
Decision on the flying of the flag of BiH


Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, Chair of the Presidency
Mr. Kresimir Zubak, Member of the Presidency
Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, Member of the Presidency

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear Presidents,

I was disappointed to learn of the postponement of today’s meeting of the Standing Committee on Military Matters, scheduled to take place at the Electrotechnical facility in Lukavica. I particularly deplore the unnecessary disruption to the work of this common institution caused by the failure to observe the letter of the Law on the Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the circumstances I have been compelled to issue a ruling concerning the interpretation and enforcement of the above law, and I attach a copy for your information. I trust that this will prevent further such occurrences, and look to you to ensure that my decision on the location of the flag, following the recommendations of my staff, will be respected.

A copy of this letter will be sent to Co-Chairs and Vice Chair of the Council of Ministers as well as to the Members of the Collegia of the Parliamentary Assembly.

Sincerely yours,

Carlos Westendorp
High Representative

Ruling of the flying of the BH flag

  1. The High Representative deplores the abandonment of today’s meeting of the Standing Committee on Military Matters.
  2. The High Representative rules that all meetings of the common institutions will take place with the B-H flag officially displayed on the building in which meetings are to be held, in accordance with the Law on the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 4th February 1998. A member of the High Representative’s staff will visit each of the buildings of the common institutions and subsequently The High Representative will issue a binding decision on where the flag shall be displayed.
  3. The High Representative states that any subsequent objections and procrastination, which affects the efficient functioning of the Joint Institutions, will be considered as non-compliance.

Office of the High Representative