Keynote Speech by HR Valentin Inzko at the Conference on Dialogue and Reconciliation Organized by the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law
There are representatives here from politics and civil society and from the International Community. I know that the people in this room are open-minded, constructive, forward-looking, and committed to building a society that is inclusive and secure.
Remarks by High Representative Valentin Inzko to the United Nations Security Council
In May, I reported to this Council on the many months of efforts to build political coalitions and form the authorities at the State and Federation levels, following the October 2018 General Elections.
PDHR/Brcko District Supervisor’s Address to the Brcko District Assembly on 25 September 2019
Since February, I have had the distinct pleasure of visiting Brcko District every month and in doing so I have gotten to know many of the wonderful people of this lovely community. Today I want to talk to you about the Brcko that could be; indeed, the Brcko the people here want versus the Brcko that I have come to know the last six months.
Speech by the PDHR and Brcko Supervisor Scanlan at the Academy on the 19th Anniversary of Brcko District Police
The Brcko District Police are a driving force in promoting coordination among the police throughout the country
Remarks by High Representative Valentin Inzko to the United Nations Security Council
Before I start, I would like to take a moment to remember Lord Paddy Ashdown, who passed away in December. As High Representative, Lord Ashdown led the international community in Bosnia and Herzegovina through a critical period, implementing key provisions of the General Framework Agreement for Peace, building and strengthening the institutions cru [...]
Remarks by PDHR and Brcko Supervisor Michael Scanlan
It is an honor and a pleasure to be here today to join you in celebrating Brcko District Day
Speech by the High Representative at the Symposium on Art and Reconciliation, King’s College London
When in a given society, the political elite ceases to uphold basic standards of democracy and decency, or even tramples on these values, it has often fallen to the creative community to articulate universal values of human decency, of justice, of solidarity and of love.
Speech by Brcko Supervisor and PDHR Dennis W. Hearne at the Second Brcko District Business Forum
One aspect of the Business Forum that I would particularly like to highlight is its contribution to the community.
Remarks by High Representative Valentin Inzko to the UN Security Council
The defining political event of the last six months in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the October 7th General Elections.
HR Speech for the Opening of the Canton Sarajevo International Business Conference
Organizing an international business conference in the peak of the pre-election campaign and so close to the Election Day is courageous and visionary.