02/15/2008 OHR Brcko

Supervisor Gregorian Removes Two Members of the Brčko District Police


Brcko Supervisor Raffi Gregorian today issued Supervisory Orders dismissing Mr. Slobodan Katanic and Mr. Djordje Popovic from their positions in the Brcko District Police.

He issued his orders after the Appellate Commission ruled that the Disciplinary Commission’s decisions to terminate the employment of Mr. Katanic and Mr. Popovic from the Brcko District Police included procedural flaws.  As there was no indication that the substance of the decision to terminate employment was in question, Supervisor Gregorian determined it was in the best interests of the District and of the Brcko District Police to remove both men from office.  To do otherwise would have led to a protracted process during which the morale and performance of the police would have been further damaged.

As the Supervisor earlier emphasized, he was prepared to remove Mr. Katanic and Mr. Popovic from their positions in the Brcko District Police for a long time, but previously refrained from issuing removal orders because the Brcko Chief of Police said he would try to get both officers to improve their behavior or, failing that, to subject them to the established disciplinary procedure.

There was ample reason to order the removals. For more than a year, Supervisor Gregorian had received substantiated reports of Mr. Katanic’s and Mr. Popovic’s official misconduct, serious breaches of duty, lack of professionalism, inadequate professional performance, and other actions that undermine the effectiveness of the Brcko Police.

The Supervisor notes that the Brcko Tribunal placed critical importance on the establishment of a professional, multi-ethnic, democratically oriented, and accountable police force in the Brcko District. Upholding the highest standards of professionalism and impartiality in the Brcko District police, in particular amongst its senior managers, is essential to promote public confidence in the Brcko District police.