
Communique by the PIC Steering Board

Communiqué by the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council Stockholm, 21 June 2001 The PIC Steering Board met at the level of Political Directors with the High Representative in Stockholm, 21 June 2001. The Swedish EU Presidency kindly hosted the meeting. The Steering Board reviewed the High Representativeas proposals and heard representa [...]

Communique by the PIC Steering Board

Communiqué by the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council Sarajevo, 10 May 2001 The PIC Steering Board met at the level of Political Directors with the High Representative in Sarajevo, 10 May 2001. The Steering Board welcomed the opportunity to meet the members of the Council of Ministers to discuss the new Government's program in a cons [...]

Communique by the PIC Steering Board

Communiqué by the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council Brussels, 20 March 2001 The PIC Steering Board met at the level of Political Directors with the High Representative in Brussels today, March 20th 2001. The Steering Board expresses its satisfaction that new governments are finally in place in Bosnia and Herzegovina, both at the s [...]

Communique by the PIC Steering Board

Communiqué by the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council Brussels, 1 February 2001 The PIC Steering Board met at the level of Political Directors with the High Representative in Brussels, 1 February 2001. The Steering Board took note of the report on economic development in BiH presented by representatives of the IMF and the World Bank. [...]

Communique by the PIC Steering Board

Communiqué by the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council Brussels, 7 December 2000 The PIC Steering Board met at the level of Political Directors with the High Representative in Brussels, 7 December 2000. The Steering Board and the High Representative mark the forthcoming 5th anniversary of the signing of the General Framework Agreement [...]

Communique by the PIC Steering Board

Communiqué by the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council Brussels, 27 September 2000 The PIC Steering Board at the level of Political Directors met with the High Representative in Brussels, 27 September 2000. Noting the unfolding developments in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia the Steering Board agreed that the potential for a new le [...]

Communique by the PIC Steering Board

Communiqué by the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council Sarajevo, 13 July 2000 The PIC Steering Board at the level of Political Directors met with the High Representative in Sarajevo on 13 July 2000. To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the fall of Srebrenica, the members of the Steering Board expressed their sincere sympathy and cont [...]

PIC Declaration – Annex

Annex to the PIC Declaration: required actions Brussels, 23/24 May 2000 The parties are reminded that the provisions of previous PIC declarations and their annexes remain in force and are urged to meet all outstanding obligations without further delay.

Declaration of the Peace Implementation Council

Declaration of the Peace Implementation Council Brussels, 23/24 May 2000 We, the members of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and the leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), met in Brussels on 23/24 May 2000, to review progress in the implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) in BiH and to set priorities for a new acc [...]

Statement by the PIC on Freedom of the Media

Statement of the Peace Implementation Council on Freedom of the Media Brussels, 23 May 2000 The Peace Implementation Council is concerned that the recent attack against the independent media in Serbia presents a threat to regional stability and that events in Belgrade have already spilled over into Bosnia and Herzegovina, placing at risk five years [...]