01/13/2009 OHR Brcko

Supervisor Calls for Concentration Government in Brcko District


Supervisor of Brcko District Dr. Raffi Gregorian called for the formation of a “concentration government” in Brcko after the constitutive session of the Brcko District Assembly again postponed a vote on the Assembly speaker, deputy speaker, and District mayor.  He issued the call after being informed that all councilors have signed a declaration supporting the awards of the Brcko Arbitral Tribunal and calling on the Bosnia and Herzegovina Parliamentary Assembly to adopt additions to the constitution necessary to end Supervision.

“By signing up to this declaration, I believe the dilemmas that for some parties may have been preventing formation of a legitimate government have now been removed,” said Supervisor Gregorian.  Discussions since October 5, 2008 related to a variety of governing coalitions have led nowhere.  “I therefore call on all parties to engage in intensive efforts to form a ‘concentration government’ that will be able to handle the various challenges facing the District,” he said after meeting with list leaders of key parties in the Assembly. “There is no time to waste,” he stressed.

The Supervisor took this opportunity to remind all parties that it would be best if the Assembly appoints all new—preferably younger—people to executive government positions, people with demonstrated expertise in the related field of proposed appointment.

With regard to the session itself, the Supervisor was critical of the unexcused departure of several councilors and the president pro tempore, a move that shows disrespect for fellow councilors and is contrary to the District Assembly’s code of conduct.  “I expect councilors from all parties to behave in accordance with their legal obligations, and demonstrate respect and common courtesy for their colleagues from whatever political option they may be,” said Supervisor Gregorian.