06/13/2003 OHR Brcko 2003/196







Duty station:             Brcko

Contract type:           International


The incumbent is responsible for managing the economic section of the office for the implementation of the Final Award.  He advises the Deputy High Representative / Supervisor for Brcko in planning and implementing all aspects of economic reform, business development, reconstruction-related activities, bilateral and international assistance programs and specific projects by governmental and non-governmental donors, a wide range of international organizations, and related NGO coordination. The incumbent is expected to provide innovative ideas to the High Representative’s and the Supervisor’s economic reform agenda on issues such as privatization of apartments, enterprises and public utilities, creating private sector financial markets, the District Government’s budgetary and fiscal policy, and the long term revitalization of the Brcko port.


  • Serve as principal advisor to the Deputy High Representative/Supervisor of Brcko on all economic-related activities, including privatization, economic and business development, and attracting and channeling outside investment. The incumbent advises the Supervisor with regard to the financial resources needed and being employed to implement the Brcko Arbitration awards and process, insuring that the powers and authorities of the Supervisor in this regard are effectively utilized.
  • Ensure that the international community is kept properly and currently briefed on Brcko’s economic needs, opportunities, and progress and that the Supervisor and the office for the implementation of the Final Award are operating within a framework of coordinated international policy especially with regard to privatization, banking, finances, business development, and economic revitalization. The incumbent acts as the Supervisor’s working level interface with OHR-Sarajevo, the European Commission, USAID, the World Bank, IMF, Central Bank, and other international and bilateral donors and institutions. 
  • Upon authorization by the Supervisor, negotiate with and represent the Supervisor vis-à-vis local authorities, facilitating cooperation and compliance with agreed economic policies and activities.
  • Maintain close and productive ties with the OHR Economic Department and the Director and staff of the Department of Administration and Finance, as well as other concerned departments at OHR Sarajevo.
  • Explore product markets, business, and investor interest in the region and the rest of Europe as well as target sectoral industry leaders and associations in Europe interested in investing in Brcko (textiles, agro-business, metallurgy, chemicals, etc.);
  • Engage the Brcko District’s business community in business and investment planning. This should include traditional business partners in the region (Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Serbia) as well.
  • Provide interested businesses, investors, industries, and associations with monthly updates on business and investments activities, incentives, opportunities, and changes in the business and investment climate in the Brcko District;
  • Collect and provide information and contracts to interested businesspersons and investors with regard to financing available through the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development, USAID, the European Commission, German Development Agency (GTZ) and other bi-lateral donors and financiers;
  • Plan and manage business development and investments seminars, briefings, visits, and presentations;
  • Within the office, coordinate economic issues with other sections, in particular with the Legal Section, Political and Community Development Section and the Public Affairs Office.
  • Manage the section, assign tasks to the section staff and ensure that the Section’s work and staff performance supports all policy and political processes in accordance with the priorities of the Supervisor and OHR.


  • Minimum of five years of relevant professional experience in economic reform with a focus on economies in transition
  • Post-graduate degree in economics or comparable demonstrated experience
  • Knowledge of economic, political, and social issues in Southeastern Europe and in particular the Western Balkans
  • Thorough understanding of the constitutional and political status of the Brcko District within Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Familiarity with current BiH legislation on economy and taxes 
  •   Ability and flexibility to work with others in an international team and under limited supervision and guidance
  •   Previous management experience is highly desired 
  •   Skills to negotiate with international institutions and domestic authorities
  • Commitment to peace implementation in Bosnia
  • Fluency in English and excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Computer literacy in Microsoft Office and its applications

Any person with this overall professional profile who wishes to be considered for the position should submit (in English) a CV and one page cover letter with references to:

Personnel Department
Office of the High Representative
Emerika Bluma 1, Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fax: ++387 33 283 771; E-mail: application@ohr.int
Reference No. 2003/196 must be quoted
Closing date for applications: 26 June 2003
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted
No telephone inquiries please
Only short listed candidates will be contacted and advised of exact dates of duration of contracts