01/31/2008 OHR Brcko

Supervisor Welcomes Adoption of Code of Conduct by Brcko Assembly

Brcko Supervisor Raffi Gregorian today congratulated the Brcko District Assembly on the adoption of the Code of Conduct for Councilors of the Assembly of the Brcko District of BiH. This code draws upon  codes of European parliaments, developed in a long democratic tradition.   With the adoption, the Assembly identifies itself with, and commits itself to, such standards. The code also introduces an internal disciplinary mechanism to sanction infractions and violations of the Code.

Article 25 of the Statute of Brcko District requires that “Councilors must conduct their public life in an exemplary, appropriate and ethical manner, performing their duties in accordance with their conscience and for the exclusive welfare of the District and Bosnia and Herzegovina.” The Code elaborates on this provision of the Statute.

The Supervisor stressed that the District residents are entitled to proper and lawful behaviorof those they elect and whose salaries they pay for from their taxes. The newly adopted Code of Conduct empowers District residents to initiate a procedure against a councilor for violations of the Code.

Supervisor Gregorian commends the efforts of the Assembly’s Committee on the Code of Conduct. He hopes that it will contribute to ensuring the highest standards of service to District residents, and to maintaining public confidence in the District as a politically stable and economically attractive administrative unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina.