OHR, Oleg Milisic
EUFOR, Niel MathiesonOHR
Initial Developments In Security Ministry Acknowledged
The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, acknowledged a series of initial developments in the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina today.
In a letter to Minister Tarik Sadovic, the HR/EUSR called on the Minister to ensure that progress seen during the last two weeks is maintained.
Tarik Sadovic, as the Minister responsible, must now defend the new Law on the Stay and Movement of Aliens and Asylum and amendments to the Law on Service for Foreigners Affairs through the legislative process.
The High Representative and EU Special Representative also today welcomed the steps take by the Ministry of Security to expedite administrative procedures and improve its effectiveness.
“The principle of partnership between the international community and your Ministry should be based on promoting the rule of law, you have started in the right direction,” said the HR/EUSR.
On 20 July 2007 the HR/EUSR met with BiH’s Security Minister to express his concerns over developments in the Ministry. The HR/EUSR said then that it was essential for the Ministry to enjoy the full confidence of all who live in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
HR/EUSR In Trebinje
The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, is in Trebinje today.
Right now he is meeting with PSC Chief, Goran Zubac, and Commander of BiH Border Police unit in Trebinje, Radoslav Cickovic.
This afternoon he will meet Vladika Grigorije and Imam Husein Hodzic, before participating in a a public debate with representative of local NGO’s, civic associations and entrepreneurs.
At the end of his visit to Trebinje, the High Representative and EU Special Representative will give a live interview to Radio “Korona” where he will also answer questions put to him by the general public.
Details of all these events are available from the OHR/EUSR press office.
There was no statement.