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#3 Human Rights Institutions | |||||
Commitment to adequate funding of the Human Rights Chamber, Ombudsperson and Commission for Displaced Persons and Refugees |
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Full compliance with decisions of the Human Rights Chamber and recommendations of the Ombudsperson |
| X X | | |
Establishment of a working group with OHR and Council of Europe for restructuring human rights protection mechanisms in accordance with recommendations of the Venice Commission |
| X | |||
Passage of legislation on the Ombudsmen recommended by the Venice Commission and guaranteeing their continuing independence |
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Establishment of the Ombudsmen as a multi-ethnic institution |
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#4 Judicial System | |||||
Adoption of the laws to establish independent selection procedures for judges and prosecutors and priority to adequate judicial salaries |
| | X | | |
#5 Constitutional Court | |||||
Commitment to adequate funding of the Constitutional Court in a manner which sustains its independence and implementation of its decisions |
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#6 Compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights | |||||
Adoption of Immigration and Asylum Law |
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Adoption of Law on Associations and Foundations respecting independence of Non-Governmental Organisations |
| X X | |||
Establishment of groups to examine compatibility of legislation with ECHR, and regular consultation with OHR and CoE on legislative initiatives |
| X | |||
Legislation on Conscientious Objection and Alternative Service |
| X | |||
Revised Law on Internal Affairs |
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Revised Law on Citizenship |
| X | X | | |
Adoption of the Criminal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure |
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#7 ICTY | |||||
Full Cooperation with the ICTY |
| X | |||
#9 Property Laws (Return of Refugees and Displaced Persons) | |||||
Full co-operation and compliance with Annex 7 on Refugees and Displaced Persons of the Dayton Peace Agreement in the Implementation of the property laws |
| X | |||
Revised laws to guarantee the right to return of individuals whose apartments have been permanently reallocated to another person |
| X | X | ||
Revised Law on Housing Relations |
| X | X | ||
Establishment of a mechanism to ensure access to and recognition of personal documents |
| X | |||
Full implementation of the Decisions of the Human Rights Chamber concerning former Yugoslav National Army (JNA) apartments |
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Establishment of an effective property claims process |
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#11 Education | |||||
Substantial progress in the amendment of textbooks, including withdrawal of all offensive materials by beginning of 1999/2000 school year |
| X | | ||
Review of the education system in order to eradicate all aspects of ethnic segregation |
| X | |||
Total Human rights accession-related requirements | | | | | |
1 Of eight satisfied CoE accession tasks requiring adoption of legislation, only three – the BiH Law on Immigration and Asylum, the BiH Revised Law on Citizenship and The [RS] Laws to Establish Independent Selection Procedures for Judges and Prosecutors and Priority to Adequate Judicial Salaries – were adopted by relevant governmental bodies. The other four were imposed.
The ‘x’ symbol when italicized indicates assessment change