In light of the fact that the new academic year resumes on Monday, the OHR is following with grave concern the situation in the primary and secondary schools in Stolac. Neither of the school Principals have been formally appointed. In neither case has adequate arrangements for the children of the returning displaced persons and refugees to attend classes under normal conditions been made. In other words, conditions for the primary school returnee children have not improved in comparison to the previous academic year. The secondary school students still have no access to the secondary school premises. The Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Ms. Mirjana Dujmovi}, has made clear in writing to the acting Principals to provide adequate conditions for all primary and secondary school pupils resident in Stolac. The OHR (S), therefore, hopes and expects that, even at this late stage, the authorities responsible for education in Stolac will fulfill the obligations placed upon them by Herzgovina-Neretva Canton Minister Dujmovic. Educating the children of BiH together to meet the challenges of their common future is a vital part of the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s progress on its way to Europe.