11/12/2003 Brcko

Supervisory Order on the Revocation of the Appointment of Sinisa Kisic to the Position of Mayor of the Brcko District of BiH, and Ismet Dedeic to the Position of Head of Department of Urbanism, Real Estate Affairs and Economic Development


In accordance with thepowers vested in me in paragraph 37 of the Brcko Final Arbitral Award of March 5, 1999, and paragraph 3 of the Annex of August 18, 1999;

Recalling the Supervisory Order of March 8, 2000, appointing Sinisa Kisic Mayor of the Brcko District and Ismet Dedeic Head of Department of Urbanism, Real Estate Affairs and Economic Development in the Interim Government of the Brcko District;

Following the confirmation by the Brcko District Basic Court of the indictments against Sinisa Kisic and Ismet Dedeic, for abuse of office and inflicting material damage to the Brcko District in the implementation of Entity laws pertaining to the construction of rooftop apartments on public buildings;

Without prejudice to the final outcome of the criminal procedure against the abovementioned officials and with confidence in the independence and impartiality of the Brcko District Judiciary;

Emphasizing that this order is not admissible as evidence in the criminal procedure against the above-mentioned officials;

With the aim to ensure that the Interim Government of the Brcko District retains its reputation and integrity in the exercise of its duties and continues focusing on the demanding task of implementing the Final Award and integrating the area;

I hereby order that:

1. The appointments of Sinisa Kisic to the position of Mayor of Brcko District and Ismet Dedeic to the position of Head of Department of Urbanism, Real Estate Affairs and Economic Development are revoked.

2. The Deputy Mayor shall take over his statutory functions as Acting-Mayor and shall designate an Acting-Head of Department of Urbanism, Real Estate Affairs and Economic Development from among the Heads of Divisions of the Department until I have appointed a new Mayor and Head of Department.

3. This order shall have immediate effect and shall be published in the Brcko District Official Gazette.  No further procedural steps are required to give effect to this Order. 


Gerhard Sontheim
Acting Supervisor of Brcko
Office of the High Representative