Photo 1 Key of Sarajevo
04/07/2016 OHR

High Representative Valentin Inzko awarded with the “ Key of Sarajevo”

The High Representative to BiH, Valentin Inzko has been awarded with the “Key of the city Sarajevo”, a recognition given to citizens of BiH and foreign citizens who have made a significant contribution to the development and preservation of civilized values and peace in the world. The award “Key of Sarajevo” symbolizes a permanent connection between the city of Sarajevo, its citizens and the person who received the award.  

Mr Inzko stated that he was honored to be in the company of people such as Pope Francis, Riccardo Muti and others, who were in the past also awarded with the “Key of Sarajevo”, and to become part of Sarajevo history in this way. 

“My official connection with Sarajevo begun at 1996, when I was the first resident Ambassador of Austria to BiH. It continued, when I was Director for Southeastern Europe in Vienna and since 2009, when I became the High Representative, when I got a Sarajevo address again. Sarajevo and its citizens unlocked my heart long ago, and I hope that I have left a positive trace on this city and heart of its citizens.” – the High Representative said.  

The “Key of Sarajevo” award was presented to the High Representative by the Sarajevo Mayor, Prof.  Dr. Ivo Komsic at the ceremonial session of the Sarajevo City Council within the marking of 6. April, Sarajevo Liberation Day. 

Together with Christiane Amanpour from CNN, Mr. Valentin Inzko was awarded the title “Honorary citizen of Sarajevo” in the year 2000, for his merits as first post-war Austrian ambassador to Bosnia Herzegovina.