08/08/2011 OHR / EUSR

HR / EUSR Inzko Meets German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Niebel


High Representative and EU Special Representative (HR/EUSR) Valentin Inzko discussed the current political and economic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina with German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dirk Niebel, in Sarajevo today. HR/EUSR Inzko outlined the obstacles in the process of government formation and the detrimental economic consequences this has for BIH citizens, not least the 500,000 citizens of this country who are unemployed. The High Representative also made clear the necessity for challenges to the Peace Agreement to end and for the Peace Agreement to be respected in full.

“Bosnia and Herzegovina has a European perspective. However, this perspective can only be realized if necessary reforms are speedily implemented. A new constitution has to strengthen the state so that Bosnia and Herzegovina can speak with one voice. I call upon all political leaders to work responsibly for a new functioning constitution for Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Minister Niebel said.

Both agreed that BiH needs, without any further delay, a Council of Ministers ready to deliver reforms to get people back to work, to get the economy going and of course to get the country moving again on the road to Europe. “Political leaders must finally take over responsibility for the state and unblock coalition building so that all levels of government in BiH can immediately refocus on Euro-Atlantic integration,” HR/EUSR Inzko said.

The entire international community has the same goal: to ensure that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a stable county, irreversibly on the road to the EU. “We want to see a country that is moving forward and delivering substantive reforms since at the end of the day delivery of the reforms this country needs is in the hands of politicians. Reforms leading to economic development and job creation is what citizens most need,” concluded Inzko.