
Decision on the establishment of the Brcko District of BiH

Having in mind the provisions of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (GFAP), and in particular Annexes 2 and 10 thereof; Taking into consideration the arbitration proceedings for the Brcko area which have occurred under Article V of Annex 2 of the GFAP and have now been concluded through the issuance of the Final Awa [...]

Decision imposing the Law on State Border Service

In accordance with my authority under Annex 10 of the Dayton Agreement, and recalling Article XI of the Bonn Declaration, I hereby decide that the Law on State Border Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose text appears below, enters into force with immediate effect on an interim basis, until such time as the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and H [...]

Odluka o Zakonu o Državnoj himni Bosne i Hercegovine

U skladu sa svojim ovlaštenjima prema Aneksu 10. Općeg okvirnog sporazuma za mir u Bosni i Hercegovini i članu XI Bonskog dokumenta, odlučujem da Zakon o Državnoj himni Bosne i Hercegovine stupi na snagu odmah na privremenim osnovama, dok Dom naroda ne usvoji ovaj zakon u utvrđenoj formi, bez amandmana i dodatnih uslova.

Decision on law-signing procedures in the RS during a presidential vacancy

Pursuant to my authority under Annex 10 of the General Framework for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Section XI of the Bonn Conclusions of December 1997, I take the following: DECISION Since the Constitution of Republika Srpska is silent on the question which authority will be competent to promulgate the laws duly adopted by the National Assemb [...]

Decision on the names of geographic locations for use by the Council of Ministers

In view of the request expressed by the Council of Ministers in its meeting on 25 February 1999, in regards of the Decision of Categorisation of Border Crossings, and In accordance with my authority under Annex 10 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (GFAP) and article XI of the Bonn document, I do hereby take the [...]