07/30/2008 OHR

High Representative allows for return of travel documents to members of Radovan Karadzic’s family


The High Representative, Miroslav Lajcak today repealed his orders to seize travel documents from members of Radovan Karadzic’s family. BiH’s authorities can now return documents seized from Radovan Karadzic’s wife, Ljiljana Zelen-Karadzic, daughter, Sonja Karadzic-Jovicevic, son, Aleksandar Karadzic and son-in-law, Branislav Jovicevic. These documents had been seized on January 9, 2008 as a part of a broad range of measures to undermine the network that allowed Radovan Karadzic to remain at large.

Following consultations with relevant international and domestic partners and institutions, the High Representative has concluded that the reasons for the seizure of the travel documents of the above mentioned four individuals no longer apply. They shall be entitled to have travel documents, including identity cards, returned to them. This decision shall have immediate effect. Restrictions against other persons remain in effect.

The balance between the protection of the peace implementation process and the rights of the individual, as well as principles of equity, proper governance and judicious exercise of the High Representative’s international mandate, justify this outcome.

This decision made by the High Representative today does not prejudice any ongoing or future investigation against these four individuals, or the right of the High Representative to take any future action against any individual should they again obstruct, or threaten to obstruct the implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace.