26.06.1998 OHR Sarajevo

OHR Office in Derventa Opened

This morning Senior Deputy High Representative Hanns Schumacher opened a regional OHR office in Derventa in northern Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The opening is part of the OHR’s strategy to increase its presence all over Bosnia to push for the return of refugees.

Recently, the High Representative has been increasingly concerned about the slow progress in that regard. He is determined to do his utmost to achieve results, including applying measures locally, such as strict conditionality and the removal of obstructive and uncooperative officials.

Derventa is one of the larger towns in Posavina, which had a mixed population before the war. There are in particular many Croatian refugees who would like to return to their homes in Posavina.

The opening was attended by officials from 16 neighboring municipalities.

The office is the eighth OHR office in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It will coordinate the activities of NGOs in the region and facilitate negotiations between local leaders and the international community.