
OHR Monthly Tracker / Chronology January Econ. table

January 2001

Economic Data BiH for 3rd Quarter 2000
Source: RS and FBiH Statistical Offices

Indicator Federation of BiH Republika Srpska
Index of Industrial Production

1-9/2000 compared to av.of 1999

1-9/2000 compared to 1-9/1999


+ 5,0 %

+ 10,1 %


+ 4,0 %

+ 7,0 %

Retail Price Index

1-9/2000 compared to av.of 1999

1-9/2000 compared 1-9/1999


+ 0,9 %

+ 0,6 %


+ 11,0 %

+ 13,0 %

Average Net Salary 9/2000

Average Gross Salary 9/2000

428,42 KM

630,03 KM

289 KM

405 KM

Registered Unemployed


265.954 persons

412.767 persons

154.656 persons

(data not available)

No. of pensioners

Average pensions

273.728 persons (9/2000)

177,33 KM (9/2000)

169.822 persons (4/2000)

145,06 KM (4/2000)

Imports 1-9/2000

Exports 1-9/2000

Trade deficit 1-9/2000

Import/Export coverage

3,2 billion KM

0,9 billion KM

2,3 billion KM

28 %

1,3 billion KM

0,5 billion KM

0,8 billion KM

38 %

The Agency for statistics of Bosnia Herzegovina released recently the Statistical Bulletin 3/2000, which gives an extensive overview on the Gross domestic product of BiH of 1996 to 1999.

  1996 1997 1998 1999
Gross Domestic Product of BiH, current prices in million KM 4,192 6,367 7,244 8,014
Change in percent to previous year   + 51,9 + 13,8 + 10,6
1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 

Office of the High Representative