07/21/2015 Dnevni avaz

Dnevni avaz: Interview with HR Valentin Inzko

By: Amil Dučić

Dnevni avaz: The RSNA adopted the decision on referendum. The OHR reacted by pointing out that it was a violation of the Dayton Agreement. Other international organizations and embassies reacted too. Yet, the public is alarmed. Will the OHR react by concrete measures, as it was determined exactly when this decision will be implemented? What about the available instruments, i.e. Bonn powers?

Valentin Inzko: There is absolutely no doubt that the RS National Assembly adopted a decision that goes beyond its competencies despite being clearly warned in advance by the International Community not to do so. Voting against essential parts of the General Framework Agreement for Peace  is irresponsible to say the least and can cause no good – quite the opposite, it can only drive the RS into deeper isolation and the whole country into an even deeper crisis and nobody needs that. One half of the country cannot vote for the country as a whole.

OHR retains the necessary instruments to uphold the GFAP. PIC Steering Board Ambassadors have also been clear on this issue. Rest assured we are fully aware of the gravity of this situation.

Dnevni avaz: Do you believe that this act additionally destabilized the situation in BiH, as it came after the attack on Serbian Prime Minister in Potočari?

Valentin Inzko: These are completely separate issues and should be addressed separately.

Regarding the attack on Prime Minister Vucic, which I again use this opportunity to condemn in the strongest possible terms, I expect the BiH institutions to be proactive in finding and prosecuting the perpetrators.

Dnevni avaz: What about the referendum? Everyone has condemned the act, but no one is doing anything about it…

Valentin Inzko: Regarding the referendum issue, I find it interesting that the SNSD and its partners have chosen to once again attack the competencies of the state level institutions to deal with corruption.  Ordinary people need not only reforms to improve the socio-economic situation, but also support for all judicial authorities that must lead the fight against corruption and this includes the State-level  Court and Prosecutors Office. Clearly the way forward is to strengthen and not to weaken institutions at all levels that participate in the fight against corruption, including those at the State level. This is what the people want, regardless of where they live in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is very simple, citizens want corrupt officials and politicians going to prison.

Such attention diversions serve no other purpose but only to show the seemily endless capacity of a powerful elite to do everything for themselves, and nothing for the people and I hope that the citizens can see through those efforts.

Dnevni avaz: Is the international community being too tolerant when it comes to anti-Dayton actions coming from the RS, concretely from Dodik, which act as an obstacle for the European road of BiH?

Valentin Inzko: Over the years, the approach of international community in BiH has changed. Our firm belief is that the country’s leaders have to do their jobs  Some would argue that was a premature decision of the international community and could use, amongst other things, this most recent challenge to the DPA as an argument to support such a claim. I, on the other hand, believe that the international community cannot forever do what elected leaders willingly said are their jobs.

Dnevni avaz: What do you think will be fate of the structural dialogue on judiciary, which was initiated in 2011 precisely because identical assertions by Milorad Dodik?

Valentin Inzko: There are legal avenues within the domestic system to improve the efficiency of the judiciary at all levels. That is the proper way to address these kinds of issues. The State-level judiciary is regulated at the State-level and this is where improvements should be made.

Dnevni avaz: What is your comment on the political crisis in the FBiH, which is also somewhat of an obstacle for the European road of BiH?

Valentin Inzko: Once again, party interests have been more important than dealing with the problems citizens face. It seems that they have chosen to ignore what they were told by the citizens not least during the during the 2014 February protests. I think the view of the International Community is clear – start delivering the concrete results you have signed up to support under the Written Commitment and the reform agenda.