The High Representative today appointed an international adviser at Radio Television Bosnia and Herzegovina who will assist with the restructuring of the television network.
The High Representative selected Tomaz Perovic of Slovenia for his extensive experience as a manager and producer of current affairs programming as well as for his familiarity with broadcasting in the region.
The appointment follows the recently agreed Memorandum of Understanding on the restructuring of RTV BiH which was endorsed by members of the Presidency and the Trade Union of RTV BiH. Perovic, as agreed in the MOU, will serve as the international member of an interim Board of Governors and will seek to attract financial and technical assistance for the network. The interim board is expected to be ratified by the High Representative this week following nominations made by the Presidency.
The High Representative strongly believes that the establishment of genuine public broadcasting throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina is crucial to promoting pluralism and a lasting peace. Television and radio paid for by taxpayers must be free from direct political control and display transparency in its governance and financial management.
The International Community has fully supported the High Representative’s effort to launch reform of public broadcasting and has called for the reorganisation of RTV BiH in accordance with the highest European standards.
Short Biography of Tomaz Perovic
Perovic was born in November, 1959 in Maribor. He graduated in 1985 from the Faculty of Sociology, Political Science and Journalism in Ljubljana. Perovic worked as a journalist for Television Slovenia and later worked as editor-in-chief of a television magazine programme, Studio Ljubljana, which later became known as Studio City. In 1994, he launched a current affairs programme entitled “Pro et Contra” for TV Slovenia. For the past three years, Perovic has served director of news and sports programming at Slovenia’s first commerical network, POP TV.
He recently published a book, “Television News”. Perovic is a lecturer at the University of Ljubljana.