REFRESHER COURSES for former police officers available SOON!
- Six-Week Refresher Course
– for former police with recognised diplomas from recognised police education institutions and more than 3 years police experience.
- Six-Week Refresher Course & Six -Week Field Training
– for former police with recognised diplomas from recognised police education institutions with less than 3 years police experience.
- Six-Week Refresher Course upon successful completion of special IPTF Administered Written Test
- for former police with no recognised diplomas from recognised police education institutions but with more than three years police experience.
- One Year Basic Training
– for former police with no recognised diplomas from recognised police education institutions and with less than three years police experience.
Recognised police education institutions include:
- accredited Police Academies (Policijska Akademija), Police Junior Colleges
(Policijska Visa Upravna Skola) and/or Police Secondary Schools (Policijska
Srednja Skola) of the former Yugoslavia before 1 March 1992;
- accredited Police Academies, Police Junior Colleges and/or Police Secondary
Schools on the territory of the former Yugoslavia after 14 December 1995;
- accredited Police Academies, Police Junior Colleges and/or Police Secondary
of BiH after 14 December 1995.
If you are interested in further information
please call
Sarajevo 496-577