The OHR urges the BiH Council of Ministers to finally appoint the Director and senior management of the State Border Service at its session tomorrow.
The SBS has been without leadership since 17 July due to undue political interference in the work of the Council of Ministers. As the world struggles with the threat of terrorism and BiH tries to tackle endemic organized crime and seeks a softening of visa regimes for BiH citizens traveling abroad , the lack of management in the SBS has become critical.
The High Representative made it clear earlier this week that if the Council of Ministers does not succeed in resolving this issue, he will be forced to intervene.
The current impasse – caused by political interference – has prevented appointments to other top-level management posts in the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and in the SBS. The Civil Service Agency candidate selection process has been completed for SIPA’s Deputy Director and the heads of the Criminal Investigation Department and the Internal Control Department. Other than the Director, the SBS Deputy and Assistant Directors also need to be appointed.