12/16/2008 OHR / EUSR

To Continue in the Spirit of Prud Agreement


Continuing his consultations with the party leaders behind the Prud agreement of 8 November, the High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, met today with SDA party President Sulejman Tihic.

Welcoming the willingness to find compromise and domestic solutions shown the leaders of the SDA, the HDZ and the SNSD the High Representative and EU Special Representative said that the reforms promised by the agreement would “build the ability of the State to meet the requirements of the EU integration process”.

HR/EUSR welcomed Mr. Tihic’s confirmation that the three party leaders intend to consolidate the progress made in Prud.

The HR/EUSR and SDA party President Tihic today also discussed current political issues including the BiH Budget.