05/10/2002 OHR Brcko

The Arizona Market Contract is Clear, Binding and Just

The Supervisor of Brcko, Henry L. Clarke, has written to a representative of several owners of private land within the area of the Arizona Market, and pointed out that their ownership rights will be respected, but will not be allowed to interfere with the contract between the Brcko District Government and Italproject.

The Contract on the Right of Construction, Financing, Designing and Managing of Arizona Market, between Brcko District Government and the ‘Italproject’ company was signed on 21 December 2001, following a long and transparent process of public tendering and bid soliciting.  The process was open for all interested parties and residents of the District to become involved and to comment. 

According to the contract, Italproject has the right to develop and manage any land within the boundaries of the Arizona Market, as defined by an approved Regulatory Plan. Italproject has prepared such a plan and presented it to the Brcko District Assembly. When the Regulatory Plan is approved by the Assembly, the District Government will take the necessary steps to fulfill the terms of the contract and enforce the Plan. Privately owned land within its boundaries will be subject to appropriate zoning and expropriation as provided by law.   The present landowners can best protect their business interests in Arizona Market by entering into contracts with Italproject. 

Development of the Arizona Market, with new infrastructure and commercial buildings, will greatly improve the health, safety and quality of life for everyone doing business there.  The Supervisor expects that the reconstruction will lead to an overall increase in business, which will increase employment, incomes, and tax payments,  to the benefit of Brcko District and the surrounding region.   These benefits to the public and to business interests deserve everyone’s support.

For more information, please contact OHR Public Affairs Officer Suzana Pejcic at 049-205-666 or 061-133-526.