Now is the time to promote BiH’s European perspective
“The process of European integration is the necessary next step in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s post-war recovery. It is the political, economic and social instruments that can replace the executive powers of the International Community”, the High Representative and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák told parliamentarians from across Europe in Ljubljana today.
In an address to the chairpersons of the foreign affairs committees of the Parliaments of EU member states, Lajčák emphasized that the political leadership of each people is still not looking for the lowest common denominator to find a mutually acceptable solution, but clearly wants to impose its vision.
The only way to make a break from BiH’s violent past is by maintaining the focus on the EU integration agenda, Lajčák said. “The integration process, in every sense, reflects unity rather than division – it is predicated on a common undertaking to achieve clear and realizable goals that will deliver substantial benefits in the medium and long term.”
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, EU integration is the single most important goal shared by all citizens. “Now is the time to highlight and promote the country’s European perspective – the best example of conflict resolution in history”, the High Representative and EU Special Representative said.
There was no statement.
There was no statement.