
Chatham House Speech by the High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch

Bosnia and Herzegovina: On its way to a modern European society? London,18 February 2000 Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honoured to have the opportunity of addressing you today, and to bring you up to date on what is going on in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In order not to sound naively optimistic, I have added - after much discussion with my colleagues - [...]

Uvodna rijec Visokog predstavnika Wolfganga Petritscha

Radni sto Pakta o stabilnosti za pitanja sigurnosti, Sarajevo, 15. februar 2000. godine Specijalni koordinatore g. Hombach, ministre vanjskih poslova g. Prlic, kopredsjedavajuci ambasadore gdjo. Turkovic, cijenjeni gosti i delegati, drago mi je sto imam priliku da dam uvodnu rijec iz perspektive mog Ureda. Tokom proteklih nekoliko sedmica sam, zaje [...]

Presentation by the High Representative Mr. Carlos Westendorp on SRT

by the High Representative, Mr. Carlos Westendorp 10 September 1997 Since this is the first time that I am addressing you, first of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Carlos Westendorp and I was born in Madrid 60 years ago. I am married and I have three children.