10/11/2007 OHR Banja Luka

Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka

As you probably already know, OHR has received the police reform proposal by the two HDZs. We welcome their initiative and constructive role to find a solution.

The proposal has been sent to the relevant EU institutions for a more detailed assessment whether it conforms to the EU principles.

Our first impression of the paper is positive. It seems to contain sufficient detail.

On the other hand, as we have already stressed in the past, it is also important for us that any proposal – apart from its substance – should have necessary majority of relevant political parties in BiH.

The HR/EUSR, Miroslav Lajcak, will participate in the meeting of political parties, organized by HDZ and HDZ 1990, at 14:00 hours, provided that the organizers confirm the holding of the meeting. For all questions on organization of the meeting please contact the political parties.