The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, today gave his full support to the summit of the heads of state of Croatia, Yugoslavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will take place in Sarajevo on Monday. This is the first such meeting in Sarajevo and represents a historic opportunity to open a new chapter in the relations among these three countries. The time has come to focus efforts on the road ahead, which leads to integration in the European mainstream, the High Representative said. Integration in Europe is the joint destiny of the three neighbors. The challenges of integration can only be overcome through regional cooperation. The liberalization of trade in goods and services, and the fight against cross-border crime, which is a basic element of regional cooperation, will benefit all citizens, whatever their nationality may be.
A prosperous and peaceful future for all the citizens of these three countries depends on good neighborly relations and successful cooperation among the states – first and foremost on economic matters. Monday offers an opportunity to demonstrate a new beginning and to launch an era of regional engagement and responsibility.