PIC Ambassadors Endorse Brcko Constitutional Amendment
Meeting today in Sarajevo, the Ambassadors of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council fully endorsed the proposed Constitutional amendment on Brcko District. The amendment will ensure that Brcko’s status, as defined by the awards of the Arbitral Tribunal, is enshrined and protected in the Constitution, and it will provide Brcko with effective and direct access to the Constitutional Court.
Ambassadors noted that the proposed amendment does not change the status of the Brcko District in any way, and that the amendment does not affect the organization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but it will contribute to safeguarding Brcko’s status as a multiethnic unit of local self-government, and that its passage will contribute to BiH’s European perspective.
The constitutional amendment is the result of significant discussions and agreement among a broad spectrum of parties. It has the unanimous support of all 31 councillors of the Brcko District Assembly.
Ambassadors of the Peace Implementation Council’s Steering Board today underscored that adoption of this amendment will be a positive signal to the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council.