The Bonn Peace Implementation Council invited the High Representative “to establish a process leading to a decision on a new flag and symbols if the parties cannot agree on their own by 31 December 1997”. With the expiration of this deadline, the High Representative announced his intention to establish an independent commission to propose alternatives for the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as outlined in his statement of 31 December 1997. The High Representative hereby declares that the independent commission established on 12 January 1998 to propose alternatives for the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Coat of Arms has been requested to continue its work and select alternatives for the National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The commission has unanimously agreed to continue its work and submit three proposals for a National Anthem for Bosnia and Herzegovina to the High Representative by 15 October 1998. The High Representative is pleased to welcome three new members to the commission: Mr. Esad Arnautalic, Mr. Milorad Kenjalovic and Mr. Vinko Krajtmajer.
The commission will organise a public competition for the National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Details and rules of the public competition will be given in a separate public announcement. The High Representative encourages musicians & composers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and beyond, to participate in the public competition and submit proposals for a National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The High Representative, following appropriate consultations, will then give consideration to the question of which procedure would best ensure that the decision on the adoption of a National Anthem is reached in a fair and democratic manner by 15 November 1998 at the latest.
With the selection of proposals for the National Anthem, the commission will have successfully completed its work of drafting and selecting proposals for the state symbols of Bosnia and Herzegovina.