Sarajevo, 30 May 1996
I have been informed by the authorities of Republika Srpska that, on the basis of Paragraph 2 of Article 80 of the Constitution of the RS, Vice-President Prof. Dr. Biljana Plavsic has from 20 May been entrusted with performing tasks of the President of the RS in the domain of international relations and the implementation of the Peace Agreement as well as other entrusted tasks.The paragraph of the RS Constitution under which this arrangement has been made says that it can be used by the President to ask Vice-President to “assist” in different duties. I note that Paragraph 3 of the same Article makes it possible to have one of them “replace” the President if he or she is temporarily unable to fulfil the functions of the Presidency.
It is obvious that the international community cannot accept contacts with Prof. Dr. Plavsic in her function as “assisting” a person who is seeking to hang on to public office in clear violation of the Peace Agreement.
The Office of the High Representative and the international community look forward to continuing close operation with all the local as well as central authorities of Republika Srpska in order to ensure the full implementation of the Peace Agreement.