
Alleviating the Sufferings of Millions of BiH Citizens

This debate is long overdue – because putting Bosnia and Herzegovina back on the road to prosperity and EU integration is the number-one issue of the election campaign, and the only way to turn the economy around is to unblock reforms that must be implemented by the state authorities.

Što Europa želi od Obame

Iz perspektive Bosne i Hercegovine, naš prioritet jest da Sjedinjene Američke Države, zajedno sa svojim međunarodnim partnerima, ostanu u potpunosti angažirane u pružanju potpore zemljama zapadnog Balkana na njihovome putu ka punoj integraciji u Europsku uniju.

Column by Ambassador Bond “Srebrenica: a Six-Month Report”

Mid-way through my one-year mandate I want to report the progress that has been made – by state, entity and municipal officials and international organizations working constructively together – to improve living conditions in the Srebrenica area.