OHR Brcko Human Rights Department today officially announced the beginning of a public campaign against domestic violence. The Campaign will be broken into phases and will continue in various forms throughout the year. The whole project was prepared and co-ordinated as a joint effort of Brcko District Department for Health, Safety and Community Services, Brcko District Police Team on domestic violence, Brcko District Education Department, Brcko District women NGOs, and OHR Brcko Departments for Human Rights and Public Affairs.
The goal of the campaign is to point out to the problem of domestic violence, of the lack of a legal mechanism for dealing with it, and also to start a serious discussion on the social and psychological causes and effects, and to identify possible solutions.
The campaign will bring a series of events such as radio and roundtable discussions, public tribunes, seminars and lectures.
The first significant event is the public tribune to be held on 18 June 2002 at 19:00, at the Brcko Dom Kulture. The tribune will discuss origins, roots, causes and support to victims of domestic violence. Special guests of the event will be the ‘Medica’ women’s association from Zenica, the‘Lara’ women’s association from Bijeljina, the Forum of Tuzla Citizens, theBrcko District women roundtable, the Brcko District Bosniak Women Association, and the ‘Serb Sisters’ Association from Brcko.
The second stage of the campaign will be carried out by the Brcko District Health Department, represented by Ivana Gavric and Zlata Papric, who will continue the awareness campaign on domestic violence in all the local communities of Brcko District with appropriate lectures and seminars.
In the third stage, under the aegis of the Department of Education of the Brcko District, the awareness campaign will be presented within the next school year.
The public of the Brcko District and surrounding areas are is kindly invited to actively participate in the Campaign.
For further information, please, contact OHR Brcko Public Affairs Officer Suzana Pejcic at 049-205-666 or 061-133-526.