vecernji List received from one participant of the talks in Mrakovica and Sarajevo, there is an idea that a special group or some of the international organizations working in BiH, make a joint proposal of constitutional changes for both entities, which would contain elements proposed by the entity Constitutional Commissions and leading parties from the BiH Federation and RS. A possible compromise solution might be the one according to which they would ‘recruit’ a Council of Peoples, a special body, from the House of Representatives of the Federation Parliament, that is, the People’s Assembly of the RS. This body would meet when it is necessary and they would pass decisions on the issues of vital national interest, and not on all laws, as it is the case in the BiH Federation at the moment.

The Croat parties might oppose the most such ‘compromise’ solution since Croat politicians have already warned that dis-empowering of the House of Peoples in the BiH Federation and its non-existence in the RS might seriously undermine the position of the Croat people. With regard to this issue the Croat parties have a joint stand for the first time. There is a danger that adoption of such proposal might aggravate the situation, especially in the part of the Federation where the Croats are majority. As a result of this situation the idea on the third entity would be actualized again, and, most probably, the Croat people would be politically homogenized.

Vecernji List: Domestic students and international teachers

Written by Radoslav Dodig

During the last ten years a large number of international commissioners, representatives, Generals, diplomats, agents, humanitarians and peace and military troops have marched through BiH. The question that arises says what is the result of all this and which is the attitude of the international representatives towards the domicile BiH population. My answer to this question is simple- they treat us as small, naughty children who played a dirty trick. You can make your first impression while going through newspapers, reports and material made in the international workshops on the BiH territory. The division is simple: usually BiH citizens are either bad boys or good boys.

A few days ago Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative, was a guest at one Forum, which was held in Mostar. Journalists, students and professors were sitting opposite to him. They were discussing life topics-problems in the functioning of the City of Mostar. All participants of the Forum were well aware of them: the lack of money, unemployment, the fact that the city is divided, bad policy, a lack of care for young people. The international representative was listening to them carefully, and then just like a teacher he was explaining to disobedient students how to improve themselves and the society around them.

I think that a ray of even bigger distrust sneaked into the Mostar souls in Hotel Ero on Friday night, February 01. On the way out from Hotel ‘Ero’ I came across a group of international representatives in uniforms. They carried insignia: Pakistan, Kenya and other similar countries. Asian and African destiny?! Individually, perhaps, many BiH citizens would score better results in any kind of tests than a large number of internationals in BiH. What is the point then? In a disastrous organization and even more disastrous leadership.

Slobodna Dalmacija: Good by Herzegovina-I am going to Sarajevo!

By Miroslav Landeka

Slobodna Dalmacija reads that despite the High Representative’s decision that the Federation Pension and Disability Fund was to be seated in Mostar, which was later confirmed by the Federation Parliament, it appears that the Fund’s seat would be transferred to Sarajevo. Moreover, reads the daily, despite the Fund’s Steering Board decision that the newly decorated premises in Sarajevo should not be used in the future, the ones who disagree with the aforementioned decision neglected the Steering Board’s decision. It is yet another proof of the ever-growing centralization in BiH, especially in the FBiH, which diminishes the role of Mostar in the greater scheme of things.

This statement of the High Representative best proves this claim. During his last visit to Mostar he stressed that he sees Mostar as one of three BiH centers, however, at this moment, Mostar cannot keep up with Banja Luka and Sarajevo.

In any case those who are responsible for such a situation are also those who due to their behavior and selfish interest have made this situation possible. The current situation at the Mostar University is just another of obvious examples that prove it.



Glas Srpski

  • Delic Against Bogosavac
  • Dispute in Pensioners Party of the RS

Nezavisne novine

  • Doboj Health Workers on Strike


  • Sarajevo mufti beaten up in Sarajevo

Dnevni Avaz

  • Manfred Dauster: I told Lagumdzija that judges need assistance

Jutarnje Novine

  • Conscription down to six months?

Vecernji List

  • Mijo Brajkovic at HTV Mostar: ‘Lijanovici’ was developing at the time when Aluminij was being destroyed
  • Bozo Misura, a Head of the Federation Pension-Disability Insurance Bureau: They were not paying in pension contribution for thousands of soldiers

Dnevni List

  • Exclusively: Ante Jelavic, the President of the HDZ and the Head of the HNS declares war against the International Community: Nothing will stop us on the way to the third entity!
  • Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative in BiH: Mostar should be the Federation capital
  • A hundred days after the shutting down of the HTV signal in BiH: How have we survived a civilization shock: FTV searching after Croat journalists!